Uterine Fibroids :: Nerve Pain In Buttock That Goes Down To Leg

Feb 16, 2016

I've just come out of hospital, having been admitted due to chronic pain. I had MRI which showed 10cm fibroid, benign cyst and thick lining of uterus - I'm 53 and pre menopausal. I have been having sever nerve like pain in buttock and goes down leg. I assumed gyno consultant would put this down to fibroid pressing on nerve. However, she was adamant pain nothing to do,with fibroids and ordered MRI for back which orthopaedic looked at and said was fine. She was still certain the pain and my enlarged uterus were not connected so has referred me to physio and out me in Esmya, and I then left hospital with many pain meds. These get me through the day with a background niggling pain, occasionally peaks and I roll for a bit. She is away at present, but will see me when gets back, my husband has made a private appointment with consultant who is covering. I am so sure the two are connected as they began together. Is he likely to disagree with a colleague? I can't go on with this level,of,pain - when I was admitted to hospital it was via a&e due to pain, and I'm scared the pain may escalate again. Any views/thoughts welcome. 

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Uterine Fibroid Embolization - Pain In My Right Buttock - 3 Weeks Post Op

I am 3 weeks post op. And I still have pain in my right buttock as I walk. I know we are all different but I wondered if anyone else experienced this and if they did how long after post op did it last?. Getting worried cos I found something online that listed leg pain as a complication of UAE. But another said its normal and will go in time (whatever that means)

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Uterine Fibroids :: Myomectomy Pain After 10 Weeks

I had a myomectomy and signed off work for 10 weeks.  I'm now fully back to work but still experiencing some pains in my tummy.  I know that one fibroid was left behind (I had 14, largest measuring 10cms) because it was small and in an awkward place and just wondering if anyone in a similar situation still gets pains? My pains are generally in the ovary area, each side taking it in turns to hurt. Last couple of days it's been my left ovary area and now Im making frequent trips to bathroom to pass not that much urine and also have strong back pain just above lower back

Feel like almost my fibroids could have come back with these pains i'm having.  Can they come back so soon? Or perhaps it's just my insides are still sore and healing. Is it normal to feel all this after this length of time?

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Uterine Fibroids Pain - Any Natural Remedies

I am 48 yrs old.  have been using mirena coils for 7 years so do not suffer the heavy bleeding a lot of women do with fibroids.  Have 3-4 the one causes the problems is orange sized. Causes constipation one day, diarrhea the next, pain in my back that is sometimes so severe I feel faint. Due to this cannot work. waiting for 2nd gyno appt- but would like to have some sort of a normal life and return to work.  Have been googling natural remedies. Keep seeing agnus castus and milk thistle come up. Has anyone tried this and how long before they found their symptoms were helped.


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Uterine Fibroids :: Myomectomy - First Period, Worse Pain

It was 2 weeks yesterday since I had my open myomectomy and this morning I woke with the worst period pains ever!

My tummy hurts so much particular at the sides of my scar and my back....if it hurt before, now it's seriously hurting!!! Is this normal??? Did anyone else experience this? Is it a one off because my op is still fresh or will my period always be like this from now on? I'm in agony and keep bursting into tears.

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Uterine Fibroids :: Myomectomy, Still Feeling Pain 3 Weeks After

It's 3 weeks today since I've done my myomectomy. I'm still a little swollen and I get either sharp shooting pains or what feels like cramps in the area. I think maybe it's my bladder that's cramping ? because I feel a slight discomfort when I pee. I still get tired very easily, even if all I'm doing is walking around the house. I lost 1.3 litres of blood and my blood count's lot less than what it should be. Is that the reason why ? I was supposed to do a blood count on Monday 23rd but I didnt go because I wanted the boyfriend to come with me to bolster me. My biggest fibroid was almost the size of a football and the second biggest was the size of a grapefruit. I got lots of rest last week but I still feel tired..I don't understand why. I'm feeling just as awful as I did after the surgery. I thought the tiredness and pain would be gone by now. I have to go back to work tomorrow but my doctor said 6 weeks. I don't want to lose my job. My boyfriend says I'm fine. It's week 3 now. Also,my left lymph gland/groin hurts sometimes. I'm back to feeling the same discomfort as I did after the myomectomy. The scar area is a mixture of numbness and pain. Is this normal ? My sides and back hurt too. I've been using my abdominl muscles to get up, which I didn't do before, (I was using my hands to push up and my boyfriend would help me to get up), so now my abs feel sore. Is that okay ? My doctor had said that if my blood count doesnt go back up to normal I may have to do a blood transfusion. I don't want to do that. I've stopped taking the pain medication Voltaren, because I don't want to get addicted.

