Viral Infections :: Fever, Suddenly Nauseated And Puking Bile

Dec 20, 2014

I've had a sore throat, and an on and off fever for four days.

At one point it got to 102 degrees, but I took fever reducer and a cold bath, and it quickly went away.

And while my fever has come back several times, it hasn't gone over 100.8 since.

So far I hadn't had any stomach pain and never felt dizzy or nauseated, until suddenly just now after eating some tomato soup, I got light headed and puked like a quart of bile, but not my food.

Now My ears burn and they trickled a little bit of clear sticky liquid [pretty sure it was bile], and everything looks a little blurry because my eyes won't stop watering.

I'm pretty sure my fever's gone, but I can't balance well enough to make my way to the thermometer to check for certain.

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Viral Infections :: On And Off Fever With Sore Throat

I have seasonal allergies, although, this may not be that case, because this year I have not had allergies.

I have had a BAD sore throat, and it really tends to hurt when I swallow. I've taken cough drops, honey, salt water rinses, tylenol and ibuprofen, and even gargled my prescription Lidocaine for numbing, and none of its working. I can't post a picture because I don't know how right now, but my throat is red, but no pus spots, no swollen tonsils, or anything else seems wrong. My sore throat has been accompanied by a fever that comes and goes, and a headache that lasts and day and goes, then comes back, and goes again. Is there anything I can take for what is going on, and can you tell me what I might have?

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Viral Infections :: Fever Of 102+ And A Rash That Felt Like A Bruise

My husband woke up with ice cold hands and feet last night and was shivering like crazy with a temp of 99.7. At about 1:30 pm, he came home with a fever of 102+. He also has a rash on his leg that is hot the touch and he says it feels like a bruise.

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Viral Infections :: Fever Broke And I Woke Up Sweating With A Red Rash

Last night I started getting a cold, so I took a shower and went to bed. On the middle of the night my fever broke and I woke up sweating really badly. Well I noticed an itchy sensation by my pubic area and when I looked I had a red rash all on my pubic area up to parts of the hair on my stomach. I even have a small rash on my thigh. It looks like it's only where hair is at. It is like bright red and it feels like it might have something in it, like you can feel the rash. I was hoping you could give me an idea of what it is?

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Viral Infections :: Severe Cough With Feelings Want To Vomit

I've been suffering this type of cough for a month. I've got doctor medication, but seemed like not very helpful. When I cough after eating, I always feel like want to vomit. That feels totally horrible. The first week when I started to show a cough symptoms, I don't mind it that much as I think it's a seasonal flu. But after a while, it doesn't seem to get away. Is there any clue of what might had invade my body, maybe some kind of virus, or even parasit? Also, I had a bronchitis when I was 17. I am 20 now.

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Viral Infections :: Strep Throat Twice, Antibiotics Won't Work

I have been diagnosed with strep throat twice i took my antibiotics but i still have constant sore throats and also on my throat wall i have a pretty large lump that really worries me i've had it for some time now it doesn't hurt but looks bad.

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Viral Infections :: Sore Throat (feels Like Something Stuck In There)

I've had a sore throat today that mildly hurts, and feels like somethings stuck in my throat. Looking at it it has red and white bumps in the back of my throat, my tonsils are swollen and look raw? There bright blood red patches along with white stringy spots, it doesn't look like strep, but I have occasionally through the years have had random moments when my throat swells up, I also get sore throats a lot the last couple of months. Anyone know what it is?

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Viral Infections :: Recurring Sore Throat And Fatigue

I'm really worried. I'm an 18 year old male. I'm studying for my final exams and I'm having some serious problems with my health.

I got a strep throat in October. It was treated with antibiotics and it passed and I was severely ill. In December I had appendicitis and they were removed. I then had 3 sore throat and serious fatigue episodes in January March and right now. At the moment my tonsils are inflamed and I'm seriously fatigued and feel run down. I'm waiting on my results of blood tests. My recent esr test was 70mm/ph. I'm getting the rest of the results Wednesday.

Has anyone had problems like this before ? I'm really worried and I have my finals in a few weeks.

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Viral Infections :: Forced Vomiting After A Severe Episode Of Coughing

I'm recovering after a really bad flu. I am still coughing really bad and dry. This morning after a severe episode of coughing i ended up vomitting. Because i had nothing in my stomach i was only spitting and forcing my stomach into vomiting. After it ended i spit a little blood. What can it be and to whom should i address myself?

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Viral Infections :: 3 Years Old Has Mouth Sores, Bad Breath And Temperature

I have a 3 year old girl she has very bad mouth sores bad breath and a temp what could it be

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Viral Infections :: Tired, Cold, And Headache Several Times A Year, Lasts Days

I sometimes and very suddenly become very tired(unable to sit), cold back, and headache. These symptoms would appear 3 to 4 times a year and last 10 to 11 days and then disappear as quickly as they came. Last year or so they came more often but most of time last only 4 to 5 hours. Blood test reveals nothing.

