Herpes :: Bumps Down There - Got My IUD Changed

May 28, 2016

It all started 3 weeks ago, I went to get my IUD changed (this is my 3rd, all changed at the time they were supposed to be) I didn't have any problems with this one either. I went camping 2 weeks later, still no problems, however it was hot out, so I was sweating a lot. I woke up one morning and I had a burning sensation when I went to pee. I thought maybe it was a uti, I had a bladder infection once before. Anyway it was still hurting two days later so I went to women's health services. (They also did my IUD). So the dr said I have herpes. The thing is, I have been with my husband for 10 years, neither of us have cheated, I have never had an outbreak before. I didn't have a fever or flu symptoms, I had no other symptoms either, I can't tell if I have bumps down there. I don't understand how this could happen.

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STD :: Red Pimple Like Bumps All Over My Thighs, Herpes?

For the last two months now, I have had red pimple like bumps all over my thighs. (Just like pimples on a face, are spread out) They are red, about the size of a pimple, and have white heads. The same puss in pimples comes out but they are harder to pop. About a month ago I got them, popped them, and they all seemed to clear up. Now their back, they are very itchy and painful. There's probably around ten on each thigh, after they pop they bleed and then scab over. I heard other people's questions that it sounds similar too, but it also sounds like herpes. I always pop them and touch the puss, but it never spreads like herpes does. (At least not yet.) herpes or no?! Please help I am 19 year old male and this really worries me!!!!! If it's herpes j have no clue what I am gonna do as I am a first responder!

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Red Bumps On Vagina - Razor Burn Or Herpes?

Alright so I went to the dr two weeks previous to having sex with a new partner and I was clean. I had pretty rough sex with this new partner a week ago and the lubrication wasn't very effective it was pretty painful. then developed a chest cold a few days later which I thought was normal because everyone in my family had been sick at the time. Well a day or two ago (a week after intercourse)I noticed bumps near my vagina. Now I shave so I figured it to be razor bumps. But I also noticed something that looked like a tear at the entrance to my vagina and I assumed it to be from the rough intercourse. At any rate it's probably too soon to tell but there's only three small red bumps and no head to them. They aren't painful to touch but very itchy. The tear is both itchy and slightly painful. I'm headed to the doctor in the next few days because I'm simply freaking out, but if anyone could take a look and give me some advice for ease of mind that would be great.

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Herpes Or Folliculitis? Bumps Around My Anus Area

I discovered these irritating bumps around my anus area that soon developed into tender ulcers.. so I went to the doctor to have them examined and she told me she couldn't really tell if it was herpes being the fact the bumps were scattered and they are each at the base of a hair follicle... so she swabbed them and sent them off for a lab test and I'm currently waiting for my results by the end of this week... I've never experienced anything like this before and the only symptoms I have is itching and I do believe I can feel my lymph nodes in my groin are swollen... has anyone else ever experienced anything like this and what does it sound like to you?

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STD :: Folliculitis Or Herpes -bumps But No Discharge And Itching

I had unprotected sex Saturday during that night I noticed bumps on my pubic hair region on sunday i went to the ER and they said it doesn't look like herpes it looks more like folliculitis they gave me oral antibiotics to take for it . now its monday 5:30 pm notice the pimples in the bumps went away but the bumps are still there..do i have herpes? no discharge no itching on the penis only the pubic hair region.

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Little Bumps On Genitals :: Hair Follicles Or Herpes?

Notice this i have never had sex. It was hot all week and i was hot and sweaty tell i took a shower. One night after exercising i was shaving in my genital area i got in the shower and noticed there were little bumps that looked like acne. It doesn't itch. Is it herpes or hair follicles. 

