High HCG And False Positive?

May 27, 2016

My HCG is elevated and shows positive pregnancy. I had been told I cannot become pregnant and have not had a menstrual cyclE for 4 years. I am getting 44. I had series HCG and vaginal ultrasound to confirm false positive. Why am I having high HCG and false positive? I take 125 mcg Synthroid and no other medications.

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Men :: Chances Of A False Positive For Chlamydia?

About 3-4 weeks ago I had a itchy/ticklish sensation in my urethra.  A few days passed and then I noticed a clear discharge.  The discharge is a bit sticky, so it makes the hole of my penis stick together.  A few days later, I woke up and saw a white discharge.  The white discharge only happened this one time.  So, I went to the hospital the next day and did a urine test.  The tests came back negative.  The doctor said that it was probably some kind of bacteria, but it should go away.  Well, I waited for about a week, and the tickling sensation and discharge was still there.  So I went back and he referred me to a urologist. 

I went to the urologist and did a swab and urine test.  The test came back positive for Chlamydia.  I was shocked because I have been with my girlfriend for 8 months and we lived and worked together for about 3 months now.  We are literally with each other 24/7, so I know she didn't give it to me.  Also, she got her full gyno screening about a month ago and everything came back negative.  Since I didn't believe this test, I went to a third doctor and took a urine test.  I came back positive for 2 things now -- Chlamydia and Gardnerella.  How is it that I took this test 3 times and got 3 different results?   

So, my question is -- what are the chances that I received 2 false positives for Chlamydia?  Is there any other type of infection that can get mixed up with Chlamydia?  The 2nd doctor gave me antibiotics for Chlamydia and I took them for 6 days, however, I still had the discharge after 6 days with little improvement.  So, I just started taking a different type of antibiotics from the 3rd doctor, also for Chlamydia.  The thing is, I really don't see how it would be Chlamydia.  Unless I was silently carrying it for 8 months (I don't think this is even possible!?).  My girlfriend and I have unprotected sex since she is on the pill.  After I told her my test results, we were both baffled. One factor that I think it could be is that I changed laundry detergents recently.  Is it possible that this could cause a false positive for Chlamydia?   

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STDs :: HSV 1 - 1.29, No Cold Sores - False Positive?

I just got an HSV1 (IgG) test result of 1.29, which is "positive" and had a couple of questions for the community.

1. This number is low enough that there's a pretty good chance of it being a false positive, right?

2. This test wouldn't cover any new exposure in the last month, right?

3. Does this result mean I already have antibodies and that I'd be more protected against getting oral/genital HSV1 (depending on where I already have it)?

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Chlamydia :: For Over 15 Months Undetected Or Be A False Positive?

This past week I visited Planned Parenthood to switch birth control pills. My previous pill were causing severe hormone imbalance and I could not deal with it anymore. When I went they did a urine test to check for STIs and STDS. Over a week later, this morning, I received a call that unfortunately results came back positive for Chlamydia.

I have been between crying and panicking all day- even after my appointment this afternoon to receive my antibiotic. My partner and I have been together since January of 2015. Neither of us has cheated. We're at the point in our relationship where we've been ring shopping. Now my entire world has been flipped upside down and shattered.

He cannot be tested right away (it'll have to wait until Monday) because of a sports tournament that he is attending right now. There is no way to get tested without alerting the entire team and coaches of the situation. My question is- we have had different partners before. We had partners before we dated. Is there ANY possible way this could be present for extended months or years?

I asked my nurse and she seemed doubtful treating me like a floozy and implying that one of us was lying to the other. We've both offered to take lie detector tests to save our relationship. I am torn up and heart broken right now and none of this makes sense. This is not a casual relationship- we live together and spend 350 days out of the year together. How could this possibly happen? Any sense of a false positive (I also asked the nurse this after reading cases online and she laughed and told me to just take the medicine)

Other helpful information: I have never had any symptoms. None. They believe that I could my pelvic pain could be a symptom but that has been going on for years (since I was four) I go to the doctor at least twice a year for stomach and pelvic pain. Anything would help! I'm completely lost right now.

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Herpes :: Western Blot - Possible False Positive?

I have been diagnosed with HSV 2 via western blot. I know it's the best test for diagnosing this virus.

But my question is this, are there any cases of a false positive with this test?  I really can't find much online. I have had zero symptoms. I'm not sure how long I have had this, but I'm guessing at least 4-6 months. That's how long it's been since my last ready came back negative. And my ex had admitted now he has it and it's been more than 3 months since we last had sex. So I'm guessing I caught it in that small window of time. I know he was cheating on me.

But could past history with having chicken pox, shingles, mono and HSV 1 also contribute to a false positive?

