Cannabis - Anxiety :: Mini Heart Attack With Weed

Aug 15, 2012

I'm 15 years old, the first time i tried weed was when i was 13. i have started smoking weed a lot more when i was 14 , i always got nervous to speak in front of a large group like a school presentation, but that nervous became more serious turned into anxiety, i just went to doc. today, my anxiety gets so bad at school i ask to go home because of it i look for every chance i can get to "escape" the uncomfortableness. i won't even read out loud at my own desk. i don't know if weed caused this because i love weed. i'm not a person that freaks out if i don't have it but if its in my face ill hit it. i went to a physiatrist for my first time she said i need to go to the docs.(which i did). IDK for sure but i think the doc. will give me med. i am just wondering if i can still smoke weed and take the med. without having my mini "heart attack''.

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Anxiety :: Panic Attack About A Year Ago Due Cannabis (weed)

I suffered a panic attack about a year ago from weed, and honestly haven't felt the exact same since. I've recovered almost I'd say 90% since then by cutting out weed, and started going on multivitamins and a sublingual B complex along with Fish Oil. I've started to recently get head shakes as my only real form of anxiety, and I'm thinking about stopping all of these natural remedies since I have no deficiencies and they might just be causing it at this point. Any thoughts?

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Cannabis :: Anxiety And Racing Heart After Smoking Weed

I'm 15, I started smoking weed around December. I smoked every weekend, and I woke smoke 2 - 4 joints at a time. I continued to do it until around April, when I stopped because every time I smoked I would get anxiety and my heart would race. at the time, i didn't let it bother me because I believed it was normal. I quit 3 weeks ago, and I have been having signs of depersonalization and anxiety. My heart has been beating very fast and hard for the past 48 hours, and I had an anxiety attack last night.

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Anxiety :: Panic Attack Or Heart Attack?

So I started freaking out real bad around 6:50 PM, I couldn't breathe and I started panicking my heart started racing and there's weird pains radiating from my shoulders to my chest, the pain isn't super bad, and it's fleeting, but I'm scared because it's now 8:37 PM and i'm still having breathing trouble, chest pain and the weird hot and stiff feeling. Am I going to die? I don't want to call the ambulance again because I was hospitalized on the 12th for a bad panic attack, I was given more ativan and sent home, I was a-ok for the remainder. I also got a prescription for 0.25 milligrams of Xanax, but have yet to get it. I'm just scared about my breathing and pain and tingling mixed with weird head symptoms. I feel like the heart attack is coming..

It's been 21 days since my fears of rabies symptoms showing. No surefire sore throat, headache, vomiting or anything, but neck and pains.. I haven't felt achy and fluish.

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Cannabis - Had A Panic Attack, Heart Sinking And Throat Was Closing Up

I just had a panic attack last night, about 30 min after smoking a lil canibus. my chest started hurting and i could feel pain slowly going up toward the top of my throat.

Freaked me out  and my husband ran me to the er. but we are in a state where it is legal to smoke marijuana so didn't get in any trouble but it was scary as hell to b 27 and think that u are going to die cause it felt like my throat was closing up. i just want to know why if i have smoked so much weed in my life a panic attack would start so many years later. anyone have this answer for me?

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Cannabis :: Can't Breathe, Heart Beating Fast After Weed

i am 15 years old, and i have smoked weed about 8 times. but the last time i really got a bad trip. it felt like my heart was going to explode and like i couldn't breathe properly. after the effect stopped. i were fine. but some days later i felt that my heart was beating fast and hard. i went to the doctor, he said it was just fine but i still felt in in the same unpleasant way. sometimes i get this tickling feeling in my heart and i've lost my appetite. any ideas to what it could be?sorry 4 the bad english.

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Anxiety :: Heart Palpitations And The Feeling Of Heart Attack

Has anyone experienced heart palpitations throughout the day and a fast heart beat that wakes you up in the morning. I'm going to the doc to make sure its nothing serious but i have suffered with panic attacks and hypochondria for years this is just new symptoms.