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Uterine Fibroids :: Post Open Myomectomy - Tenderness Like Pain

I am in Australia (this website is fantastic by the way) and have just finished my first week of recovery after having an open myomectomy to remove a 15x11cm fibroid.

The fibroid was on the outside right hand side of my uterus.

I feel like I am recovering quite fast (have been able to get up and active during the day). However, I have a constant tenderness like pain on the inside on the right hand side. I have been sleeping on my sides at night because I can't stand lying on my back for too long! I feel like this may be irritating my insides though, do you think I could do permanent damage by lying on my side?

What are your experiences 1 week in post op?

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Uterine Fibroids :: Sudden Pain Almost 3 Weeks Post Myomectomy

Hi just wondering if anyboy else had sudden pain 3 weeks after open myomectomy? I was recovering well and beginning to feel almost back to normal other than some pulling pain at the sides of my incision scar and being slightly uncomfortable sitting up normally for longer periods. I also feel less bloated and although my stomach is still a bit swollen it is back to being flatter without the pregnant bump look.

I didn't have a general anaesthetic opting for a spinal anaesthetic and sedation instead. Initially after the surgery I had some issues with pain relief due to not being able to take certain medications and also going to the toilet. My GP gave me some morphine and strong laxatives and all went back to normal. I stopped taking the morphine about 8 days ago and was able to cope with the pulling pain. The skin around the scar is still very sensitive and tingle.

Since yesterday I have a sharp pain almost in the centre of my belly but slightly to the left and it is very painful to press on that side. I should add that I've been doing quite a lot round the house as my husband is unable to do much due to hurting his hip while I was in hospital and is therefore on crutches. I have been trying not to carry anything and I feel that I am still very weak so not sure if I might have pulled or strained something. 

I have an appointment booked with my GP tomorrow anyway (actually to discuss something else) but was wondering if this was normal?

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Uterine Fibroids :: Laparoscopic Myomectomy - Lower Back Pain

Hi I am 3 weeks post laparoscopic myomectomy. Few days after surgery I started noticing my lower back ache. The pain is in the middle, by the tailbone. Pain can sometimes also travel to my right leg. And also the pain is a lot worse when I walk or sit for over 5 minutes.

Unfortunately I can't take anti-inflammatory because I get a lot of diarreah from just 200mg. So I've been using a heating pad and just sitting.

Anyone had the same experience? What is causing this? Will this go away? What can I do to make the pain subside?

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Uterine Fibroid Embolization - Can't Walk Far - Right Buttock Aches - One Week Post Op

I was advised recovery 1-2 weeks. I am feeling really good today except that since I had the procedure I can't walk very far. If I do my right buttock just aches and I have to turn back. I wonder if anyone else has experienced this.

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Uterine Fibroids :: Esmya For 3 Months To Shrink Fibroids

I have not yet had my pre-op as the hospital seem to be slack, I wondered how long after taking esmya do the fibroids start to grow back? If they do? How long after finishing the 3 months course did people have to wait for there op? My period stopped while taking them, will it start again and will it be as heavy as before? My op is just to remove the 2 large fibroids that i have, as i would like to have another child. I am 42, so with time not on my side, you can see why I am getting impatient with the hospital!

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Uterine Fibroids :: Stopped Esmya - Womb / Ovarian Pain And Night Sweats

Stopped the esmya after 3 weeks due to night sweats ,hot flushes,severe womb pain,ovarian pain,chest pains like I was having a heart attack,etc.Have 20 plus fibriods,tried the mirena( uterus too bulky),uterine embolization( lining grew back),zoladex( severe migraine) so hysterectomy in sept.I had 4babies with fibroids the third was painful due to baby kicking on them,the fourth was a breeze.My doc says am the rare type who seem to get no problems getting pregnant with fibroids on the walls of my uterus and outside.

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Uterine Fibroids :: Weight Loss After Uterine Artery Embolization

OK, not weight loss exactly, but a reduction in size!

I'm down to have uterine artery embolization this year, but I look at various forums and women have said they've noticed 'a slight reduction'.

I had wished to go back to my usual dress size - naturally this is not a priority for the NHS, which I fully understand, but what is the best procedure to have the 'bulge' completely disappear?

Asked the hospital, but they were quite rude about it all. Is there anyone who's had this procedure done? Did it completely go?

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Uterine Fibroids :: Clots With Heavy Bleeding, Smell, Tired, In Pain Stomach An Back

I was hoping someone could help, every month I take my period I have massive blood clots some the size of a small orange, some months it knocks me right of my feet were the pain is that intense I can't walk with pain in my stomach and back..I have an awful smell, headache and feel very emotional, I have had children but this has only started from December..it's terrible I can literally do nothing for 2 weeks then only getting over it when it starts again, some months r worse than other does anyone experience this? If so what is it? My doctor puts it down to heavy periods.

