Surgical Menopause After Hysterectomy :: Bioidentical HRT?

Apr 20, 2016

I am three weeks post op from a subtotal hysterectomy, removal of both ovaries and removal of a giant ovarian cyst. The cyst was enormous , over 30 cms/11pints, and I was told before my op I would need HRT, but couldn't start until the histology results were back for the cyst. I have now had confirmation that all was benign so need to make some decisions about managing this surgical menopause. I am aware that being thrown into menopause due to ovary removal means I can expect severe symptoms, but so far I have only experienced night sweats. That said early days.

I would like some advice on HRT. I have read about bioidentucal HRT, but don't know if it is just hype. There are also gels, creams, implants, tablets, oestrogen only or combined HRT. I just need to hear what has worked for others. I have no family history of cancer, but I do of heart disease. I myself am healthy but I am about five stone overweight. I would like to protect myself against osteoporosis, that is my main priority I think. I am 47 and had not started the menopause before my op. Any anecdotal advice much appreciated.

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Surgical Menopause After Hysterectomy - Hot Flashes

I was 28 when I had my total hysterectomy, I am now 35 and the hot flashes are still winning:(  I went from having hot flashes every 45 minutes on the dot, around the clock, to having them every few hours around the clock.  I refuse to take HRT.  Regardless the only thing that has helped so far is Black Black Cohosh, herbal supplement.  I recently (December 2010) decided to venture into the world of acupuncture.  So many people says it works to completely eliminate or help with hot flashes.  When I went to a very reputable acupuncturist she told me it may not help because I've been having them for so long:(  To date I've had 5 sessions of the acupuncture.  No relief, in fact maybe more intense hot flashes.  I am still being hopeful and continuing treatment.  The other medicine my doctor gave me right after my hyster was Effexor.  That medication is an anti-depressant.  It is supposed to help with the hot flashes also.  I'm guessing due to the fact that it gives me decreased sensitivity to stress!  I've asked every doctor I've encountered how long will the flashes last?  Not one single doc can give me an answer.  Kinda absurd eh!  Well hopefully some of the things I've shared can help someone else.

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Menopause :: Hormone Therapy Weight Gain Temporary? Bioidentical Estrogen (estriol)

My ND recently put me on bio-identical estrogen (estriol) cream and progesterone capsules because I have severe chronic insomnia.

My sleeping has improved a bit, but I immediately gained about 15 pounds (I mean, within a couple of weeks) and I can't get it to budge. Most of it is on my chest and back, which is truly awful, since I have a tiny frame and was busty to begin with.

I keep reading about how the weight gain is temporary, but it's been three months now, and nothing has changed. I eat a low carb diet anyway, and I've always been on the slender side. As I just retired, I'm not in a position to just accept it and buy a whole new wardrobe.

Is this really temporary?

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Menopause :: Perimenopause - Hysterectomy To Get Through Symptoms?

I am 54 years old mother of three and grandma. I am in perimenopause, symptoms bad depression where I wouldn't get out of bed. I was told years ago to have a hysterectomy because of fibroids but I haven't yet thinking I will get through this. I have a enlarged uterus due to fibroids and thickening wall of the uterus . I go in August for an sono and ultrasound to check uterine wall. This hormonal stuff is driving me crazy. I stay home, don't get out much and scared when my husband leaves to go to work.

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Menopause :: Hormone Therapy - How Long After Hysterectomy?

I am 64 and had a hysterectomy 35 years ago. Do i need to stop taking my hormones?

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Hormone Replacement Therapy :: Bioidentical Better Than Standard HRT?

I have read that bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is safer than the standard DRT which is derived from the urine of pregnant horses.

However people interested in this therapy need to be aware that they must still take a version manufactured by a trusted pharmaceutical firm. Apparently there is something going the rounds now where the so-called bio-identical hormones are compounded in a pharmacy.  This could be extremely risky, worse than standard HRT.  I don't know what countries might be affected, the warning I read was in newsletter originating in the US, so hopefully it isn't even something most of us need to worry about, but thought I should bring up the topic as it has been mentioned a few times lately by those of us interested in finding safe ways to improve our bone density.

