Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Stomach Cramps And Diarrhea For Three Weeks

Oct 11, 2014

I'm 20 years old and a couple of weeks after moving to France, I started having problems with my bowel. It got worse until I started having diarrhea and with the exception of two days, I now wake up each morning needing to go. I went to a doctor last week and they gave me some medication for slowing my bowel movements and firming up everything. It worked on the fourth day but now I've stopped using the medication and it's started up again. I was on a bus home last night and I was actually incontinent  I'm fine for the most of the day but sometimes it's just debilitating. I've been looking online and it seems that I'm a match for IBS. Can anyone help? 

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Bowel Disorders :: Severe Stomach Cramps With Diarrhea

For the past month I've experienced stomach problems. It started with diarrhea and severe cramps that caused bleeding(I'm assuming hemorrhoids). So I went to the hospital and they said they think it's diverticulitis but never got back to me but sent me home with antibiotics. Its been a few weeks and the pain is awful and it is effecting my life and work. It happens whenever I eat or lift things. I can't sleep right now because the pain. Luckily I only have diarrhea sometimes now but still I feel weak and the stomach pain is too much.

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome :: Only Abdominal Pain And Bloating? No Diarrhea / Constipation

I began to develop abdominal pain following a course of antibiotics prescribed for an overactive gland back in October last year. Since then my condition has worsened to the point where I experience lower abdominal pain on a daily basis. Often the pain can be present all day and I can find no way to relieve it. The only other symptom I have is occasional bloating, but no constipation or diarrhoea (always been regular and that hasn't changed). My health in general is very good and I exercise regularly (swimming and running).

At first I was prescribed Mebeverine but I found it had very little effect. I have had numerous blood tests, a urine test, and also an ultrasound, all of which were clear.

Around 8 weeks ago I was referred to a specialist gastroenterologist and my appointment is in 3 weeks from now. 2 weeks ago I visited my GP again because I was experiencing an unusually degree of pain. She said she would expedite my appointment with the specialist, however this is something she has been unable to fulfil, in part due to bad communication between them and the gastroenterology department and also due to the fact the specialist only works two days a week.

At this point I haven't been diagnosed as having anything specific, and If I'm honest I kind of feel like I've been hung out to dry by my GP whose answer on most occasions has been to wait and see, which suggests they aren't taking it very seriously.

My question really is, is it possible to suffer from IBS but only experience abdominal pain and bloating?

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome :: Hard / Loose Stools And Mild Cramps

I am 35 years old female and have a daughter just under 2. I have for most of adult life suffered from hard stool and I have a , fissure as a result that comes and goes from time to time. I have also experienced occasional pain in my lower to mid right abdomen that can last a whole day and be gone the next. Now for the past two weeks I have been having a change in bowel movements to looser stools and mild cramps. There are also pains on my right that are localized and come and go. Not sharp but feel like something is in there. And as I said they come and go. I also have lots of gas and extreme intestinal growling. Another thing I experience is bruised like feeling in ascending and transverse colon. Especially after a bowel movement. I usually will have a day or two without cramps and going to the toilet only once to going 3 to 6 times in a row. Never had this problem before. Very afraid this is something really bad. Been to Dr and we have done a complete blood count and all is fine. I suffer usually from severe health anxiety and have been back and forth at Dr and she is sending me for a urgent colonoscopy within two weeks and she thinks it could be ibs or some form of ibd. No blood in stools. So while I am waiting for an appointment my anxiety has been going through the roof.

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Alcohol :: Stomach Cramps And Nausea / Diarrhea?

I have diarrhea/nausea/dry heaves/stomach cramps/sudden urge to have a bowel movement and dizziness almost everyday of my life. Sometimes these symptoms are accompanied by a headache. I also have horrible indigestion and I'm a former alcoholic, I'm wondering if any of these symptoms could have been worsened by alcohol. I just feel like crap, consistently. I don't know what to do because everything I try seems to be ineffective. I can hardly drink water because of my stomach being upset and I have had no appetite for a few good weeks now. I'm also always tired. The severity of my symptoms come and go but always seem to be present.

I've considered that maybe I have IBS or Crohn's disease but I'm unsure due to some of my other symptoms.

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Diarrhea For Few Days With Stomach Pain, Cramps And Gas?

I had diarrhea for the past 4 or 5 days and really not feeling well at all. Yesterday i got better and today i thought i should eat Activia and so i ate it and guess what i've got gas pain and it's like crampy to. I went toilet it wasn't watery stools but normal and now i'm feeling really stressed why i ate Activia. Plz can anyone on here tell me is Activia safe to eat and does it it give you cramps..

