Foot / Ankle :: Ball Of Foot Sore After Metatarsal Surgery

Aug 31, 2014

After having surgery on both the 4th and 5th metatarsal with plates and screws holding everything I have pain on the ball of my foot. I haven't yet started walking, I've been in no weight bearing. It's been three weeks and a half since surgery and the bottom of my foot really hurts when pressed upon. After almost a month this doesn't seem normal. Should I be worried. I will ask the doctor about this on my next visit when he pulls out the k wire.

The ball of my foot hurts also when I do toe exercise such as curling in and out.

Each visit to the doctor he tells me not to walk and put put weight on my foot. I tell him each time that I can't if I wanted to as it hurts to barely try.

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Foot / Ankle :: Bunion Surgery Pain & Swelling In Ball Of Foot

I am 7 and a half weeks post op after a Lapidus & an Akin procedure. I was in cast until last week and have managed a tennis type shoe and a sandal on so far.

The swelling has been bad as expected with full weight bearing, but the real pain is in the ball of my foot and my big toe does not lie flat, but rather sits elevated. I think the ball of the foot under the big toe is swollen so that may be the cause? I can only walk for a few minutes properly before the pain becomes too much and I am limping and walking on the outside of my operated foot. I can usually cope with pain so know this must be fairly severe.

I am doing my toe bending exercises and think that already the range of motion is not too bad.

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Foot / Ankle :: Second Metatarsal Overload Surgery

I've meet with several Dr's that have recommended shortening the second Metatarsal. I have done all the conservative approaches and have ran out of options. Cortisone injections, shoe inserts and anti inflammatory medicine and a lot of icing! This foot pain has been going on for many years but lately I haven't been getting any relief!

Can anyone tell me whether they have had much success with this type of surgery?

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Foot / Ankle :: Metatarsal Fusion Revision Surgery - Yes Or No?

I was diagnosed with a hyperflexible big toe via a weight bearing scan. Two years ago now, my surgeon fused the first and second metatarsals and removed a mild bunion in the hopes that this would sort out pain and swelling in that area. Swelling around the hardware (specifically the plate) lasted a while but has calmed down now. However, my big toe is completely stiff. My surgeon was surprised as he didn't expect so much scar tissue to form (I was 27 when I had the surgery and very active). This doesn't cause pain so much as discomfort on a regular basis and I've had to completely change what activities I do now (no running or long hikes without causing swelling and a stiff feeling). My second toe is also now significantly longer than the first (it wasn't before). This doesn't cause pain either but again discomfort when it takes the load for the big toe and it sometimes sets me off balance eg in yoga. I'm not sure if this is due to the length or simply that the big toe isn't taking weight anymore because it's so inflexible.

My surgeon recommended surgery to: shorten the second toe, remove the hardware, remove the scar tissue, AND loosen the fusion (if that's the correct term).

Due to the intense recovery period last time and general concerns about surgery risks including that I'll end up either worse off or with the same stiffness, I'm not sure whether this is a good idea. I feel I can "manage" with my foot, but it's certainly not in the best condition to return to the activities I want to do, and I'm only 29.

It's scheduled for the week after next but I'm not sure whether I should go ahead. Neither my GP nor my surgeon seems overly confident, I think there's no real answer but I'd love to know your opinions on whether this second surgery might end up better or worse.

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Foot / Ankle :: Pain Outside Of Foot After Flat Foot Surgery

I am 7 1/2 weeks post of from Flat Foot Surgery and the outside area of foot from where my incision ends from the double calcaneal osteotomy up to my little toe the soft tissue is halfway numb and very painful. Has anyone else experienced this and if so how long did it last.

I am not sure how long it takes the soft tissue to heal to a point where it does not hurt when you are not walking. Or is what I am feeling nerve pain. I started PT this week and am PWB. My doctor thinks I will be in a shoe in 3 weeks and I don't know at this rate how that could be possible. I am icing a majority of the day for sure after I do my PT exercises.