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Polymyalgia Rheumatica :: Tapering Off Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

I have had PMR since last March, I have been on Bio-identical Hormones

for about 17 years. I would like to taper the hormone dosage. Is this a bad time to do it since I have PMR? I am 68 years old.


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3 Surgical Abortions And 5 Miscarriages

I m in a relationship with my boyfriend from last 4 he's gonna be my fiance.

In last 3 years.......I had 3 surgical abortions...

5 miscarriages...

Although I don't want to get pregnant at least for 2 years..till we get married.

But now..I noticed that from last abortion on 25th November 2013......after 1 month....we had unprotected sex almost after every 3rd day till yesterday......but I haven't got pregnant.....

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Plan B - 3 Weeks After Surgical Abortion

My procedure was 3 weeks ago (Dec 3). 11 days later I had unprotected sex but took plan b the next morning. That fri (16th day mark) I had symptoms of ovulation - discharge, light cramps. I hadn't bled in about a week. This past Monday (19th day mark) I started heavier bleeding bleeding cramps again. I went through 1 tampon a day and now have fatigue with cramps.

Anyway, I'm thinking out loud here:

Could I have ovulated around the 2 week mark (just after plan b) and the bleeding is caused by my ovaries adjusting? Would plan b still affecting my hormones 10 days later and is the culprit behind my bleeding/cramps? Finally, is it possible an egg has been fertilized (pregnant) although I've bled semi heavily since then?

I'm aware having an abortion will throw your body out of wack for some time- so the plan b on top of it makes for complete hormonal/uterine chaos.

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Men :: Surgical Impotence With An Active Libido

I am a 71 year old male. About 14 years ago, I had a high rating on a PSA test, which lead to a twelve needle biopsy. The results were rated as a Gleason 8 tumor. My urologist said the type of prostate cancer I had was very aggressive and that we needed to take some action. At that time, I was told my options were radiation and/or surgery. Prostate cancer had occurred in both of my Grandfathers. My father had not come back from WWII so I had no information on him. However, I had done some research into what I would do if prostate cancer visited me. I opted for a radical prostatectomy. Both my urologist and the pathologist believed that the surgery got all the cancer, and saw no value in radiation. As it turned out, I have never had much of anything to speak of on any subsequent PSA tests. Oh joy and rapture. I am alive, and doing well with one exception. Prior to the cancer diagnosis, my wife and I had a very active sex life. We had been married for over 25 years and had engaged in some form of sex on an average of twenty or so times a month. When my wife learned of my cancer, she asked for a divorce. Following the surgery, I was impotent and of course could no longer ejaculate. On the advice of a crusty older nurse, God Bless her, I learned that I could masturbate to a sort of semi erection and achieve an orgasm. However I entered a period of depression and when I finally found my way out of it, I could no longer achieve an orgasm. Following a discussion with my urologist, I tried some injections directly into the penis that was supposed to result in an erection, but it was not satisfactory, and the whole idea of sticking a needle into my penis was not very appealing. My doctor then recommended an Osbon penis pump which cost a couple of hundred dollars. When I tried the pump, it sucked my scrotum into the pump cylinder and slammed a testicle into the pump cylinder. It hurt so bad I threw up. The pricey Osbon pump ended up in the garbage. So here I am. My libido has always been very high and seems to be getting higher as I age. I am still very attracted to women and, have no interest in a sexual relationship with men. I don't really care for the company of men all that much and never have. Between the internet and satellite TV, I am bombarded with pornography. While I do watch a fair amount of porn and sexually explicit shows on TV, it does nothing to assuage my libido. I hate sleeping alone, and I hate the notion of nothing but platonic relationships with women. Over the years I learned how to do a satisfactory job of performing oral sex, however, even the ladies of my age still want sexual intercourse in their lives and to be honest, I would not be interested in a women who did not want sex. I have been so lonely for female sexual companionship that I have met with several prostitutes, and it is nice to be able to touch and talk with an attractive nude woman, but then I have to go back to my empty lonely place. Is there any way that I could reestablish the ability to have orgasms? Does anyone have an ideas or information as to how I could achieve an erection and failing that, how do I shutdown my libido?

