High Ankle Sprain 6 Months Ago Still Hurts

May 18, 2013

I sprained my ankle 6 months ago REALLY bad. I jumped so high (+35") to block a dunk and there was a lot of contact in the air, than on the way down I rolled my ENTIRE ankle when I landed. I swore to god that it felt like it was broken, I mean I sprained my many times before but this one was by far the worst.

The ambulance came in because I couldn't move my ankle or put any weight on it what so ever and the pain was 10/10 non stop for almost 1 hour. They gave me 2 ibuprofen pills that reduced the pain a little bit to 8/10. They put me in some supported thing in my ankle as well. Then I went to the x-ray room and the Dr said that he didn't see a fracture. So, he said it's a regular ankle sprain and he gave me crutches and supported boot. I'm pretty sure it's grade 3 sprain but the Dr said it's regular sprain. After few months I went back and they found a fracture and they said I should see an orthopedic but unfortunately I can't afford it and I don't have a car.

In the first month and half I'v been in a crutches for 2 weeks and supported boot for another the entire first month. At the same time I was using RIICE regularly (Rest, Ice, Ibuprofen, Compression, Elevate). Than, I started to put weight on it with little pain. After that, I started the PT for almost a month that helped me a little bit to walk and do some light physical activities with no pain. Finally, I started to play basketball slowly and doing the PT exercises everyday as well. After few weeks, I started to play full court 5on5 basketball with no to little pain as long as I wear my ankle brace.

The problem is my ankle still swollen to this day after almost 187 days of the injury. My lateral movements have decreased tremendously, I can't get by any defender what so ever. My 1 leg running vertical jump decreased by at least 8". I feel like my ankle is only 60-70% to what it used to be. So, I went to PT again for another month with no improvement at all. What should I do? Is it over for my professional basketball career? I'v been selected to be in my national basketball team "the youngest ever did that" I'm willing to do what ever it takes to get back to what I used to be.

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Orthopedics :: Medial Ankle Pain 6 Weeks After Ankle Sprain

I'm a 42 year old female. Six weeks ago I was climbing ropes at the gym and dropped down from 4-6 feet onto a piece of excess rope resting on the ground. My ankle rolled and pain and swelling occurred immediately. Being a stubborn woman, I walked it off until the swelling started spilling over my shoe.

Got an X-ray from the orthopedic who said nothing was broken.

I was on crutches for 2 weeks and still in an air cast boot when I'm on uneven ground or working out. My workouts are modified (rowing, 12" box steps, shoulder work, cleans)and ankle swells 4x the size afterwards.

My current problem/question is this: Saturday I walked without the book (tennis shoes) on a flat surface and was very careful not to twist/turn or injure the ankle. Of course, it swelled 4x the size, as it always does each afternoon.

However, pain woke me up in the middle of the night/early the next morning. I couldn't put any weight on the foot and experienced severe pain over my medial ankle bone. It was extremely tender to the touch and any movement caused sharp pain.

One day later, it's sore but the severe pain is gone.

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Foot / Ankle :: Popping Sound While Walking After Sprain

I have had chronic foot and ankle problems for years now. I've had multiple sprains and fractures and once had arthroscopic surgery (2010) to help alleviate some of my chronic pain (all on my left foot, by the way). I also have extremely tight Achilles tendons so I also have problems with my right ankle every once in awhile.

The other night, I was walking down the street when out of nowhere my right ankle just gave out and rolled right out from under me. I ended up falling with all my weight on it and I heard the all too familiar snapping sound and felt the immediate pain and swelling. I was on my way to a concert I was performing in so I had to get up and walk away. It hurt a lot, but I ended up spending the rest of the night on my feet. By the end of the night it was extremely bruised and swollen, but it was a lot better the next morning. Today, however, I was walking and heard a popping sound and a short, sharp pain. What does this mean? The last time this happened, I ended up having to get surgery. Is this going to require surgery?