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Foot / Toe :: 2nd Metatarsal Shortening Surgery?

I've been suffering from severe foot pain since november.  I've been wearing a boot since march.  I am contemplating having 2nd metatarsal shortening to help with my pain.  My 2nd toes ligaments are all stretched out and causing it to turn towards my great toe.  I'm just curious...who has had this surgery and are you pain free now?

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Bone / Joint :: Pain On Ball Of Foot After Bunion Surgery

I had bunion surgery about 5 months ago. I'm 16 years old and have severe bunions on both feet. I play sports and am constantly running around and going through a lot of shifting and moving. before the surgery the pain was unbearable and felt like I had two broken toes. I went to the doctor after a few years to when the pain was just too much and he told me I needed surgery. I chose to do one foot at a time because I wouldn't be able to walk on it for about 6 weeks so I chose the one that hurt more. I had nerves being pulled on the side by the bunion and my toe was shifted to the side. Now 5 months after I am in the same about of pain as before and then some. My big toe is not only still numb( which the doctor told me was apart of the normal healing process) but the big toe also does not touch the ground. The pain is so bad when I am playing basketball that I need to stop. It's the bottom of my foot under the big toe and around where the bunion was removed that hurts it feels like pins and needles and like I'm walking on rocks. It's very tender on the area, should I be worried/get this checked out? Or should I just deal with it?

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Foot / Ankle :: Nerve Pain In Heel/toe After Ankle Surgery

I had ankle surgery to repair my medial malleolus back on May 8. It was fairly routine--just 2 screws. I was in a cast for a week, then was put into a boot but told to treat it like a cast--NO weight bearing for 7 weeks, keep the boot on 24/7 unless in the bathtub. I followed directions religiously.

I did notice that when I pressed on certain areas of the foot, I would feel a sharp pain. This occurred in the heel (from the bottom), toes (again, from the bottom, primarily the foot pad below the pinky, second, and 4th toes). When I asked the doctor about this, he said (around week 5) that it was just because I hadn't been using the foot.

The problem persisted, and this week, week 7, I was cleared to start partial weight-bearing--walking in the boot while taking approximately 1/2 the weight off my foot via the crutches. I don't have ankle pain to speak of (or at least, not often and only if I overdo it), but I have terrible shooting pains in my heel and toes as I step. It's OK if I take most of the weight on the crutches, but as soon as I go to more than just a little weight on the boot, the pain starts.

This week I also started PT and the therapist told me this is nerve pain--not uncommon after surgery (don't know why the doctor couldn't have told me this, but OK). I couldn't get much of an idea from her how long this will persist or if there is anything I can do about it.

I'm doing my ankle and leg exercises (those are mostly non-weightbearing at this point) and they are going great. The ankle is clearly healing well. But I don't see how I can progress to full weight bearing (supposed to try that next week!) when much more than a little pressure on the foot results in this nerve pain!

Help! Does anyone have experience with this? Is there anything I can do to speed things along? I need to return to my second job (barefoot hoof trimming for horses--how I broke the ankle!) ASAP and I'm fearful this will slow my progress to a crawl! The doctor is useless.

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Foot / Ankle :: Flat Foot Reconstruction, 8 Weeks Postop With Heel Pain

I am currently 8 weeks post op from a very extensive flat foot reconstructive surgery . I was excited to start partial weight bearing this week starting w 25 percent in a boot.

My problem is I have sharp pains coming from the bottom of my heel which I am thinking may be from the screws from the calcaneal osteotomy. This is making it very difficult to put any pressure on my foot when weight bearing ?

Has anyone experienced this ? Did it go away on its own? Was there anything that helped this . I am afraid I will not be able to proceed the wt bearing with this continued heel pain.

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Foot / Ankle :: Broken Calcaneus Bone Right Foot 2 Screws Put In

I had broken my right calcaneus the doctor put 2 screws in. I'm at 8 weeks just started putting weight on it and walking with 1 crutch. Started doing stretching exercises. My question is I'm having pain in my foot now that I have started walking with 1 crutch. Very uncomfortable walking with boot so I changed to my tennis shoes with gel long does it take before I can walk with little or no pain. Does anybody know.