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Surgical Excision Mole Removal? Shave Necessary?

Is is necessary to shave your hair for a surgical excision mole removal on the scalp? I'm a 29 year old female with long hair and my dermatologist says she must shave off a section of my hair so hair doesn't grow into the wound. The mole is about the size of an eraser and located near the crown of my head.

I'm very worried about the aesthetic result. Is this usually necessary or should I get an opinion from another doctor? I really don't want to lose my hair. Also, is it likely that the mole removal itself will leave a bald patch?

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Hidradenitis Suppurativa :: Multiple Surgical Intervention Done

I am 34, I've had HS since I was 15-16 years old. I was diagnosed about 3 years ago. (Never knew what it was) I've been on antibiotics and had multiple surgical intervention done. On armpits, bottom, groin and under the apron of my belly. I regularly use a antibiotic gel and surgical scrub on my skin to keep flare up at bay. But I still have one under my arm and apron that won't heal. (Hole under my belly for 4 months now. I have an appointment to see a plastic surgeon. I am going to have a panniculectomy and the removal of my sweat glands under arms. I am nervous about it.. I was wondering if anyone has had it or know anyone that has.

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Surgical Abortion :: 2 Heavy Periods In A Month

hi i had my surgical abortion december 9,2015 everything went well light bleeding and a lil blood clots

i had my first period january 15th to 25th(10 days) its a heavy period and has lotsof blood clots coming out small-medium size everytime i go sit in the toilet and pee and when i go take a shower its like a water hose of blood with clots. ;( and after 3days i had my 2nd period again january 29 and i'm passing a small clots as well until now feb.1 still heavy any advice or are you ladies experiencing the same thing

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Abortion :: Want To Abort My Pregnancy (natural Not Surgical)

I m 34 yrs and I have missed my periods by 12 days and I felt I m pregnant, becoz I am experiencing nausea and the other symptoms . To confirm my doubt, I did the pregnancy test at home today morning and the result is positive.

I already have a 2 yr old baby .We want to take care of her and also I have joined my husband here in USA after 2. My husband and I agree to abort it. WHY?? Because we are not prepared for another baby as of the moment.

I don’t want to see a doctor, since I'm afraid to surgical abortion.

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Achilles Tendon - Surgical Route - My Experience

Achilles Tendon - Surgical Route.

I ruptured my Achilles Tendon in May 2014 playing football.

I went to my GP after one week since football injury not realizing the damage I had actually done.

I was unable to lift of my tip toes which started to worry me and prompt me to call the GP.

During my GP Visit I was told to go to A&E right away, I was told by the nurse at Hospital I had a sprained ankle, this was the 1st week of June 2014. I asked for a scan but he declined.

I went to my GP the 1st week of July to see why my "sprained ankle" was feeling worse and painful. My GP did the Thompson test and explain something was seriously wrong and may be a Rupture in my Achilles Tendon and booked me in for an MRI scan at Warwick Hospital.

MRI Scan was booked in for a week later, (Mid July). MRI Scan showed full rupture between heel and calf muscle.

After Warwick Hospital decided to not contact me for a week I called in and they lost my paper work, then they lost more paper work after I returned forms. It was so bad I complained to the NHS.

Late August 2014 I was put into surgery for a date in September which I was unable to attend due to a Holiday I booked back in January 2014.

Surgery re-scheduled for 20th October 2014. Since operation I had been in a hard cast for 2 weeks, I was then in a fiberglass cast for a further 2 weeks.