I have been taking care of it myself and I am posting here because I am away at college right now. We have health services but they don't really do anything helpful, so I'm trying to stay away from them.

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Foot / Ankle :: Foot Still Hurts 5 Months Post-op

My foot still hurts when I walk, in a week I'll be 5 months post-op and I was suppose to see my surgeon on Friday but it got rescheduled to October 3rd. I'm trying to phone my surgeon to see if I can get an earlier appointment because October 3rd is really a long time to wait!

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Orthopedics :: Hip Pops And Hurts For Months

For over about two months now I have been having pain in my right upper leg near the joint. Better way to explain it is when you sometimes put it in a weird position it pops and kind of hurts. Well it's like that but all the time all day sometimes. Recently it makes getting into my car and crossing my legs a task. Also, I feel light headed a good majority of the day. The light headedness only started with my leg issue. I have tried stretching my leg and rubbing it maybe thinking it's a pulled muscle but nothing seems to work. Is this something I need to worry about?

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Back Issues :: Right Buttock Hurts For Months

I've been miserable for months with my right buttock area hurting while seated. It has recently also started bothering my while standing or laying down. I seem not to notice it when I am active. It's making my life miserable. I feel a knot/lump deep in the buttock tissue by my sit bone. Also, 3 times this month my whole right buttock from low back to thigh has become swollen. My leg muscles on both sides twitch. I've had 2 MRI's that show nothing except mild arthritis in my low back. I fell hard on my right side and broke my tailbone 2 years ago but just started experiencing pain this past year. Here is what I have tried:

Stand up desk at work
Multiple Chiro appointments
Seen ortho specialist who told me not to concentrate on the pain!!
2 months of PT which seemed to aggravate the issue
Pain management doc says ischial bursitis and gave me an injection but didn't work.
Naproxen in case it is muscle related
Gabapentin in case it is nerve related

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Shoulder Injury From Car Accident 4 Months Ago - Still Hurts

I was in a rollover car accident about 4 months ago and my shoulder hurt pretty bad right afterwards due to the seat belt. The docs took x rays but nothing on it. I had several weeks off from work and thought the pain was getting better. Ever since returning, the pain has come back and has not gone away. I finally went back to the doctor about a month ago and they prescribed me some ibuprofen and muscle relaxer and also referred me to physical therapy. Well, a month into physical therapy, the shoulder really still hurts. It's hard to lift my arm and do overhead activities. It's also hard to reach in the back and put on my coat for example. Any kind of pressure on it makes it sore and it feels pretty weak now. I was told from worker's comp to possibly ask a referral to see an orthopedic surgeon but I am not sure I want to go down that road. I am thinking of asking the doc to order an MRI.

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Shoulder Rotator Cuff :: Still Hurts 6 Months After Surgery

I had rotator cuff surgery this past May ((2013). For partial tear. The surgery itself was fine. Never experienced intolerable pain. But my shoulder still aches--especially when sitting at computer or driving.Is this normal?

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High Cholesterol 275 - With Bronchitis And Sprained Ankle

Wow, I've just been slapped in the face with high cholesterol. I had no idea. I am a very healthy daily eater. My problem has been lacking of exercise because of sprained ankle, then bronchitis...over the last 5 months I am up 12 pounds.

Then I had my blood tests, Cholesterol 275...HDL 65, Trig 207, LDL 169. Wow... I know that much is hereditary and stress.

Now I'm on a special diet and will lose these pounds. Off of fats and red meat...but this scares me...

