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Ford - Escape :: 2001 - At Start Up Idles While Sat For Long Periods Of Time

I have a 2001 Ford Escape XLT V6 4X4. About 3 months ago I started to experience rough idle in the morning. It went a away for a month or so, but it is back now. I noticed that it occurs primarily after the vehicle has sat for long periods of time. More than 10 hours, give or take, and it happens, less than 10 and it generally doesn't. When the issue does occur it sometimes almost stalls. I can tell the computer attempts to make up for it usually. The check engine light came on originally but hasn't since, a mechanic could not pull any code and could not reproduce. The issue disappears within 3 to 5 minutes usually after everything seems to warm up. I'm had regular maintenance and I am an 75k. I've even tried using gas additives and tried a high grade of gasoline to no avail.

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Isuzu - Rodeo :: Oil Change Resulted In Need For New Engine

I am having to replace my 94 isuzu rodeo engine because after my oil was changed by a shop, the oil pan plug came out on the freeway and the engine seized up.

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Prius (2001-03) :: AC Light Flashing / Fan Still Working And Air Became Hot More Than Outside Temp

I bought a used Toyota Prius last winter and when the weather became hot I tried to use my AC and it worked well for a while before the Ac light FLASHING and then the AC doesn't work but the fan still working and the air became hot more than the outside temperature !! And that only happen when the weather temperature is 30c or over !! So I took it an AC tech and he told me he couldn't do anything to it because it's a hybrid car and it uses 600W Ac, so I took it to the Toyota dealer and they looked at it and they didn't know what is the exact problem so they told me I need to change the clutch relay and if it didn't work then I need to change the Magnetic Clutch.

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Chevrolet - Malibu :: RMPs Shoot Up When In Park

I have a 2000 Chevy Malibu (187K mi). Last year I was driving to work (24 mi one way) and noticed when I came to a stoplight the car seemed to be really hard to stop. When the light turned green and I let off the brake, it jumped forward pretty hard then continued on the way. Once I got to the parking lot and put it in to park, the RPM's went WAY up to around 3K the second I put it in park. It did this on and off for a week or so, one time getting so high in park I was scared to drive it. It was really sporadic. It quit for a day or two, then started again. I finally took it to a transmission shop...a national chain that is supposed to be good.

After 2 weeks they still didn't know what was wrong, charged me $500 for looking at it...didn't fix ANYTHING and it's been fine for almost a year. The only thing they charged me for was hooking it up to their computer and doing diagnostics. They said they were going to have someone test each wire one by one because it was showing a computer malfunction. However they did not actually do any work on the car. Just tests. I got it back and it worked fine for some reason. Now it's started to do it again. Rev'd really high, up to 2K when I put it in park last night..but today it's been fine. What could this be, and who do I trust?

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Sebring - Chrysler - Computers :: Won't Restart After Wait For 1 Hour?

My car would start, drive some 35 miles, and after a wait of an hour, wouldn't start again. The battery was replaced and the next day, same problem. The alternator and starter test fine and I am told that the problem is in the "computer" - the security system is telling the auto lockup to occur. The red security light on the dashboard does come on after driving a short distance. I am told the "computer" will cost about $1100. Does this sound like the probable cause and a reasonable cost to repair?

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Toyota - Camry - Batteries :: 1996 - Won't Start Easily - Makes Noise When Trying To Start

I have a 1996 Toyota Camry with 200k miles on it. It has been giving me trouble starting for a while and I was advised to replace my battery during my last oil change. The problem is when I try to start it does not start for a while. It makes a noise and tiisssssss and stop. tissssss and stop. But then third or fourth try, it works. I installed a new battery and I am still having the same problem. One cold day, it never started no matter how many times I tried. My roommate who is an aerospace engineering PhD candidate came out of the apartment with a teapot full of how water and poured it onto the terminals. For record, terminals are clean. When he did that, it worked.

What is wrong with car?

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Starting - Acura - Integra :: No Sound Indicating To Turn Over When Key Turned In Ignition

I have a 1989 Acura Integra standard shift. Without any pattern, the car won't start. All the lights come on when I turn the key but there is no sound indicating it trying to turn over. If I leave it alone for a little while, it will often start. By the way, this never happens in the morning even in below freezing temperatures.

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Dodge - Dynasty :: 1992 Won't Start Once Engine Gets Warmed Up

'92 Dynasty is a good runner, but, once the engine gets warmed up, I shut off the engine at my own risk. If the car sits for a while with the hood open, it will start again, but attempting to start immediately after shutting off will result in the engine spinning over but no sounds of attempted ignition. It seems that once the coil is cooled down to slightly more than body temp the engine will start like nothing was wrong.

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Toyota - Rav4 - Transmissions :: 2001 - Car Revs To 4K Rpm Without Moving / Hesitate Then Drive

I have a 2001 RAV4 4WD. I gave the car to my sister. When she and other family members drive it, the car revs to 4K rpm without moving, hesitate, then drives. It is dangerous to merge. I know there is a bulletin on this problem for model years 2001 to 2003, and Toyota will replace the ECU and transmission, if damaged, extending the warranty to 150K miles or 10 years (the car has 108K miles, and approaching 10 years). However, no engine light and no code shows up.

We took it to 2 transmission specialists; both will not touch the transmission because they (independent of each other) feel it's the ECU. (We have used them in the past for other cars.) We then took it to 2 Toyota dealerships; Toyota won't fix it, recommends replacing the transmission. We are stuck because we can't get answers and can't get any solutions to our problem.

We called Toyota; the Toyota case worker has been useless, says he sees nothing wrong with the car and said it's safe to drive (it's not, especially when merging). Both local transmission specialists said they would not drive the car in that condition. Right now it's sitting in the driveway, totally useless.

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Dodge - Engines - Timing-belts - Pump - Neon - Belts :: 1995 - Squeaking Noise - Blown Timing Belt?

I've got my sister's 1995 Dodge Neon with the 2.0L SOHC. While driving it recently I heard a horrible squeaking noise then a ZZZZZZzzzzzz sound. I immediately pulled over. The check engine light came on, and I shut the car off. Coolant was all over the place leading me to believe the water pump failed. I had it towed to my house, and now I will have it towed to the shop to get fixed. I would like to have them repair the timing belt and water pump. However, I am afraid that the valves were beaten to a pulp and now I will need a new engine. I was only going 35 mph when it happened. What are the odds that my valves were smashed up, and is there anything I can do to check them before I pay for a timing belt/water pump repair?

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