I had the cast removed on the 19th November 2014 (4 weeks + 3 days)

I am now in an open boot that supports me as I can walk in this freely without crutches as i can fill with air pressure to support me. I am also able to take off during the night to sleep which is a massive bonus.

I will be taking this boot off on the 7th of January 2014 (7 weeks in total)

I have read and spoke to many people who have been on the same path to recovery as me. It seems many people have been given physio to do whilst in the boot and also they haven’t had the hard cast or open boot on for as long as me.

I am 24 years old I would think being younger than most people I should be the one having the boot on for a lot less time not the other way round as it seems.

I also wrote his so everyone who is going through the recovery of a Achilles Tendon (Surgery repair) can see what i have been through.

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Post-surgical Boots :: Foot Pain After Double Bunionectomy

I had a double bunionectomy on December 10th. I'm healing fine, but my problem now is from wearing the post-surgical boots. I was told I would need them for walking for 6 weeks. I'm trying to spend as little time as possible on my feet, but when I walk I can feel all the pressure on the outside and heel of my foot. It doesn't bother me during the day, but every night around 2 or 3 a.m. I'm awakened with searing pain on the outside of both my feet. It's excruciating! Has anybody else had this problem, and if so do you have any suggestions on how to prevent/ease the pain? I'm trying to get back to work, but it's frustrating when I'm not getting enough sleep.

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Menopause :: Period - One Year Post-menopause

Three weeks ago, to my great surprise, I started to bleed after one year. The 2-3 weeks preceding this, my breasts were so sore, I was bloated and I has the typical "stringy" discharge that I used to get before my period. I was really not expecting another period but the bleeding was heavy and lasted for just over a week.

I saw my doctor a few days ago and she that she is obliged to send me for an ultrasound and possible biopsy if the lining looks thick. She said she is not worried but I am freaking out.

Can anyone share a similar experience? I read on one website that it is actually possible to ovulate and have a period after you stop menstruating for a year. I have not had any spotting - just this one "period". Of course, everything I have read says how abnormal it is to bleed after menopause and now I'm scared that there is something serious going on. My ultrasound is booked for two days from now.

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Peri Menopause/menopause :: Trying To Conceive

I'm 42 and recently had blood work to check my hormones. My GYN said my labs suggested post menopause. I have yet to stop having a monthly. My periods are starting to range from 30-45 days but I've yet to skip a month. My husband and I were considering trying one last time to have another baby. Very confused

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Abortion :: Surgical Abortion Failed?

I am writing this as my girlfriend and I are concerned about an abortion she had a little over 4 weeks ago. I would appreciate respectful comments and suggestions please.

When she had the abortion she was only 8 weeks pregnant, after 3 weeks we went back for a follow up appointment where they had her do a urine test. The lady came back to tell her she was fine.

The thing that is concerning us now is that her breasts seem to be growing as well as sensitive. She has not felt nausea as bad as before, but last night was pretty bad.. So there are still very obvious signs of pregnancy. Doing an at home test a few days ago, the test came back with the faintest line. Could it be possible that she is still pregnant?

If the abortion failed, she would be 12 weeks. Do pregnancy tests come back negative further along in the abortion? Is it possible that she may still be pregnant, or are her hormones still balancing out?

Should we go and get an ultrasound done just to make sure?

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Hysterectomy :: Still Hurts To Pee

I'm now almost 4 weeks post abdominal and it still hurts to wee. It's not severe but I definitely feel it, especially if I don't go immediately. Is anyone else experiencing this?

I don't have any symptoms of infection and everything seems to be going well with my recovery. I even laid on my stomach in bed last night...for about 10 minutes lol

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Carbimazole :: After Hysterectomy - On HRT

Off to Endo tomorrow to see what they say, I was wondering if anybody is taking Carbimazole with HRT. Had complete hysterectomy last year so taking HRT and just wondering if this has anything to do with my over active thyroid, a few people spoke to know of women who have had hysterectomy and gone on to have OA thyroid.

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