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome :: Intestinal Noise And Bowel Movements

Hope right forum at end of post its about ibs. So few years ago started having ruq pain, Dr said lung xray clear ultrasound small liver cyst, alt slightly elevated, no doubt drinking, thinks stress, went on, bowel movements from normal, loose, some days 3-5 times, some days none, but never more than a day or two constipated, Er visit a few months ago for stomach virus, full blood panel because of history normal, abdomen palpation normal. Pain persist on daily basis more last two ribs both sides front and back doesn't seem deep, lots of bowel sounds and gas, worse in evening, worse sitting, better standing or laying down.Got nervous went to walk in clinic, nurse practitioner(I'm in USA) said probably cirrhosis with my history, gi appointment in 3 weeks, paniced and went to Er next day, Dr said no way cirrhosis, this muscular or ibs, his blood work said normal alt 52, good to him, but walk in NP said alt 55 other symptoms, no jaundice, no blood anywhere, gassy, occasional bloating and the pains in front sides and back come and go. Have a lot anxiety issues. Lots of intestinal noise and bowel movements, losing my mind. any Thoughts. Ibs?

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Bowel /abdominal Cramps - Diarrhea And Constipation At The Same Time?

I'm experiencing some pretty intense abdominal pain and cramping. It began on Sunday, I woke up to these intense cramps (which I can only compare to what I assume contractions feel like), they are bad enough to make me stop whatever I'm doing and have to keel over. They last maybe 30 seconds and they go away. Yesterday, I woke up with the cold sweats, I was clammy, a fever, body aches, still had those cramps, I had pretty bad diarrhea, although I felt like I wasn't...getting it all out. I also don't have much of an appetite.

Is it possible to have diarrhea and constipation at the same time? It's also worth mentioning that a few weeks ago, I decided to continue taking my birth control rather than stopping for the week to get my period, so that I would not have it on a trip I was going on. Could that affect my body this way?

Today I'm feeling a little better, still getting the cramps, I'm trying to drink as much water as possible. I still have diarrhea every time I go to the bathroom, but still I get the sensation that I'm not getting everything out of there. I'm not as clammy and sweaty as yesterday, but I still am a little bit. No body aches though.

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Bowel Disorders :: Diarrhea And Abdominal Cramps At Night

Throughout the past weekend I had begun getting abdominal cramps & becoming rather gassy. Yet, I thought nothing of the cramps, believing they just had something to do with my period then. On Saturday night, I had woken up with diarrhea accident & went to the bathroom only to have more yellow very watery stool. I tried to go back to bed, but it just happened again & worse. Sunday I slept in all day, and by the evening I had lost much of my appetite and ate just fruits,yogurt, cheese hotdogs & water. Monday I was relatively fine, I was more sluggish & tired than usual and didn't have an appetite. That whole day I only ate string cheese, salami pieces, butter on toast & ribs. I also drank a bit of milk. I realized that this milk was expired by a day only after I drunken it. I drank allot of milk on Saturday so that may be the issue. Thus, I drank a few glasses of another (non expired) milk carton. While I thought it was gone, it proved me wrong. Last night the same thing happen, yet not as bad.

Could this be due to the expired milk? Could I be lactose intolerant?

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome :: Nortriptyline For IBS?

I am 37yo and suffering from IBS for 5 years. I did all the tests you can possibly imagine...but nothing. The gastrologists doctors (2 of them) told me to try Nortylin/Nortriptyline, saying it should help. Anyone tried it ? any results ? I am a bit reluctant to that till now...Thanks a lot

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome :: Causes And Cure?

a) What has caused my condition?

b) How can I cure it rather than just keep it at bay?

The experts don't seem to have much idea.

It all started about 3 years ago with pain in my descending colon and then in my groin area. At the same sort of time I became sensitive to coffee, alcohol spicy foods, fats, vinegar and lemon juice.

My GP has given me peppermint oil and Pregabalin. Pregabalin is good for general neuropathic pain associated with diabetes but much less effective on ibs pain.

ibs does get worse if you are stressed about something.

I have had a Colonoscopy, several X rays and a CT scan and you see absolutely nothing.

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome :: Colostomy Bag?

Has anyone had a colostomy bag fitted through having severe IBS-D?

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome :: Can Gastritis Cause Nausea?

Some years ago I Poisoned and had nausea and because of a special stress I sense that I have nausea all times. For example, When I want travel or use bus and visit new places alone then I am nauseated and it is so hard for me. I visited a Psychiatrist and he Prescribed some pills like Sertraline, Fluoxetine, Alprazolam and...I used these Pills and I'm better but when I discontinued these pills my behaviors backed too many years ago. What is my Sickness? Recently, I visited another doctor and did Urea breath test and Doctor told me I have Gastritis but can it my Sickness? If it is my Sickness then why when I use  Sertraline, Fluoxetine, Alprazolam then I'm better? Can Gastritis cause nausea?

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome :: Reflux That Smells Like Poo

As a Medical Secretary this has been a difficult situation to deal with. It has taken me 8 years to sort out. It started with reflux that smelled of poo. That was the only symptom. It took 7 years to get a hiatus hernia and an infection which they never even tested for.

But, even after all that it still kept happening. I have 2 sisters with coeliac disease. GP would not test properly for that. In the end I went on a gluten and sugar free diet. It WORKED. No more embarrassed situations and I should get my first kiss when I pluck up the courage. Eight years I have struggled.

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome :: Anyone Given Antidepressants To Control It?

Has anyone been given antidepressants to try and control their IBS?