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Herpes :: Tiny, Clear Bumps (blisters) On Vagina

About a month ago, I got a few tiny bumps, or what appeared to be small blisters, on the top of my vagina. They slightly itched when irritated by my clothing, but if I touched them, rubbed them, or slightly itched them, it would kind of start to burn. I popped them in hopes of relieving some of the pain and irritation, which did seem to help. When I started googling what it could possibly be, everything lead the "Herpes." I am sexually active, but I am married and have been for two years now. My husband and I split up at the end of last year for about two months where we had both been with other people, me with one, him with two. So, seeing that these blisters automatically make people think herpes has me severely worried. I went to my doctor and they had already scabbed over by then, so she said she couldn't be completely sure, and to come back if they appeared again. Well, I noticed them again yesterday afternoon. It's a small cluster of about 5 of them. I left them alone until I went to bed (because I was very busy yesterday), but they started itching and bothering me in my sleep. I woke up and went to the restroom, where I popped them. It relieved some of the irritation, but they began to itch. I didn't mess with them, or even itch them. I just went back to sleep. Today I'm worried all over again about what this could possibly be. I set up an appointment with my doctor for later this afternoon, but I was hoping to possibly get some answers before then.

I do shave, so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it. My husband and I were tested by our doctors for STD's after we got back together and everything came back negative, except for Chlamydia, which we got treated for. So, I'm really hoping it's not herpes.

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Vaginal Health :: Is It Herpes Or Folliculitis? Bumps On My Labia

I have been with my current boyfriend now for 4 years. I have never had any symptoms of herpes, not even a cold sore on my mouth. My boyfriend has also been clean. About 6 days ago I noticed a two small bumps on my labia majora right in the hairline then there was another small bump down on my labia minora again in the hairline and on the same side as the one on the upper part of the labia. I of course began freaking out. I've never had a STD scare before and I immediately thought the worst. The bumps were slightly itchy, red, and it looked as though they had a white, almost puss filled, kind of top. I went to the health clinic 2 days later, the soonest I could get in, and the nurse told me it didn't look like any herpes case she had seen before, but she swabbed me to do a culture just in case. I'm still waiting for the results and the waiting is driving me insane. I've read every article I can find on herpes and how I could possibly have contracted it since both me and my boyfriend have been faithful to each other, and before I was with him I was with the same man for 5 years who I know was clean. I know it is possible for the disease to lay dormant for years, but still it just seems odd that it would wait this long to appear and my current boyfriend has not had any bumps or cold sores since we’ve been together.
I stumbled upon the condition folliculitis and I’m wondering if it could possibly be that. I do shave down there regularly. I’ve had razor burn before but nothing like this. Currently the two bumps that were on my labia majora have turned into a hard lump underneath the skin and the one on my labia minora has also turned into a lump under the skin. I’ve never had a cyst or boils before so I’m not really sure what I’m looking at. There is no puss coming out of anything, but they are painful when irritated. I am able to go without underpants once I am home, but during the day I have been wearing cotton underwear and I sit at a desk. I think this irritates the one on my labia majora because of where it is located so it is normally sore.
I have no other symptoms of herpes. No burning urination, swollen lymph nodes, or any sickness. I’m also not in a great deal of pain or anything like that. I’m just really unsure of what is going on and the symptoms of both herpes and folliculitis sound so similar. Folliculitis makes more sense to me, but then again that’s because I really don’t want to have herpes. There is one other issue I’m having that I can’t find online at all. It’s kind of hard to explain, but there is a white area in the fold of my skin that is above my clitoris. It’s not puss and it doesn’t hurt. I cannot find any pictures or descriptions of this online. I’m not sure if it could be caused from the large hard lump that is near it on my labia majora or not.
I’m not able to find out my results for at least another 4 days and I’m going to make a appointment with my gyno for next week as well, but I’m looking for any opinions or advice as I’m currently driving myself crazy with wondering and researching.

