Diabetes :: Insulin Pump - Injection Sites Are Sore

Jan 16, 2014

I have been diagnosed type one diabetic for three and a half years, since being on insulin my hab1c has always been in range and my consultant would really like me to be on an insulin pump. I am coming round to the idea as my injection sites are sore, I am put off by the visibility aspect, I know it may seem vain but I like the idea that by looking at me you wouldn't be able to tell but in a dress with a pump you would.

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Pregnancy :: Weight Gain On Insulin Pump - Diabetes Type 1

I am about 34 weeks pregnant and type 1 diabetic.  I am wearing an insulin pump for insulin therapy while I am pregnant.  So I have a question.  I am concerned about insulin therapy by pump. I heard that patients gain a lot of weight on a pump.  I do not want to get any fatter than I am.  What can I do to prevent getting fat?  I walk up and down the street but since it has gotten cold, I don't do that anymore.

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Diabetes :: Good Insulin Injection Practices

What are some good insulin injection practices? Whenever I'm in the hospital, most of the nurses seem to inject insulin in such a way that I barely feel the needle stick, but when I do it to myself it always seems to hurt. Maybe because I'm anticipating it more? I've never liked needles and getting diagnosed with diabetes was just about the worst thing to happen to someone like me who doesn't like needles. So what are some good injection practices that could make it not hurt as much?

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Fertility? Linda Pinkham Products For Type 1 Diabetic On Insulin Pump

Type 1 diabetic on an insulin pump and I'm thinking of using Linda pinkham products but not sure how to use a them, do you recommend it. Plus I'm 35 and wanting to have a baby. How can I know when I'm ovulating, when to use the product?

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Diabetes - Type 1 :: Pump Or MDI ? Which Is Better For 7 Years Old

Which of them is better  for 7 years old boy?

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Pregnancy :: No Pump - Breast Are HUGE And SORE

I delivered my son at 33+5. He is doing great just a little stay in the NICU. well anyway I'm pumping right now till he able to latch the breast. Yesterday my pump got left in my husband car an he was at work which is a 45 min drive. An I couldn't go out cause its cold for me to be out. Now my breast are HUGE an SORE!! I think my milk bagged up from that one day. Any help on what to do at least sooth the pain. I'm still pumping tho!

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Breastfeeding :: Sore Breast After 6 Days - Pump?

I been breastfeeding for 6 days I started pumping today cause my breast was sore... how much should I pump and should I continue nipple feeding him every now

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Type 1 Diabetes And Metformin Along With Injection?

I have type 1 diabetes and take insulin for this. I have had diabetes for a long time and I am very use to my injection regime. My doctor has now said that I need to take metformin alongside, but I thought metformin was for type 2 diabetes.

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Diabetes :: After Metformin And Before Insulin

I've been on Metformin for several years now and my doctor is thinking about putting me on insulin but he says there are other drugs he can administer before we get to insulin. So, my question is what comes after Metformin and before Insulin? I've been really comfortable with Metformin and I feel rather awkward about taking in new medications. Has anyone had this happen and what did you decide to do about it. I'm really scared about insulin cause I've heard some bad things about it.

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Diabetes :: How To Keep Insulin During Hot Weather

I'm new to this diabetes thing. I was diagnosed a little over six months ago. There are so many things you have to remember. Summer is here and it is really getting warm outside and I know I have to carry my insulin with me. So, what do I need to do about my insulin & hot weather? I know I have to keep my insulin in the fridge at home and room temp is okay for the day but it is really get hot outside. How do I keep my meter, insulin and insulin strips protected?

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Diabetes :: Insulin Preferred Over Glucophage GDM

I am a diabetic and have been for about 8 years.  Used to be able to manage my diabetes by diet and walking 30 minutes a day but now that I have been to the doctor for my checkup, I am going on glucophage.  So I am wondering though, isn't insulin usually preferred over glucophage GDM?  I am just wondering if I shouldn't just go to insulin since I will end up on it eventually anyway.  Has anyone else been on either or both?  I don't really want to take medicine but insulin is more natural since our bodies make it anyway naturally.  I would rather take what is natural.  I tried to tell the doctor I wanted to be on insulin but to no avail.  What do you guys think? 

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Pregnancy :: Diabetes And Insulin Sensitivity

what makes a person have insulin sensitivity when pregnant?  i have gestational diabetes and i have to take insulin shots.  why does this happen to pregnant women? 

