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Recently Indexed Messages:-

Nervous System :: Intermittent Pains In Different Parts Of My Brain/skull For 3 Weeks Now

I've tried about 3 other boards and seems like 100's of site but I cannot find anyone with similar symptoms to what I have. On feb 14, I got a huge euphoric feeling in my head, followed by rapid heart rate, tingling in my fingers and toes, and a feeling that I was going to have a mental breakdown. I went to the ER and got blood pressure/blood sugar/EKG test and a physical test and they determined I was fine and gave me Ativan to take. The next day I started feeling pains in my head that would last for 2-5 seconds and then go away, come back in a different spot later. They hit me anywhere from in my brain, in my sinus (although no sinus pain since Monday), different parts of my skull and on the sides of my head. Most of the pains are on the skull (bone). I mentioned to my doc and he switched me to clonazepam and told me to come back in two weeks to see if I need an MRI.

That appt is next Wednesday and as it has been 3 weeks of the pain not getting better or worse I'm almost positive I'll still have it by then. On a side note, in the past my headaches were in my brain and would be a constant pain for a few hours, and would only come ones a month or so. These pains are not nearly as painful and do not last for more than 20 seconds, but they happen at all times of the day (although in he morning I can lay in bed for a half hour and have no pain, then they come shortly after i get up. I've looked at brain tumour symptoms and I don't really have any of them, the pain is light, my cognitive skills are the same, no nausea, dizziness, etc. The only thing I have is chronic anxiety because of the pains and the fact that they could be something serious. So basically, should I try to get an MRI before meeting my family doc next week? I live in Canada so everything is covered.

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Son Has Trouble Sleeping At Night - Phenergan Doesn't Work

My six yr old son has trouble sleeping at nite he goes to bed at seven colours until half seven and still awake at 9.45 on sometimes. I've tried meds from the doc phenergan that don't work.

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How Long Paroxetine Hydrochloride Withdrawal Lasts?

It's been 10 days. Occasionally i take half my dose when i feel too dizzy.Overall i feel good but i sense a general malaise and dizziness.I cannot exercise as much etc.So how long will it last?

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Herbal Medicines To Cure Depression?

I've been taking anti depression meds for years. now, and none of them have been helping. All they've accomplished to do is cause some bad side effects. I've heard that there are certain type of herbs that can help with many of the same issues as anti depression meds. One of them I've been reading up on and taking is rhodiola root extract. It's supposed to be good for depression, anxiety, among others. What I want to know is if anyone of you ever use any type of herbs? If so can you get away with using just one type of herb to do its work, or do you have to combine it or is it a must that you combine it with other herbs? I hope I can get some feedback from someone that's actually using it by experience. I've learned throughout the yrs. that they are the only ones that can give you a straight answer.

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Dysphagia :: Tiny Pieces Of Chewed Food Getting Stuck

I'm having a very weird problem for past week. tiny bits of chewed food when i swallow gets stuck back of my throat and takes time and effort to go down. However the problem of swallowing is not there with big chunk of food :S(when i swallow food without chewing much it will be fine.)
Also there is some pain like sore throat..

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GERD (acid Reflux) :: Has My Fundoplication Failed?

Hi everyone. I have been suffering from terrible reflux for about 2 and a half years. It's done about everything I can think of from given me insomnia to rejecting medicine, which has sent me to the ER countless times. I finally got a fundoplication, which has only seemed to work for about a month. My reflux is back with a vengeance, causing me to be up all night with a fire in my stomach and a complete loss of apetite, with an almost constant feeling of nausea. The only reason I can think why it's failed is either it's relaxed or my constant gagging from an irritated throat (which is terrible) disrupted it. Anyone have any thoughts on this?? I've suffered enough from this, and I need to get my life back on track.