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Irritated Cyst Or Herpes? Bumps On Pubic Area

My vagina has been itching for several months now, anywhere from the pubic area to the vaginal opening. I noticed a few bumps on the inside of my lip, right where the bartholin's cyst can be upseated. They were itchy so I took a warm bath with some epsom salt and went to bed. I woke up to pain there and when I looked I saw one of the bumps had popped open and was now very sore to the touch and itches like crazy! None of my previous itching had caused a sore. I'm beginning to panic because I started looking online and of course herpes is the first thing I found. It doesn't seem like herpes based on what I have seen, I have had these little bumps before and they have never ruptured or caused any pain. I'm wondering if it is herpes or if maybe it could be an irritated cyst?

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HPV Or Herpes :: Small Bumps On The Inside Part Of My Labia Majora?

I am 25 years old, married and 3 months pregnant. In august of this past year I had a Pap smear that came out fine and normal. I then noticed these two small bumps on the inside part of my labia majora. They are not next to each other or in a cluster. When I pull the lab is outwards, it seems they are on the same row as little pores. The two bumps are flat, one is a little darker in color and the other is the color of my skin. They are both flat, do not hurt, soft to touch, but one sometimes gets "swollen" and resembles a skin tag. These have not spread anywhere, my husband does not have any, and two weeks ago I had another normal Pap smear. Is it possible these are HPV?

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Genital Herpes? Warts? Small Painless Bumps On Shaft

I have some small, painless, bumps on the shaft of my penis and they do not hurt and do not itch or anything. I do masturbate frequently and one day I just happen to notice that there were some very small bumps on the shaft of my penis. I've always had a few pimple like bumps on my penis for as long as I can remember. They can even be popped. But these new bumps are not the same thing. I haven't had sex in over a year and a half.

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Cannabis :: Weed Changed Who I Was

I'm currently sitting in my room and trying to figure out what to do with my smoking habit. I have been smoking almost every day for the last 2 years and it seems like a lot has changed. Before smoking Weed I was a great person. Kind,sincere,sociable, funny, i had tons of friends. No it seems like everything is the complete opposite. I've had a few other things happen in my life but at this point I am no longer concerned with those issues. 2 years ago my parents moved to TN and then decided to divorce and I was left all the way up north alone. Those things I have learned to deal with. I think my weed smoking has gotten worse overtime. I don't have many friends, people think I am weird, I get mad at situations I never did before. I have completely changed and I would give anything to be back where I was. I just lost my my girlfriend of 2 1/2 years and I think it has all been a result of my horrible habit. I never want to do anything, I never want to talk and it never was like that. It seems like it has thrown my emotions out of wack and I've become a horrible person. I just want a little encouragement and someone to tell me everything will be alright. Weed has changed me for the worst and I just want my life back and my gf.

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Multiple Sclerosis :: Optic Neuritis Changed Eye Size

I was recently diagnosed with MS after my first attack of ON. Its been 4 weeks now since the attack and my affected eye looks visibly smaller in size than my unaffected eye. Is this something commonly seen in ON ? I am hoping this is not permanent!

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Lexapro 40mg To Prozac 20mg - Severe Depression And Anxiety Changed From

Came off Lexapro 40 mg bout week and a half ago and have been on prozac 20mg for 2.5 weeks. Dr upped it today to 40 mg.

First week and a half on prozac 20mg i felt agitated and really really anxious...panicky often...racing thoughts, felt like i was going crazy.

But this morning just woke up totally depressed..cried all day pretty much, no motivation, huge brainfog, extremely tired, low concentration, not interested in doing anything- not enough concentration to do anything. Don't feel like eating.

I am wondering if it is too low dose after coming off Lexapro 40 mg...or maybe it just hasn't kicked in yet all....can anyone, from their own experience, shed some light on this....i am feeling completely lost!

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Bumps On My Genital Area :: STD Or Shaving Bumps

a have bumps on my genital area but not my penis. i had sex(protected)one month ago and got oral about two weeks ago. white bumps around there. not my penis though. how can i post a pic so someone could tell me what it might be. i think its cause i shave every week. i had bumps before i had sex but now they're white & i had two boils at different times & i popped them.