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome Triggered Hemorrhoids

Terrible bout of IBS for about a week after eating one of my trigger foods. I used to love chocolate but can't eat it now because of IBS. I had a meltdown last week and ate a few Snickers bars. I ended up with diarrhea for a week and now I have severe hemorrhoids. Has anyone else experienced anything like this and any suggestions to calm them down? I've been using Preparation H but I'm still in pain.

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome :: FODMAP Diet - What To Add?

Help!  Is there anyone out there who is vegetarian, has been through the FODMAP diet and now doesn't know what order to add things into their diet?  If you have any advice please tell me, I am allergic to beans and pulses and have a b.m.i of 19 only, I must make it slightly higher, but don't know where to start.  I have no problem with wheat or lactose, but do have little fruit in my diet, very few green veg and lots of the other food groups, I feel my diet is wrong, I'm deficient in lots of things I feel.  Help, you may all know better than my doctors!

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Yeast Intolerance Due To Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

I have suffered for the past 2 years with bad stomach cramps , diarrhea , and bad wind . this would occur every week and mostly every day . i went through the doctors and they just saw it as "oh you have Ibs there really isn't a cure just deal with it ". i knew for a while that it really wasn't just ibs but something more , i started looking at food allergies and decided to take a food intolerance test. They found out i had a really bad yeast allergy!!??. Does anyone suffer with yeast allergies?? i have started a new diet cutting out yeast and trying  to cut down on sugary foods ( this is impossible!) however i do feel a lot better and i have been taken medicine to kill of the bacteria in the gut. 

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome :: Yeast Overgrowth

To make a long story short, all my crazy symptoms started back on 09/2013. (insomnia, night sweats, joint pain, shaky legs, shivering, digestive problems)

After many tests and ruling out Crohn's and Colitis, I was diagnosed with IBS.

I spent more time doing some research and had some additional tests done.

The cause was determined to be yeast overgrowth, mainly in the colon area. I also have oral thrush.

I finally got my sleep back to normal after 6 months and my bowel movements are pretty good as well. I got rid of my reflux and Gastritis, thank god.

I'm trying to finish off with the yeast and say goodbye to IBS after 8 months.

So far was on natural antifungals such as Caprylic Acid, Berberine and a few other things.

My diet is super strict as well. No Wheat, Gluten or sugars.

I'm to the point where I'm almost beating this 100%, but the damn yeast infection is very very stubborn. It hits me in both sides of the colon. (Mainly irritation, the inflammation is gone)

My report showed the yeast is sensitive to the following drugs:

1. Amphotericin

2. Fluconazole

3. Itraconazole

4. Ketoconazole

5. Nystatin

Just wondering if anyone has any experience with these. I'm about to ask my Doctor to prescribe one and see if it can help me get to 100%.

Been also doing coffee enemas, which are great. (I thought it was crazy in the beginning, but soon found out otherwise)

Right now I'm on anti-fungals, probiotics, B-complex, Vitamin C and little bit of HCL after meals.

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome :: Frequent Urination?

I posted something few days ago but I didn't really ask this question and has been nagging at me for months now. I did make an appointment for my GP on Wednesday. I wanted to get to the bottom of my symptoms because it has been at least 3 months. 

Anyways I was wondering how many you who have IBS suffer from frequent urination? and sorry to be explicit how does your bladder feel?

I don't have any pain and I don't wake up in the middle of the night to go to the washroom. I just get this pressure feeling in my abdomen/pelvic region and it feels like I have to pee. I tried to experiment cause lets face it going to the washroom every hour to hour and a half is annoying so I've been trying to not go washroom until at least 2-3 hours. It is uncomfortable but I can do it. I even lasted the whole night when the last time I went to the washroom was at 8pm and I slept at 1 am.  I am worried that this might be ovarian cancer, even though I am only 18, and yes I do know cancer happens at all ages but at the same time it is a slim chance. Also I'm worried since it is going on with my colon symptoms which I have been told from other posts that it seems like IBS. I also worry that this is diabetes though the only symptom I get is this; I am not excessively thirsty. I also woke up two days ago with lower dull back pain that is still lasting, feels like an annoying muscle ache.

I also would like to ask if I should demand my GP to do the necessary tests? if I should, how should I do it?  Last time I went to her in September I only had constipation symptoms and she told me to up my fiber intake and come back in a month if it persists. I didn't because I wanted to observe it since in the summer I kept coming back to her for a persistent cough that I thought was lung cancer. I was afraid that she would dismiss my worries like she did that time by taking at least two months to request an x-ray of my chest even though I asked for it the first time because it was "unnecessary" (it was because the cough did go away in the beginnings of september but still if nothing was working from antibiotics to asthma inhaler I would think I would try to see if anything was wrong internally).

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome :: Feeling Faint

Anyone have this problem that when your stomach starts to cramp you feel like you are going to throw up or pass out? I am wondering if it is my anxiety doing that for fear of the pain or if it is associated with IBS?

Any suggestions on how to control this feeling and I am already on anxiety meds but for the past week my anxiety has been really high

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