I might add I have 3 to 4 sinus infections a year and have yellow nail syndrome.

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Infections :: Lymph Node, Nausea And Fever Possibly Due To TB Medicines

I had a swollen lymph node on my neck side, accompanied by fever. In 2 weeks, the lymph node cured on its own but the fever was not going, so i went to the doctor. The doctor performed test on my skin and the test reacted, it was red 15 mm. The doctor told me it was tuberculosis, but I don't have any cough or TB symptoms. I only have fever. He gave me 6 month TB medicine. I am taking isoniazid and other medicine for 2 days, but it makes me more sick with nausea and fever. What should I do? Should I take it ? Do I have TB really? My lymph node cured on its own.

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Viral Infections :: Cough Syrup Suppresses The Cough?

I am at the end of a cold (2 weeks)and I have a bad chesty cough. I'm up in the night like a cat with a furball.

I saw my doctor who advised to use honey and lemonade, and Vicks vapour rub, but said to stop using the covonia chesty cough syrup, as it suppresses the cough.

Is that correct ? I always believe it contained ingredients to help break down the congestion.

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Menopause :: Do Mild Hot Flashes Feel Like You Have A Fever Without A Fever?

I previously posted about my night sweats but now I have a new symptom. Mostly in the morning, my forehead and sometimes my face feels hot but I don't have a fever. In fact my temp. will be a degree below normal. My body will feel a little warm but not as much as my face and forehead. Does this sound like mild hot flashes?

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Sertraline :: Stopping Propranolol Suddenly?

I've been taking propranolol since the end of March - just 10 mg per day and then I've been taking 50mg sertraline per day for 3 weeks. I had been complaining of awful neck pains and general muscle aches but today, I forgot to take my propranolol and the aches and pains haven't been there. Has anyone else stopped taking propranolol suddenly? Can this have a bad reaction as I was on such a low dose?

I have been getting hot/warm sensations inside around my chest and different parts of my body for the past couple of days also, is this a part of the sertraline effects?

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Migraines :: Why Am I So Sensitive To Smells Suddenly?

I am a 54 year old female who has suffered from migraines most of my adult life. Smells have been a trigger for them. Lately I smell things no one else does and always followed by a migraine.

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Gallbladder :: Removed, Bile Leakage?

So I'm a healthy 29 year old female. I had gallbladder issues and they removed it last week.

Well last night I tried to lay flat in bed to sleep and I felt comfortable enough to (for the first time since the surgery, I've been sleeping reclined since). Anyways, I fell asleep. I suddenly woke an hour or 2 later because I seemed to have breathed in too deeply and that caused a very bad burning pain in my upper right quadrant of my abdomen. The pain caused a rush of heat through my body and ever since I've had kind of a burning feeling in my abdomen. I'm very worried about a bile leakage. I'm waiting for my surgeons office to open this morning...

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Depression :: Stopping Sertraline Suddenly - On Low Dose Currently

I'd been taking 25mg of Sertraline every day for two years for depression. My doctor and I were planning to try to wean me off this summer. But I moved, and so I found a new doctor. However, this one wanted to keep me on the meds and increased my dose. I've been taking 50mg once a day for about two months. But now the new doctor wants me to switch to Wellbutrin. He says I can stop the Sertraline immediately and switch over because I'm on such a low dose. But I'm wondering if that's a good idea. My original doctor had wanted to wean me off the 25mg, and I've noticed that I get really weepy if I miss a dose accidentally.

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome :: Flatulence Smells Like Bile

This is pretty self explanatory but I have IBS and occasionally I get more regular than normal flatulence that smells very similar to bile... I can't seem to find an answer on google.  Has this happened to anyone?

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BAM (bile Acid Malabsorption) And Nasty Taste In Mouth

If any of you suffer from BAM? and if you do do you get a dreadful taste before a bad attack of D? I know that when that taste comes I can't go anywhere except to the nearest toilet.

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Mirena Coil - Suddenly Having Crazy Hormones And Bleeding

I've had the mirena coil for just under 2 years. After the initial bleeding my periods more or less stopped I just had the odd light period every few months or so. However, the last 2 month my hormones have been all over the show. Some things are TMI to say on here but I had a light period for about 3 days and then 2 weeks later I came on again and it's now day 9 or 10 of bleeding, it is only light but my boobs have been sore for weeks and there's no signs of it stopping. My coil is still in place so no worries about it being dislodged. I was just wondering if anyone else had been fine with the mirena and then suddenly having crazy hormones and bleeding etc.


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