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Classic Migraine Changed To Silent Migraine In 30's

I had classic migraines through my teenage years which stopped for a couple of years before continuing at on average one every couple of months with the odd instance of a back to back cluster of 3-10 at once. They were always the same 20 minute aura then axe in the head pain and repeated vomiting for 6 hours followed by a 24hr hangover.  Over the years I have tried all preventers with only Epilim and Topiramate working for 18 months. I built up tolerance to Epilim and Topiramate gave me side effects that ended in a blood disorder so cannot take either any more. Beta blockers and antidepressants never worked and Lisinopril was also a short lived waste of time. The only triptan that ever worked was Maxalt rizatriptan but again it lost its effect after 6 months. Something weird has now happened and I wonder if others have had this? I am now 36 and in the last 6 months my migraines have totally changed. I still get the aura but if I take Express Nurofen and an anti sickness tablet straight away or use a heat pack on the back of the neck no pain or sickness comes just 6 hours of extreme tiredness. I always used to throw up any tablets so this is a miracle however the frequency has stepped up to between 5 and 20 a month so it is really impacting on my life. I have had an MRI and all is normal. I have also tried supplements and alternative therapies with no success. Botox and nerve blockers are the next suggestion but will they treat this scenario if there is no pain? Will it stop the aura too and prevent the whole episode? Help!

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Herpes :: Asymptomatic Gentintal Herpes Transmission To Mouth By Oral Sex?

Recently found out that I have genital herpes. It's scaring me because I'm a lesbian and I feel like I will never be able to have sex again. I have a couple of questions.

I'm in a relationship with a woman, would she contract herpes by giving me oral sex when I don't have an "outbreak"? Can she contract the virus orally?

What's are the risks and probabilities?

Can you have herpes 1 in your genitals or is it only herpes 2 in your genitals. What does this really mean?

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Negative Herpes But Random Blisters On Vagina But Tested Negative For Herpes?

Hello! I was recently back in February diagnosed with hpv. I had full blood work done and I have no other diseases or infections. I've also not had sex since before the testing. I recently noticed I have two painful blisters, one on the inside of my labia and the other on the other lip. I shave and I've had ingrown hairs but these definitely don't feel the same. They are super uncomfortable. I'm unable to go to the doctor until The end of the week and wanted to see if anyone knew what they might be? And any temporary ideas for pain relief? Over the counters pain killers do nothing. Also, I have extremely bad allergies to pollen and with the pollen, came these blisters, so I am not sure if they are related. I've added pictures below. Thanks for the help.

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Herpes? Angular Cheilitis? Angular Herpes?

27 YO male. Been tested a few times with negative test results for HSV 1 and 2 IGG tests. However, from time to time, I get these little sores on the very corner of my mouth (generally on the right side, VERY small, and singular). They don't hurt terribly bad and don't really leave any crusting. Sometimes they are tender and red, but generally not painful (barely noticeable most of the time). I was curious to know if this has happened to anyone else and they found out what it was? I don't think it's herpes, but it shares some symptoms.

I'm fairly sexually active, but I am very cautious as to whom I sleep with, always wear condoms, and give a good check of someone's oral region before I engage in anything. Thoughts?

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Red Bumps On Penis

Should I be worried about these bumps? I've been comparing to different penile stds and it doesn't match.

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STDs :: Red Bumps On Penis On And Off

Tiny, red bumps appear on shaft of penis on and off again. About a mm in diameter. No pain, no itchiness. I've recently been tested and everything came back negative.

They show up in my pubic area, too. Could they just be clogged pores/ingrown hairs?

They first appeared about 5 months ago. I had protected sex with a girl I didn't know well. She did also performed oral sex on me. First symptoms showed up about 20 days after.

They normally appear for about a week, then disappear. Went to the doctor and got checked for a variety of STDs including herpes -- everything came back normal.

I've been symptom free for about 2 months now, but it looks like they're back. I haven't had sex with anyone since that encounter. Help?

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