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Pernicious Anaemia :: B12 Tablets In Between Injections ?

my son was diagnosed with B12 a year ago he got the 6 booster jabs last September he had been getting sore heads that were lasting up to 8 weeks his joints ache his shoulders and neck are really sore he was getting ear infections had 10 in last 6 months pins and needles in his hands and feet he is sleeping about 15 to 18 hours a day they started to give him 3 monthly jabs and after 6 month put him on monthly also done a blood test went back to get his second monthly jab but said his b12 levels were normal so put him back to 3 monthly but he could hardly get out of bed they have now put him back to monthly jabs which are only lasting a week if that asked if they could be given weekly the doctor said he would not be happy giving the jabs sooner he got his last jab on the 17 sep and its only lasted till yesterday the are treating him for chronic migraines and now telling me they think it is ME I am sick getting put of by doctors as my son has no life now and i was wondering if I could give him tablets in between jobs because when he first gets his b12 jabs the symptoms all disappear and he gets a week of feeling a lot better but they won't listen

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Sore Lump On The Back Of My Head, Just Above Hairline

I have a lump on the back of my head, just above the hairline, I believe i've had this lump for quite a while although now i keep touching it making it sore. It's small, kind of flat and hurts when i prod it a lot (which i probably shouldn't do.) I also have one behind my ear which i've had for about four years now. Doctors don't seem to be concerned and just told me to forget about it and that isn't normal to feel lumps and bumps on my body but, googling, i keep finding things relating to the dreaded C word, and slow growing lymphoma, which is just refuelling my anxiety about them.

They haven't grown, changed in this time and they rarely hurt, although I believe they once did a while back when I first noticed them. No other symptoms such as fever, night sweats, unintended weight loss etc, yet I don't know how to not worry about them?? I had terrible eczema as a child so I'm not sure whether that could have contributed to it.

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Thyroid Disorders :: Hair Loss With Levothyroxine

Hi everyone! I am totally new to this group and excited to get input from everyone! I'll try and give you a quick synopsis of the past year and a half for me when I gave birth to my first child....

Initially I felt fine, until about 4 months after I gave birth.  I had initially lost all the baby weight and then I started gaining again, had major brain fog, dry skin, cold, crazy water retention and bloated face, unmotivated, etc.  all the usual symptoms.  In February I was diagnosed with Hashimotos by my regular doctor and here are my levothyroxine dosages and blood results since...

Feb 2015    Tsh 269.    T4. <0.11.  T3. <20.      (No meds yet...initial blood work)
Apr 2015.    Tsh 156.    T4.   0.45.  T3.  42.       (25 mcg)
May 2015.   Tsh 6.69.   T4.  1.83.   T3.  96.       (75 mcg)
Sept 2015.   Tsh 2.89.   T4.  1.59.                      (100 mcg)
Oct 2015.     Tsh 8.61.                                         (75 mcg)
Nov 2015.    Tsh 1.21.                                         (100 mcg)
Feb 2016.     Tsh 2.36.                                         (100 mcg)

So my original Doctor began my levothyroxine regimen at 25 mcg for 6 weeks. I immediately felt much better even though my numbers were still going crazy.  He upped my dosage twice then sent me to an endocrinologist.  Both agreed that my numbers were so bad it could not be postpartum hypothyroidism and I had probably had this for a long time undiagnosed and the pregnancy made it officially just turn off.  In October we lowered the dosage to double check this theory and I felt terrible and my numbers changed right away so my endo put my meds right back up.

Now, hair loss was actually never one of my initial symptoms and I am convinced that it began when i started my medication, but both doctors insist that it's my body getting used to the meds and my levels getting better and better. My endo thought perhaps it's was especially bad because I was also experiencing postpartum hair loss.  But at this point it is now a full year since I have been diagnosed and on medication.  Coupled with the hair loss I also started getting serious joint pain, but again my endo said I was adjusting and this was a common symptom of hypothyroidism.  

So basically, I am wondering how after a year of medication I would still be experiencing symptoms with levels that are now perfectly fine? Unless it was related to the medication??....I feel very guilty bringing it up all the time to my doctor because I know I should be glad that the huge issues of brain fog, concentration and mood are generally good (I still say I am not exactly myself yet).  I feel silly bringing up something cosmetic but it is so depressing to look in the mirror.  I hate doing my hair, washing it, sometimes just running my fingers through my hair I get five more.  Even though now I can say it's less, it's definitely still happening and I don't see any new growth.  But, on the flip side, hair loss is associated with adjusting to armour and I am terrified to lose any more.

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Cardiovascular :: Premature Beats - Heart Stopping And Restarting Itself?

I have premature beats, a bit of tachycardia, and valve problems in upper and lower chambers and a distorted aorta.  Recently (only at night - so that may be the reason), I am woken up by a huge breath and my chest is being thrown forward - well thats what it seems like?  Could this be the heart stopping and restarting or perhaps just sleep apnea?

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