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Uterine Fibroids :: Intermittent Use Of Esmya For Fibroids

Has anyone had any reduction in fibroid symptoms after taking esmya for a second course of three months. I have finished a first three month course and still have some pelvic pain. I wondered if it is possible to obtain an improvement with the second course of 3 months if not gained much in the first three months. There will be a 2 month gap in between as advised by the Dr. (They can be used intermittently now and not just prior to surgery).  

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Uterine Fibroids :: 8 And 11 Cm - Should Be Removed?

I am 31 years old and have been diagnosed with 8cm and 11 cm Fibroids on the outer side of uterus , i am not married yet and but want to have kids at some point. I don't have any harsh symptoms i feel bit of abdomen pain sometimes , i have taken few opinions but doctors really don't advise if i should get them removed or let them stay.

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Large Uterine Fibroids In My Womb

My fibroid tumor is inside my womb. The doctor could not give me an IUD because of the tumor. It makes me look about 2-3 months pregnant. I just wonder if the Depo shots that my doctor have me on stop it from growing? Can any one tell me if their fibroid grows?

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Uterine Fibroids :: Treatment And Symptoms?

I'm 45 Been having irregular periods for 2 years but lately I've been bleeding heavy for the past 6 weeks with only 2 short breaks . My GP fast tracked me to see a gynaecologist for a hystography ( I think that's what it was called). And a scan interna. Which detected fibroids don't know how many just that they are the size of smarties!

My stomach is huge and I feel so depressed and tired and have done for  a long time. I'm going to go to GP and have it all explained. Trouble is I get married in November and my wedding dress is too tight because if the big tummy . I really need to go back to work tomorrow but I have no energy. Glad I'm not going through this alone as at the moment I feel like a freak!

And I have the other joys of needing tena pads and laxatives!

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Large Uterine Fibroids In Uterus

Hi all, I am 30years old and recently went an ultrasound scan where they found a "large subserosal fibroid posterior into the right side of the uterine body measuring 7.9 x 8.5 cm." My gp referred me to a specialist and they could not fit me into an appointment for another two weeks. So, of course I made the appointment, but I can not wait for two weeks to know what this means! I was hoping that there might be somebody on here who has had a similar experience with a fibroid of this size and position, that could tell me what options were recommended by their specialist. Is this something which will have to be removed, and if so, is that going to be a procedure which will require bedrest and time off work, or is it a fairly simple outpatient procedure?

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Uterine Fibroids :: 30% Reduction After Embolization

I'm 6 weeks post up and I just had a follow up MRI and the doctor said my fibroids have shrunk 30%!!! My uterus was 24cm before the procedure (2440 cc) and now it's at 17cm (1690 cc) and it will likely continue to shrink for another few months. Even though it's still pretty big and I still have a lot of my symptoms, I'm also so happy than I can cry. This is the first treatment ever that seems to be working for me. In the past 5 years I've tried everything from a myomectomy and fibristal (ulipristal acetate) to various diets and natural remedies, and nothing worked. I feel so grateful right now even though I know that this could be temporary. I highly recommend that you look into it if you haven't yet!

I also have to add that this site has the most wonderful and supportive members. I had a rough recovery and couldn't do it without you. Please continue to post updates!!

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Uterine Fibroids :: My Myomectomy Experience

So I had my myomectomy last weds evening. I was nervous as hell and cried in whilst the anesthetist was tending to me. They gave me an epidural to make me more comfortable and which meant I would need less 'hard' drugs after surgery lol as they didn't want me to take too much morphine Etc.

When I came round they told me my consultant had removed 13 fibroids. I had 14 so I was immediately in my drunken state questioning them as to what she had done with number 14 turns out she left maybe 1-1.5 behind as they were small and she didn't want to risk damaging my uterus.

The next day I felt surprisingly good and wasn't really in any discomfort. I found out this was cos of the epi. I was itching though which is a side effect.

I had some off days generally with trapped wind and a feeling that my tummy was very very tight and being pulled in all directions which wasn't pleasant but it's now day seven after surgery and I'm managing to control the pain with just paracetamol. I refused ibuprofen two days ago as they were giving me gastric pain.

I can't get comfortable that much in bed as my back hurts quite a bit which might be a side effect of the epidural not sure but all in all I'm not too bad. My consultant has been amazing. She was coming to see me most nights in hospital even around 10pm to check on me. She is pleased with all and how it looks and I'm finally back home since last night and am to go back to her in 5 weeks. They told me its a very slowly healing process and I had a BIG op but slowly slowly I'll get there

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