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Foot / Ankle :: Heel And Bottom Of Foot Pain

It is my right foot only. Heel pain, and basically all of my foot. I wear inserts plus an extra heel cushion. I been to the foot doctor and gave me a antibiotic and he recommended icing and heating and stretching bottom of foot. Any other suggestions?

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Foot / Ankle :: Pain On Outside Bottom Of Foot! Is This Normal?

I had PTTD reconstructive surgery on Feb. 24th. I am still NWB and in the hard cast.

I have been good about icing and elevating, and now the swelling is rarely an issue. However, now that the cast is much looser, I am very aware of the feeling that my foot is turning inwards... as in...It feels like i'm "standing" on the outside of my foot. If I prop the foot up so that the bottom of my foot is all fully touching the bottom of the cast, I have significant pain along that outside area from what feels like right under my ankle to just below the ball of my foot. Is there any chance that I am healing "crookedly" due to the cast being loose? Although I can't put weight on it, just straightening my leg completely will cause that "rolling out" and pain.

On an unrelated note:

Is there anything that I can do for nerve pain at this point in my recovery? I am no longer taking the "heavy" pain medication. I am just taking Advil and Tylenol. I am finding, however, that these do nothing for the nerve pain. Is there anything that I can do besides going back to narcotics? I'm wary of taking them for too long, but the real issue is that I would rather be clear-headed.

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Foot / Ankle :: Foot Still Hurts 5 Months Post-op

My foot still hurts when I walk, in a week I'll be 5 months post-op and I was suppose to see my surgeon on Friday but it got rescheduled to October 3rd. I'm trying to phone my surgeon to see if I can get an earlier appointment because October 3rd is really a long time to wait!

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Foot / Ankle :: 7 Weeks Post Op - Reconstruction Of Foot

I had reconstruction of my left foot. I am 7 1/2 weeks Post op. I was in the hospital for 4 days with a nerve block behind my knee and drugs through a pushbutton pump. pain was managed. I was sent home with perks and vicodin.

For the first week I was told to take the pain meds before I felt the pain which was every 4 hours. After the perks I was able to use vicaden, however I didn't like the vicodin so I went to tramadol. That was only for the first two weeks. My dr does not believe in hard drugs after that. I was in a cast for two week which was the worse for me😔I felt very confined and tight.

Went back to the Dr to only find out an additional 4 more weeks in the cast. Total of 8 weeks, I am now in a boot an able to bear 1/3 of my weight along with PT and exercises at home.Weight bearing is gradual. Takes 3 months for full weight bearing. It is a very long process with lots of patience.
My knee roller is a blessing.Before weight bearing I tried hopping on crutches and fell, please don't try that.

Be honest I haven't felt myself since surgery hope it's part of recovery...I would like to know if you feel not yourself yet after 7 weeks. I am the type of person that loves to run out every chance I get and sometimes I am not up to it because it's tons of work with the boot. I sincerely hope after 3 months I can work by myself. Let me know if anyone feels the same.

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Foot / Ankle :: Unable To Do A Heel Raise On That Foot

Today the PT had me try a heel raise standing just on my operated foot and I could barely do anything. When I do both feet together it goes pretty well. Just curious to know how long it took others of you to reach that point where your foot & calf were strong enough to do it just on that one foot.

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Foot / Ankle :: Heel Bone Fracture? (Right Foot)

Right, so i fell from a stairs which is at least 5-6 foot high and i have no idea how i landed on my heel first but i probably did as it's the only place where it hurts. I Can move my foot, rotate it and bend it and everything but i can't bear weight. The pain is not really in the middle of the heel but more to the left (Right foot). I can walk but i limp and i usually use the right side of my foot to bear weight and the part where it hurts is elevated a little so it looks kinda funny. Did i fractured my heel bone or is this just a sprain? It doesn't hurt when i'm resting, slightly pressing it but it hurts when i try walking using my heel. It has been more than 48 hours and I don't see any noticeable bruising or swelling as well.