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Diabetes :: Antibiotics Can Cause Insulin Sensitivity?

I am on antibiotics right now and I was wondering if it could cause insulin sensitivity or maybe mess up my blood sugar?  I am wondering because my grandma says it will mess me up and I should take my blood sugar reading more often.  What is everyone's opinion on this? 

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Diabetes :: No Insulin This Pregnancy - Had In The Previous

I am wondering why I had to take insulin my last pregnancy and this pregnancy I don't??  It seems a bit odd that I wouldn't need it this time.  Will my baby be ok?  I have had gestational diabetes with both pregnancies but this doctor doesn't seem to think I need it.  I am worried.  Should I get a second opinion?

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Metformin In Type 1 Diabetes? Along With Insulin?

I’m a type 1 diabetic and have been since I was 10. I got it after I’d had a virus so have been using and injecting different insulins since then. But recently my doctor has suggested that I start taking metformin cos I’ve had a few problems keeping my bloods okay over the past few months. I thought you didn’t need metformin if you were a type 1 diabetic – I thought it was just for type 2’s?

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Diabetes Type 1 And SR Metformin Along With Insulin?

I have a doctor who wants me to take SR Metformin . I am a type 1 diabetic and I already take insulin.  When I was 6 I developed it.  I have taken shots since then.  Now that I am 25 my doctor wants to see of Metformin will help me.  I am a bit overweight and not skinny like I was in childhood.  He thinks I will benefit from this pill.  What do u all think?  Is it a good idea to be on a pill along with the insulin I take?  I don't know if anyone else who is type 1 does this too.  It would be nice to know if I can be ok on both.  What is SR?  I have heard of Metformin but never with the SR in its name.  I hope someone knows about this.  I have a friend in Maine that has type 1 but doesn't need any pills to go along with his insulin. 

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Diabetes Type 2 :: Insulin Sensitivity And Resistance


I have symptoms of Type 2 and insulin resistance, including reactive hypoglycemia (RHG) as shown by the lab results below. I also have poor lipid values (bad LDL/HDL), low SHBG and a resulting testosterone deficiency that started in my teens. Both my mom and sister have PCOS.
2 hour OGTT results:

Fasting glucose, insulin: 79 mg/dL, 2.5 uIU/mL

75 g glucose, then (glucose, insulin):

+0:30: 116 mg/dL, 35.0 uIU/mL
+1:00: 83 mg/dL, 17.5 uIU/mL
+2:00: 56 mg/dL, 6.4 uIU/mL

A1c: 5.2% (weird, if my blood sugar is so "normal")

* highlighted = out of lab range

My insulin looks very low. Are these low numbers for insulin? If so, why would I get RHG from insulin so low?

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Pregnancy :: Diabetes And Insulin Glargine (lantus)

I am wondering about glargine (lantus) and whether I will be taking it during my pregnancy.  I am type 2 diabetic and I know I will have to have something done different for it but will be my taking glargine?  Will I take something different or will I take it in conjunction with something else?

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Pregnancy :: Gestational Diabetes And Insulin Shots?

Is there anybody that knows anything about gestational diabetes out there?  I am 36 weeks pregnant and was told I have gestational diabetes so I have to take insulin shots for it.  So what is wrong with me ?  I don't have any insulin production going on anymore?  Will I be diabetic for the rest of my life?

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Diabetes Type 1 And Metformin Or Insulin - What's The Difference?

I am a 18 year old and I have been a type 1 diabetic all my life, pretty much.  I have been on insulin as long as I can remember and I was wondering about getting off of it and taking metformin.  Or maybe not take as much insulin and take metformin to replace the insulin I don't take.  It would be great to not have to take insulin as it cuts into my activities and my life.  I hate to inject myself before every meal and it gets to be a pain.  I would think that after all of the technological advances we have that type 1s can't have the option of taking a pill.  What gives?  What's the difference between taking insulin and taking a pill other than that a shot is painful? 

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Diabetes :: Adrenaline Decreases The Effectiveness Of Insulin?

I have been diagnosed with type II diabetes 4 years ago. I currently take Glucophage and insulin, since I had 2 episodes whereby my suggests skyrocketed and had to go to the emergency. I am in the business world and have periods of intense stress, which I tend to ‘’fight’’ with yoga and increased exercise. I understand that both psychological stress and exercise increase adrenaline surge and adrenaline decreases the effectiveness of insulin. Thus, should I increase my insulin dose? Anyone has some experience?

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