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Ankle Swelling Still After 6 Months Of Bunionectomy

I had a bunionectomy done on my left foot in November of 2012, and I was feeling pretty optimistic after reading multiple stories of people recovering, jogging, even resuming all regular activities in scheduled recovery time. Well after 3 long months I ditched the crutches for a boot and it seemed like I was progressing except my ankle was constantly swelled. I followed with constant icing and elevating the ankle but nothing changed. When I finally started walking (limping) I noticed the swelling was still there and quite painful so I went to my doctor. He told me it was nothing and part of the recovery, so continue my stretches, and so I did. Weeks later and my ankle is still keeping me from walking regularly, and wearing a proper normal shoe. I went back and my doctor took a closer look and determined that my Achilles tendon was swollen and I would have to take PT. Well 2 hard weeks of PT and stretching, I thought maybe I'd finally solved my problem but I haven't. I'm almost into my 6th month since surgery and my ankle is still swollen. Everytime I get up, I have to stretch out my foot or I'll have a slight limp, my ROM is still pretty limited, and after trying jogging I threw in the towel. I'm very discouraged from not hearing any similar stories and that I've been away from my passion of tumbling for almost half a year.

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Broken Fibula :: Burning Sensation 3 Months After Ankle Surgery

I broke my fibula in late November after falling down a flight of stairs. I had ankle surgery and now have a plate and seven screws. I've been weight-bearing for about 3 to 4 weeks and I've been doing a lot of physical therapy. However, I still have some severe burning/stinging on the inside of my ankle, which is the opposite side of where it was broken. It's gotten worse lately, which may be due to the PT and more use? I still have a lot of swelling (which I think is normal) and I also still have a lot of tightness, particularly around the Achilles. Anyone have any thoughts? 

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Foot / Ankle :: Heel Pain 7 Months Post PTTD Surgery

Okay, here again, asking if anyone who has had heel pain after pttd surgery has had any solutions to heel pain problems. Prior to surgery and the osteotomy, I never had the least issue with my feel. Now it feels like there is a rock under my heel in the middle, and I walk on the outside edge of my foot, with my toes scrunched tightly to the ground. Very unnatural. And the surgeon who did my procedure can't think of any reason why I am having this issue, and recommended that I go for a second opinion with someone else. Sooo...... For those of you who might have had this issue, any solutions? Did it go away by itself in time?

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High Heart Rate, Chest Pains (For Months)

Hello, I am only in my 20s but I have been experiencing a dull chest pain on the left side of my chest, I have had it for about 2 months.

I am worried that something might be wrong with my heart as my resting heart rate is about 86-105, which of course is very high, I am a light smoker (10 a day) and after having a cigarette it can jump up to 140bpm+

If I do something like run up the stairs, or maybe do a fast walk it can jump up to 110 easily, if I check my heart rate after I get out of bed it will range from 65-75.

This all started a few months ago when I felt really weak one day and fell on my bet, and I couldn't move and had a great chest pain that felt like I was going to die, I was also shaking uncontrollably... I would have rang an ambulance but I couldn't get up...

I have been to the doctors a few time, and they either refuse to do anything because of my age and say that I am fine, or another time they said it might be indigestion (I took some tablets and my heart rate hasn't lowered or the chest pain hasn't stopped)

After begging the doctors to give me an ECG, it came back fine... But I feel they missed something as when they did it I wasn't feeling any chest pain (My heart rate was 90 at the time)

I wish they would give me a full checkup as something is clearly wrong... I am thinking heart failure, why can't they make me run on the spot or put me on a treadmill for 30 seconds so they can see how fast my heart is pumping.

This isn't anxiety, and I have never had a panic attack before... I am just worried that something might be wrong... And no doctor will check me out because of my age, I mean I think I had a heart attack a couple of months ago and now my heart is failing me!

What do I do!!! Where do I go for someone to give me a full checkup, all of the doctors I go to say something different (Some say indigestion, some say anxiety)

Would you guys say I had a heart attack and am now having heart failure? Or am I worrying about nothing, I just wish the doctors would give me a full physical!

Edit My heart rate as of now is 108, and I am having chest pains on the left side as always (Dull ones), my heart rate used to be in the 60s-low 70s... And this is what is making me think I am having heart failure, but the doctors won't take me seriously and won't give me proper checkups. Can it be something other than a problem with my heart?