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Foot / Ankle :: NWB - Heel, Side Of Foot On Ground

I know NWB means you're not allowed to touch the ground, but that is nearly impossible for me when I'm driving or sitting on the toilet

I'm 6'0 tall and my legs will hit the ground sometimes! I had a lapidus bunionectomy which is surgery on the first metatarsal, so I'm thinking maybe it's ok if I rest my heel or side of my foot to the ground every once in awhile? Does anyone else on NWB do this? If not, then how do you manage driving or goto the bathroom? Also has anyone ever had any complications from using your heel/side of foot a little bit?

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Foot / Ankle :: Microfracture And Brostrom Surgery Together?

I was diagnosed with small (<1cm) OCD of the tibial plafond and lax lateral ligaments. I am now facing a microfracture and a Brostrom is about a month. Has anyone had both procedures together and what was your experience?

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Foot / Ankle :: My Experience Of Hammertoe Surgery

On November 22, 2013, I had hammertoe surgery in my right foot. Incisions were made in the back of all four toes besides the big toe to release the tendon. The second toe was more rigid than all the others so it needed more work. Part of the knuckle had to be removed to slightly shorten the toe and a bone graph was put in. So, that toe had an incision in the back like the others and stitches on the top.

I was in a surgical shoe for four weeks, then tennis shoes for two weeks, then I could transition into other shoes. Recovery was pretty painful. I kept my foot elevated and iced it for the first week. I only walked when I had to use the restroom, and for the first few days that was almost impossible. It hurt so bad I ended up hopping to the bathroom on my other foot. So I got that surgery done in November and now it is March and my foot is doing great. Sometimes there is still slight pain in the second toe, it's still healing. My toes aren't 100% back to normal yet but I think they are close. I can walk/run on them with no problem.

I just had the same exact surgery on my left foot on February 28, 2014. This time I requested crutches since it was unbearable to walk on my foot the first time. I went home with crutches and used them for the first 4 days. Then on the 5th day I started to try to put pressure on my foot and begin to walk on it without the crutches. I thought the pain was getting better but it is now day 8 and I am in a lot of pain. My foot feels very hot, there is a burning sensation, and there are some stabbing pains. Usually the pain meds (Vicodin) help a lot with the pain. But tonight after taking one and seeing no improvement I took another, and still my foot is hurting very badly and I don't know what to do. Today is Friday and on Monday I have to go back to school so I'm trying to walk more and more everyday to prepare myself for having to walk around campus. I've already gone through this surgery before so I knew what to expect but so far the recovery for this foot has been slightly different from the first.
The pain is keeping me awake so I'm hoping it will ease off soon.

I would love to hear anyone's post-hammertoe surgery stories. Similarities or differences between our surgeries.

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Foot / Ankle :: PTTD Surgery On Both Feet

I went for all the fun preop tests today in preparation for my second reconstruction happening in two weeks. I'm starting to go a little crazy realizing everything I still need to do before the surgery. ..finish prepping my house, rent the knee walker, finish Christmas shopping! Yikes! In some ways it's easier having an idea what to expect the second time around, but in other ways knowing what the next few months will be like makes it harder.

Those of you who have had the joy of having to have pttd surgery on both feet, how did foot number one hold up to crutches, etc? Any suggestions for a successful second recovery?

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Foot / Ankle :: Getting Around After Flatfoot Reconstruction Surgery

I will be having Flatfoot Reconstruction Surgery in May and am trying to get a handle on the recovery. I live in a small 1 bedroom apartment, ground floor, but with 2 semi-steep steps leading inside.

I'd love to know anyone's experience with steps/stairs after this type of surgery. Also am looking for a recommendation for a good foam wedge for foot elevation...and actually anything else you might want to share. I'm a bit overwhelmed at how arduous the recovery may be.

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