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Anxiety :: Heart Palpitations And Nausea - Heart Attack?

hi for about 8 weeks now i have been having what feels like heart palpitations,i have visited my gp and 2 said they thought i was having panic attacks and 1 thought a stomach ulcer i have ended up in hospital twice due to me going light headed feeling sick and having numbness down both arms and racing heart both times i was watching tv when it happened! its driving me insane i have had 3 ECG's all came back normal i sometimes have pain in my left shoulder or in my upper back around shoulder blades or in my upper stomach both sides, i have sat and taken my pulse when it happens but my heart rate doesn't seem to change, i have another appointment with the doctor on monday but feel like im being laughed at and not listened to!

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Panic Attack - Nausea Hot Racing Heart Thoughts Of A Heart Attack

I'm sat with family & friends in my local pub and I'm panicking! Nausea hot racing heart thoughts of a heart attack!

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Cannabis Addiction :: Anxiety After Weed?

I shared a joint (weed + tabac) with a few friends about 2/3 weeks ago (my first time), and I'm scared because my body just doesn't feel right ever since.

Because I do have Obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety problems, the immediate hours following the smoke I just couldn't relax and paranoia began to hit me. I had a bit of a panic attack, during which I was disturbed to notice these tiny flashes or floaters in my vision and a slight loss of concentration in 1 eye.

Anyway,anxiety hit me BIG TIME the following week when I noticed this things were still in my field of vision ! I was absolutely terrified, an emotional wreck because I believed (still sort of do) that I had made a huge mistake and screwed up my vision and life for good. I started having periodic shooting eye pains as well which added to the anxiety. However, I went to the opticians and was given the all clear. After this I told myself to relax and began to feel a bit better.....the pain in my eyes eased up. the 2nd week more symptoms started to follow. I became light headed and weak, periodic ear pain, changes in heart rate and had cold shakes many times during the day. I also began to experience chest pains and pressure on my head developed. It's been a horrible chain reaction, as the symptoms intensified so did the anxiety and that led to me having horrible nightmares and difficulties getting a good night's sleep
I can't believe I'm saying this but my body shape is also slightly out of line. The head and neck are titled slightly away from body. And that's not something im imaging, because my friends have said that when they look closely they can spot it too. When I do force my body to align itself properly, I feel discomfort in my chest. The pressure on the head is still there, especially coming from the back. Sometimes when I bend down or I move my jaw when eating.....I don't know it's really difficult to explain but I experience pressure changes on my head and things just feel wrong.

I suppose my question this sequence of symptoms all to do with my stress/anxiety and my mind?.....Or has the marijuana created all or parts of this and messed up my body?

On a broader note.......should people like myself with OCD/anxiety brain chemistry smoke marijuana. Are the risks greater for us?

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Cannabis :: Anxiety After Smoking Weed?

Okay so i smoked weed for the first time at a party but i only took two hits and i did not feel high and then one month later i smoked weed again only took two hits and i did not feel high again but that night i got drunk for the first time as well. (With four beers to be specific) i went to bed that night and everything was okay until about 4am i woke up because i felt sick so i went to the bathroom to see it i needed to throw up but nothing came out so i just went back to bed and felt fine for the rest of the night. The next morning i woke up and i felt very weird i can't quite pinpoint the feeling but it was weird and i would get mini anxiety attacks for the rest of the day. Along with that i would also kind of feel out of breath when i was sitting down or just walking but i ignored it. That night i felt very sick and i felt a feeling around my chest area long with anxiety i also kept feeling like i was gonna throw up and by body would suddenly get very hot. Then i got a big anxiety attack that lasted about five minutes. I just thought i was hungover but when i asked my friends they reassured me i only had four beers and 20 hours later i should not be feeling hungover. For the next three days everything was normal except for feeling out of breath a lot when i was doing simple activities. Then a few days later i was laying down on the couch watching a scary movie with my family and suddenly when the movie got very intense i got a huge anxiety attack which caused my heart to race and me to feel like i was on the verge of passing out. Afterwords i felt very tired so i fell asleep but then again in the middle of the night i had another anxiety attack. Ever since that day i have not felt normal again. I always have a sensation in my chest that causes anxiety and depression. It has been a year since that day and i can honestly say i have not gotten better. I can not watch scary movies because my anxiety gets the best of me i have lost a lot of my friends because the depression has caused me to be uninterested in everything around me. I used to be such a happy person and so full of life but now i cannot remember the last time i was happy. I always try to focus on the positive but this feeling of anxiety has taken over my life. What can i do and what could this possibly be?