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ENT :: Ear Hurts Teeth Hurts, Eye Blurry, Cant Talk Or Swallow

what would cause throat to spasm and feel like its being crushed(left Side) when swallowing. Ear hurts teeth hurts, eye blurry, cant talk or swallow left side of mouth feels tingly, numb ,mouth waters .last anywhere from 30min to 2hours

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Foot / Ankle :: Arthroscopic Debridement And Lateral Ankle Reconstruction

I am just writing with the hope of getting some more help/assurance re the Gould brostrom (or as my letter has now pointed out Arthroscopic debridement and lateral ankle reconstruction - unsure if this is the same of different?) procedure which I am due to have in just over 2 weeks on the 22nd June.

I have been very unsure for a while now as to whether or not to go ahead with it but have decided to take the plunge, however I still have my doubts!

I injured my ankle initially around 5 years ago (ruptured ATFL showed up in MRI scan) and almost had the surgery back then, only to decide not to go ahead with it. Since then I have rolled over and sprained it on multiple occasions, and have felt it become increasingly weak to the point where I have very little confidence in its strength. When playing football I now wear lace up supports, which are strong enough to prevent the rolling, but obviously doesnt deal with the root cause and there is a still a feeling of achiness and limited movement. When not wearing my ankle supports I would say its at least a 50/50 chance I'm going to roll over on my ankle every time.

I can still run and go about my everyday life virtually without any issues (feel twinges but nothing major unless recently sprained) and the views of the consultants varied from the cautious 'maybe only have it if you're playing high level sport' ( which I'm not but just play football weekly for my local team), to saying yes I go for it as its clearly getting weaker and weaker and becoming more of a frustration.

I guess alongside asking for advice as to what to expect post op, I am also seeking assurance that by going ahead I am making the right decision (bearing in mind surgery is considered last resort and rehab process is lengthy).

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Foot / Ankle :: Nerve Pain In Heel/toe After Ankle Surgery

I had ankle surgery to repair my medial malleolus back on May 8. It was fairly routine--just 2 screws. I was in a cast for a week, then was put into a boot but told to treat it like a cast--NO weight bearing for 7 weeks, keep the boot on 24/7 unless in the bathtub. I followed directions religiously.

I did notice that when I pressed on certain areas of the foot, I would feel a sharp pain. This occurred in the heel (from the bottom), toes (again, from the bottom, primarily the foot pad below the pinky, second, and 4th toes). When I asked the doctor about this, he said (around week 5) that it was just because I hadn't been using the foot.

The problem persisted, and this week, week 7, I was cleared to start partial weight-bearing--walking in the boot while taking approximately 1/2 the weight off my foot via the crutches. I don't have ankle pain to speak of (or at least, not often and only if I overdo it), but I have terrible shooting pains in my heel and toes as I step. It's OK if I take most of the weight on the crutches, but as soon as I go to more than just a little weight on the boot, the pain starts.

This week I also started PT and the therapist told me this is nerve pain--not uncommon after surgery (don't know why the doctor couldn't have told me this, but OK). I couldn't get much of an idea from her how long this will persist or if there is anything I can do about it.

I'm doing my ankle and leg exercises (those are mostly non-weightbearing at this point) and they are going great. The ankle is clearly healing well. But I don't see how I can progress to full weight bearing (supposed to try that next week!) when much more than a little pressure on the foot results in this nerve pain!

Help! Does anyone have experience with this? Is there anything I can do to speed things along? I need to return to my second job (barefoot hoof trimming for horses--how I broke the ankle!) ASAP and I'm fearful this will slow my progress to a crawl! The doctor is useless.

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Foot / Ankle :: Ankle Scar Tissue (Arthrofibrosis)

I've had 4 procedures on my ankle to remove bone spurs from the front of the joint and to microfracture an OCD.

The first procedure didn't get all of the bone spur removed and I lost 6 months doing PT and then had to have another procedure at the NYC HSS to correct the issues and I also had the stem cells to regenerate the cartilage.