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Platelet Donation False Positive HIV Testing

I donated platelets back in March and I just got a letter in the mail the other day saying that I am no longer eligible to donate blood because I tested reactive to the anti HIV 1/2 test, but tested negative on their confirmatory test (they didn't specify what their "confirmatory" test was)
I have never had a blood transfusion, never used IV drugs, and my one and only sexual partner is my long term boyfriend (we have been together for over 7 years, always wear condoms, and we were each other's first partners). I live in the US.

I do have piercings, the oldest one I got in 2010, and I gave blood after receiving it without a problem. I also had my wisdom teeth extracted last March and I did get a flu shot in September (6 months before the donation)

At the time of donation I was sick, I had a bit of a head cold but I was on my way to recovery (but still sick..)

Could the fact that I had a head cold (stuffy/runny nose, sore throat, cough, fatigue) during the time I was donating cause a false positive?

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Mononucleosis :: Can Your Blood Test Come Back False Positive For Mono?

Are there diseases that can sort of "mask" as mono, yet be something else? Can something else other than EBV test you positive?

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Herpes :: Asymptomatic Virus Shedding - False Positive? Carrier?

I was tested positive for HSV2, but no symptoms

Also I would like to know the best way to prevent passing this HSV2 ...

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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome :: Pcos And False Positive HPT (home Pregnancy Test)

does any body have pcos and had have several hpt come positive along with blood test but nothing on the ultrasound please could u reply am rerally confuse at this point because i have never had a pt positive n i did 7 n they were all positive and the blood test was also but both ultrasound showed nothing

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Herpes :: HSV 1 Swab Positive Means Western Blot Positive?

I have read that in 99% of cases people who swab positive for hsv1 show positive for western blot. Does that mean wb is 99% accurate for hsv1 3 months after exposure ?

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Lupus :: Positive ANA And Positive Anti-dsdna

So I have been sick with a mystery illness for the last year or so. I've seen every specialist, and the first thing they looked for was a malignancy, but there seems to be nothing. Then I saw a rheumatologist and she sent me for blood tests that came back with a positive ANA and positive anti ds-dna. From what I've read, positive anti-dsdna is VERY specific to Lupus. I never thought I had Lupus because my symptoms weren't specific to it, but after ruling almost everything else out, I'm thinking more and more that Lupus could be it. Because my symptoms weren't specific enough, my rheumatologist told me she wanted to see me again in 3 months to see if there were any progressions. I'm really becoming more certain that it has to be Lupus with these positive tests, and I'm worried that I won't be able to get a diagnosis for a long time to come.

Some of my symptoms include:
Extreme fatigue
Constant low grade fever
Neck discomfort
Random pains in fingers and knees (not constant, every once in a while)
Chest pain when breathing deeply
A lot of memory problems
Thinning hair
Can barely work out or walk at the same speed as most people

What do you think I should do next in order to speed up finding a diagnosis? How do I make it clear to my rheumatologist that I feel like this is becoming more and more urgent?

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Lupus :: Positive ANA 1:40 With Positive Anti-dsDNA

2 years ago it was ANA 1:80 and the anti-dsDNA was 10, now it's ANA 1:40 with anti-dsDNA 22. So which is worse ?

2 years ago they said it's borderline and if I don't have symptoms, let's wait, they didn't dx. me with lupus.

I had ( and still have ) unexplained hip pain ( comes and goes ), headaches and lightheadedness ( had them before, but usually around periods ), but 2 months ago they become very bothersome and almost constant. My vitamin D is 25 ( should be 30-70 ) and vitamin b12 is 244 ( should be 200-900 ) my dr.said is still kind a low
Are these lupus symptoms at all ?

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Pregnancy :: Anyone Gotten A False Genetic Testing?

has anyone gotten a false genetic testing . They have told me my baby neck is 6mm away and it has to be 3mm . Has anyone gotten the same problem and later everything was fine ?

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HIV :: Oraquick - Accuracy And False Negative?

Before Aug 19th 2015 I had an exposure (oral sex without condoms and also I had shaved my genital and I felt some liquid coming out from the girl on me). I got tested with Oraquick on Dec 18th 2015 and Dec 21st 2015. Both results were negative.

My questions are:

1) Is Oraquick accurate in this situation?
2) how could I understand the accuracy of 91.7% for false negatives?

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HIV :: Oraquick - 1 Out Of 12 False Negative Rate

I've practically done it 3 times and I'm trusting my status and life with it, but check this out; If it has a 1 out of 12 false negative rate, then why the hell do they sell it? and Why the hell do people say a false positive is more likely even though the percentages of that happening are quite lower than negative? I had brief unsafe sex with a high risk girl for maybe around 1 minute and a half and then I withdrew because I knew I was being stupid, I've been tested using oraquick at 10, 11, and 12 weeks after and all negative, on forums and stuff I've seen terrible posts of the test not picking up the antibodies well after the window period but people are saying 8 weeks after exposure in nearly certain of you negative result with THIS test. So basically im very lost, any input?