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Anxiety :: Phobia Of Having A Heart Attack

For about the last 8 months or so I have developed a phobia of having a heart attack. I have heard of and know some people who have had them and one was a close cousin of mine who was only 41 years old when she died from it. She also had other medical problems also. Just the other day I had my annual check up with my primary doctor and found out I suffer from high cholesterol. This is new for me so of course now I'm really scared. I have already changed my diet to lower it but still the thought of a heart attack won't leave my mind. Always afraid that any minute I may have one.

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Cannabis - Anxiety :: Paranoia And Irratabilty After Weed

it seems like I've always had a tiny bit of anxiety, but it was always at bay and not too bad. I've had a few panic attacks but not much else, then roughly 4 months ago I had some weed with a few friends which I've only had a few times before because I hate smoking due to asthma, then it seems like since that night it's made all my anxiety come out at once.

My heart has never felt the same since, I'm way more panicky, I think anything I have could mean I'm dying and so on.

My question is can one night of smoking weed bring all this out, or do you think it was always going to come out at some point? 


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Cannabis :: Developed An Anxiety Disorder From Smoking Weed

I am 18 years old and I think I have developed an anxiety disorder from smoking weed. I had 2 small puffs of weed from when I was in my early eighteens and I got a bit high but not much at all. I was with some good friends and the effects of being high wore off. When I joined University I smoked less than half a blunt with my new friends because it was late, I couldn’t go home and it was the only thing they were doing. I had this bad anxiety attack when I was shaking, my throat was dry and I was tired. I could tell this was a bad panic attack and I felt like I was fighting for my life. I had to go to sleep to calm myself down. The next day I felt fine, I had a shower and continued with my life. A month later, I was with two of my mates and they bought a bit of weed. I had two puffs of it to regulate the amount in my mates University room and tried to remain as calm as possible to avoid a panic attack. It worked and we went to a night club. The next day I felt a bit anxious. The day after I went to my friend’s university corridor and knocked on it to let me. However, I smelt a tiny bit of weed through the door and I started to panic again. I had to lie on my bed and I missed two days of lectures. I was having fast heart palpitations, I was shaking and I couldn’t stop worrying about weed. Every time I am in a stressful moment such as getting to lectures on time makes me slightly panicky and have moments when I can feel in my head an adrenaline rush which is how the panic attacks start. I had a panic attack in one lecture while sober and I thought to myself that when I learnt my lesson not to go near weed it was too late. I have become more anti-social because I feel too anxious to be around the friends I have smoked a bit of weed with. It took 3 weeks for my panic attacks to go but my heart feels it beats a bit faster than usual. I also have this ache in my chest. I went to my GP and he said it was not due to the weed because I did very little and it was due to stress and anxiety. When I do University work and I stress a bit more my heart starts to palpitate and I don’t know how to calm myself down. Every day I have this feeling of anxiety all over my body. The weed couldn't have been laced with other drugs because my mates would have seen it was. 

I worry about hearing weed and I have this big anxiety attack when I smell it which makes me not want to do anything. Has the weed damaged my body in any way? I know quite a few people who have smoked weed and they are fine. I became sick once because I smelt weed. Will my brain ever repair itself to make me feel normal again without this big anxiety attack and chest ache? I guess too much of anything is bad for you but for me, that is not the case and I hate how I feel every day.

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Cannabis :: Panic Attacks And Bad Anxiety - 5 Weeks Off Weed

Long story short: I smoked weed on and off for 10 years. I however smoked it nearly every day for over a year. I quit 5 weeks ago and the first 3 weeks were horrendous (typical withdrawal symptoms: insomnia (up for 55 hours at one point), throwing up, shaking, chills, digestive problems, no appetite. All of those symptoms have gone but now I am experiencing panic attacks and bad anxiety. I have managed to get my breathing together so I seem to be able to calm myself down, but I am just wondering when the panic attacks will subside? They just come on suddenly. I get this horrible feeling over me, heart races, don't feel like myself. I haven't been out on my own in 5 weeks because I'm too scared.