All of the repairs to the ankle went well and the stems regenerated the cartilage based on the 6 month follow up MRI.

I never regained my dorsiflexion. I am stuck at about 2 degrees.

I then had a gastroc release where they told me they got over 10 degrees during the surgery but I was unable to retain it after the PT started.

I then had a debridement to remove scar tissue from the front of the ankle where they we able to get about 16 degrees during the surgery, but the scar tissue once again re-formed and I stuck back at the 2-3 degrees.

I am currently still working hard on PT and have ART and GRASTON done 2x per week.

Has anyone had any luck in finding a surgeon or technique that helps permanently remove the scar tissue to regain ROM?

I'm also a candidate to wear the ankle distraction device where the device is supposed to be able to re-distribute my existing dorsiflexion and plantarflexion to give me enough of each to walk with a normal gait.

I am currently trying to weigh my (limited) options as after 20 months I'm tired of walking with a limp!

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Ankle Reconstruction - Still Have Loud Cracking In Ankle

I'm 34. I had a left ankle reconstruction for instability with a ligament repair and arthroscopy in July 2015.

My recovery has been slow due to hip operations around the same time. My ankle has healed well however the range of motion is still below neutral for dorsiflexion though it's improving.

I still have loud cracking on the outside (lateral) aspect of my ankle where the ligaments were repaired. It's terribly painful and my ankle swells straight away each time. It usually occurs with shifting my weight. My ankle surgeon says it's scar tissue breaking down but is it usually accompanied by a loud painful crack in the same area each time. I'm worried it's not ok.

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Hypertension :: High Carbohydrate Food Causes High Blood Pressure (100/170)?

i am not overweight. Drink a healthy smoothie and whole grain cereal almost every morning yet my BP is still high. (100/170). I was  told it may be because of elevated insulin levels caused by the fruit drinks and whole grains (as well as the potato, rice, pasta and breads) that I eat. These are things that easily break down into sugars and cause the issue. (Basically a carb issue). Am I supposed to go on one of those caveman diets? Has anyone tried lowering their carb intake to lower their BP? 

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Cardiovascular :: High P Wave And High Diastolic Pressure

Let me start off by saying I am a 20 year old male who was fine before all of this started. I went to the ER for chest pain and palpitations they did the basic test like EKG Xray and Blood work. The ER doctor said i was fine and they let em go home but said i need to see a cardiologist to just make sure everything was fine. So i went to see a cardiologist and the hospital faxed over all of my test results. Based on my ER visits EKG i have an abnormally high P wave everything else on the EKG was fine. They set me up for a Echocardiogram to make sure i did not have an enlarged heart. that test came back normal and they said i did not have a enlarged heart. They set me up for a Stress Echo test I went in for the test got my heart rate up to 200bpm the before and after pictures of my heart looked good and they said everything was working fine and that i was healthy. But during the test i still have those high P waves showing up on the EKG which he said was caused because I am very thin chested and my hear beats close to the surface of my chest so the EKG pick up a higher voltage. Now i have noticed a slight arrhythmia when i take my pulse it tends to beat at 60 bpm then 5 or 6 beats later it jumps to 80 bpm then back to 60 after 5 or so beats. This comes and goes and does not happen all the time and when it does happen it only last up to 30 minutes but during that time i feel fatigued . And finally my blood pressure seems high the systolic pressure is always within normal range its the diastolic that always above normal when i tested my blood pressure with a home blood pressure monitor today it was at 135 over 87 then when i tested it later on in the day it was 127 over 83 i have noticed in multiple test the diastolic seem to float around the mid 80's to 90's the highest i have seen is 133 over 99. The cardiologist does not see to think there is anything wrong with me I have another appointment this week to bring up the high blood pressure and the arrhythmia.

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High Blood Pressure Associated With High Heart Rate?

Hi, Is is possible to have a high heart rate while at the same time a normal rate of blood pressure?  I'm asking on behalf of a relative... I thought blood pressure would be high if the heart rate was also high? 


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