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Hypertension :: High Carbohydrate Food Causes High Blood Pressure (100/170)?

i am not overweight. Drink a healthy smoothie and whole grain cereal almost every morning yet my BP is still high. (100/170). I was  told it may be because of elevated insulin levels caused by the fruit drinks and whole grains (as well as the potato, rice, pasta and breads) that I eat. These are things that easily break down into sugars and cause the issue. (Basically a carb issue). Am I supposed to go on one of those caveman diets? Has anyone tried lowering their carb intake to lower their BP? 

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Pregnant With A Tubal Ligation And Have A False Negative?

I had a tubal ligation about two years ago now my periods are irregular me and my husband want a baby. so how do i know if im pregnant. could it be possible to be pregnant with a tubal ligation and have a false negative.

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HIV :: How Accurate Is Oraquick (92%)? Chances Of False Negative?

High risk over 10 years ago. I didn't even think to be tested. So after thinking about it everyday I decided to get a oraquick rapid home test. The results were negative. I was fine after. Shortly after I was diag. With seborrheic derm. Which I read can be a start of symptoms in late stage. So I started to research oraquick and found its only 92% reliable. Does anyone know anything about this. Will it really give 8% false negatives. I took another one because I couldn't remember if I drank before it. This time I did it after I woke up in the morning so I could be sure. Are these tests accurate at 92% ? Could I be in late stages is that why sderm is showing up and maybe there aren't enough antibodies. What are the chances of 2 false negatives? Should I take it 9 times? Or is it falsely negative depending on the person. I don't want to think about it anymore.

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Oraquick False Negative At Late Stages Of HIV?

Hi just want to have ease of mind and clarification I had a possible exposure 15 years ago and on the first week of January 2016 I have some flu like symptoms and mouth problem that is similar to oral OHL or maybe it is...I tested negative with oraquick lans Feb. 2016 but then I read an article about late stage of HIV and that oraquick may produce false negative due to antibody issue...since it was 15 years ago from possible exposure do you think I need to test again? I have no strength to test again honestly i'm afraid.

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Oraquick Test Accuracy - Causes Of 8% False Negative?

So my story goes, between 5-10 years ago I had a few(approximately 4) unprotected sexual encounters. I never gave it a second thought as I was young and invincible plus, I had no reason to doubt the women I was with. Recently I started getting worried that I may have contracted hiv at some point during that time; a highly unlikely and unreasonable fear, but none the less it has been causing me extreme anxiety. Last week I decided to take an oraquick at home test and the results came back negative, easing my mind at that time. I then began to wonder if I preformed the test to the exact specifications (I was worried I may have drank some water in the 30 minute window before testing). So again, I went and bought another test, was sure not to drink for an hour before and again got a negative result.

My mind was at ease until I read that these tests have an 8% chance of false negative; which is strange because its the same test administered in clinics with 99% accuracy. My question: are the causes of false negatives typically due to user error or testing before the window period is up? Do I have anything to worry about?

I am considering taking another test or perhaps going to get a rapid blood test. I know my odds of being positive are extremely low but I keep focusing on the what if. Please help and thank you!

P.s. already in the process of scheduling an appointment to figure out this irrational anxiety.

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Cardiovascular :: High P Wave And High Diastolic Pressure

Let me start off by saying I am a 20 year old male who was fine before all of this started. I went to the ER for chest pain and palpitations they did the basic test like EKG Xray and Blood work. The ER doctor said i was fine and they let em go home but said i need to see a cardiologist to just make sure everything was fine. So i went to see a cardiologist and the hospital faxed over all of my test results. Based on my ER visits EKG i have an abnormally high P wave everything else on the EKG was fine. They set me up for a Echocardiogram to make sure i did not have an enlarged heart. that test came back normal and they said i did not have a enlarged heart. They set me up for a Stress Echo test I went in for the test got my heart rate up to 200bpm the before and after pictures of my heart looked good and they said everything was working fine and that i was healthy. But during the test i still have those high P waves showing up on the EKG which he said was caused because I am very thin chested and my hear beats close to the surface of my chest so the EKG pick up a higher voltage. Now i have noticed a slight arrhythmia when i take my pulse it tends to beat at 60 bpm then 5 or 6 beats later it jumps to 80 bpm then back to 60 after 5 or so beats. This comes and goes and does not happen all the time and when it does happen it only last up to 30 minutes but during that time i feel fatigued . And finally my blood pressure seems high the systolic pressure is always within normal range its the diastolic that always above normal when i tested my blood pressure with a home blood pressure monitor today it was at 135 over 87 then when i tested it later on in the day it was 127 over 83 i have noticed in multiple test the diastolic seem to float around the mid 80's to 90's the highest i have seen is 133 over 99. The cardiologist does not see to think there is anything wrong with me I have another appointment this week to bring up the high blood pressure and the arrhythmia.

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