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Anxiety :: Panic Attack - Heart Started Racing

So last weekend I was out with friends we had had a nice dinner and we're sitting talking when suddenly my heart started racing I wasn't panicked or anything and didn't really have any other symptoms bit short of breath and chest was bit tight my heart rate was 120 this last for about an hour and was nearly 2 hrs before my heart rate slowed to normal. Does this happen to you guys. I did go and get checked out and all okay.

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Health Anxiety - Hypochondria - Obsessed Getting A Heart Attack

I'm 23 yo with pretty bad OCD/anxiety and a whole lot of hypochondria. It's getting out of control. I've been obsessed with my heart for weeks now because it's always beating fast. And then of course I'll get the chest pain. And then I'll get pains in my arms and what I think are pains in my jaw which then makes me freakout and think I'm having a heart attack.... At 23 years old.

I've had a complete blood count test done to check my thyroid (mom has issues with hers) and everything came back perfect my cholesterol my triglycerides everything. Blood pressure is always perfect I eat healthy I've never smoked I could lose a good 5 lbs but I'm not overweight etc. I've had two ekgs done a chest X-ray but everyday I'm still convinced I'm going to have a heart attack or something because the aches and pains are still there. I'm starting to go crazy. I've been to the ER like 3 times this past week and have seen my regular doctor. I keep freaking myself because I tell myself "oh but you haven't seen a cardiologist". It's driving everyone around me insane and it's making it hard for me to be the mother and wife I was before all of this stuff started

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Cannabis Addiction :: Fear And Thoughts Of Death - Weed Anxiety

I know the title is a lot to take in but I am hear because it is going on 3 months that I have been going through this. I smoke weed not for the first time or anything but in a while. And I felt like I was actually dying. Now I am not dead at all but this sh*t had me scared to death. And now it's been 3 months and my thoughts won't go back to normal. And I am scared. It's like I can't be happy because what if I just drop dead and die. And I am scared that I will drop dead at anytime. And then I had thoughts like is it really my time to die and I say no. I have to much to live for.

I know I sound like I am whining but I am on here looking for someone who has been through this. Someone who has had these thoughts, panic attacks, head aches, and chest pains. And how they dealt with it and/or got over it. I will also keep posting my progress if its get good or bad. Because I seen some forums and they just stop messaging back and I was scared what happened to them through time.

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Anxiety :: Left Hand Feel Numb? Heart Attack?

help! i have anxiety problem but recently i feel normal again until today i felt my left hand feel numb and it makes me scared whether it is heart attack. however i have exactly the same experience with this last week and i have done ecg and it turned out okay. i also have done ecg many times and every times it shows okay. but im still scare and feels worried. is it normal for anxiety patient or not?

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Heart Disease :: Amphetamine Addict - Possible Heart Attack?

I'm going to be completely honest and as thorough as possible, I'm an addict, and I've had an addiction to stimulants for the last year and a half (consisting of about 95% amphetamine usage, never used methamphetamine). I usually keep my doses anywhere around 10-60mg cause I never wanted to over do it. Unfortunately, last week I dove in deep to my addiction due to a recent break up, about 4 days ago I did around 130 mg spread out through the day, I felt fine until I took my very last dose (30 mg about), at that point it only increased negative side effects.

After a while of feeling odd and stuff, I began to have trouble breathing and chest pains (I can't remember which started first), it kind of felt like they coincided, but I still would get very minor and infrequent pain without breathing, it felt like I couldn't take a full breath of air, and when I did the chest pain would kick in (more), it felt like a tightening pain. My left arm soon became somewhat numb and tingly, not numb like when you accidentally sleep on it, but just a little numbing that felt like it stretched down my arm through a single vein, the numbness was generally more intense under my armpit and bicep area, and would intensify when I rubbed certain areas. I had a very sore/stiff neck, especially around the area between my shoulder blades and neck, it wasn't on one side, it was mostly in the middle (my neck and back are still sore after this experience, as well as the tingling sensation in my arm but its not at all that bad, and it comes and goes). I had anxiety during this event, and I felt like when people would talk to me I wasn't truly comprehending what they would say, but yet I still was able to reply to them, I just didn't say much or think about what I was saying, I only could pay attention to what was happening to me. I felt like things were kind of slowed down and I was very fatigued and zoned out. I felt as if I was slowly meeting my demise. I believe I got cold sweats a couple times, but not much. I had some heart burn later that night, and the next but its gone.

It came across to me that maybe this was a panic attack but the pain lasted 2-3 hours, after that it wasn't horrible, but it was still somewhat there, and the mental aspect of a panic attack wasn't that intense. I also do think that my left arm may just have "mouse arm" (cant remember medical term), cause I use a computer a lot, a part of my muscle/tendon in my hand has been sore for a while, and it is somewhat acting up now as I type. I really am not sure if a lot of this is me overreacting, or just a placebo effect (I hope so). I've had minor chest pains since I was 13 (I just turned 18), and every time I went in to get my heart checked out, they said I was fine, and that I had a slight irregular heart beat but it was nothing to worry about and a lot of people have it but don't know.

I also have this weird problem with my thought process either that started the night of the incident, or I haven't noticed before. The only way I can explain it is as if my brain buffers for a moment when I go back and forth between two thoughts, it's like I over excite the neurons responsible for those thoughts and I end up overriding my brain for a brief second with confusion, then it's fine. I do have some chest pains now, but it isn't very often, and honestly happens mostly when I think about it or worry about it (same with the left arm), which is why I think I could be conning my self about this entire incident, because I've had panic attacks before but they weren't as bad and were more mental than physical.

It's dumb of me but I never went into the doctors cause 1. I was too paranoid to go in, and 2. I don't want to worry my mom or waste her money just so the doc's (possibly) find nothing. I haven't lately because all I've been doing is researching about this stuff, off and on I think I'm fine and then I don't. So I came here to settle it once and for all, I have a doctors appt. next week anyways so if you guys don't think its serious (I don't, but it could be denial) I'll just wait until then, if it is then I'll go now. I know everybody says "If its your heart then don't risk it", but every time I go in for my heart, it's always nothing.

My family nor myself have a history of heart disease, diabetes, or just flat out obesity. I'm very fit, just oddly muscular for my age, but I don't work out as often as I should now-a-days. I also smoke cigarettes, and my heart pains/arm numbness do come back a bit when I have a cig, but then again it could just be my head. The last time I had any form of a heart test was probably about a year or two ago, it was an EKG and I believe a blood test, but my memory is a bit foggy in that area. My heart rate is normal, I don't know about my blood pressure, but I believe I got a test for it lying somewhere around my house. My last dose of amphetamines was today, yes I know its stupid, but it's literally my last dose (I weaned myself off).

Oh and I did have sex last night, being in the moment I may have over did it (I usually get this feeling just without the numbing), my heart pounded like hell, I got heart burn during it, my left arm and leg became pretty numb, I was kind of tremor-ish, and that's it. Once I orgasmed the numbing went away (except for under my armpit area), and my heart was fine, but beating pretty fast (110bpm).

So do you think I likely had a heart attack? Or do you think it's something else? Or a combination of things? Or simply nothing but a placebo affect or panic attack? And by the way how long does numbing of the left-arm and chest pains last after having a heart attack?

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Birth Control :: Fast Heart Rate After Taking Cerazette Mini Pill

I took Cerazette for 9 days, felt so ill i came straight off it. Anxiety attacks, racing heart, was off work for 8 weeks it was a nightmare. its now 3 months on, my periods are getting somewhat back to normal, but i've been left with a fast heart rate. I've been rushed to A&E a few times its been so fast i thought i was having a heart attack. i'm now on beta blockers to keep it under control until it's investigated. its ok sat down, but if i try and walk or do anything it goes through the roof.

I've heard of other women that have had this but i'm desperate to find out whether it will eventually go back to normal on it's own or has it left me with long term issues.

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