Vertigo / Dizziness :: Gabapentin - Horrible Side Effects

Mar 19, 2016

I was down to 100mg every other day and then OMG felt horrible  headaches and dizziness. finally called doctor after 6 days taking 100 mg everyday. Now I just feel horrible my head is in spins....

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Vertigo / Dizziness :: Gabapentin Side Effects?

I have been on Gabapentin for 6 months. I was taking 300 mg only once at night for one month and then 400 mg for the other 5 months. weaned off  would drop it 100 mg every 3 weeks. with no withdrawals. maybe a little headache here or there. tiredness. I am now down to 100 mg every other day   by the end of this week I will be completely off of it. Can you get withdrawals at this point?  I can't even explain how I feel. Like I'm in another world. another orbit. getting headaches. my head feels like it swells I know this sounds crazy! I am still on depakote 500 mg at night. Does anyone know anything about this?  Almost feels like I have a virus but I don't. my legs even hurt. Taking this med for migraines associated with vertigo.. Although that's what they say. I will get maybe 0 to 5 minutes several times a day where I say to myself thank God its passing...

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Gabapentin - Vertigo And Memory Loss Side Effects - Trigeminal Neuralgia

I was diagnosed Trigeminal neuralgia last July and MRI has shown a vascular compression of the nerve as it leaves the brain.  My question is, I was prescribed Carbamazepine originally and had an allergic reaction within 3 weeks so was put on Gabapentin. I'm taking 1600 mg a day at present and can go up to 2700mg a day.  My memory seems to be suffering and I get various other side effects such as vertigo.  Recently though my finger tips have been swelling, turning red and painful to touch, the last few days my ankle has double in size and is also red, and I'm getting areas on the soles of my feet that are large marble sized and very painful to walk on.  I asked my pharmacist yesterday if these could be caused by Gabapentin and she said there is a possibility?

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Vertigo / Dizziness :: Vestibular Neuritis - After Effects

I had Labs but it was kindly pointed out it may be VN as I didn't experience hearing loss. Anyway, I am nearly on week 5 of it now but I am a lot better. I'm not dizzy anymore but when I wake in the morning I feel quite unsteady on my feet. As the day progresses I am doing a lot better but once it's the evening I feel quite sluggish and nauseous. I can only stomach one meal a day and that's lunch. I feel way too sick to eat dinner. I am also still dealing with anxiety, mostly when I'm driving and I'm stuck at traffic lights. I think it's because I had a bad panic attack at the lights when my VN first started, and now I have in the back of my mind that if I have another panic attack at the lights I'm stuck! I am back at work, and I can do most things ok. I find supermarkets a bit tough, and loud busy places but I'm working thru it. I have a doctors appointment on Wednesday as my GP had spoken about referring me on for balance therapy. My question is, can these sorts of "after effects" be quite common? Can they take awhile to completely disappear? Is there anyone else who also had anxiety with VN, but found it went away once they were 100%? I'm so grateful I'm no longer dizzy but I just wish I were 100% again! What's the typical time frame for VN? Sorry for all the questions, I felt quite alone until I found this site.

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Fluoxetine :: Increasing From 20mg To 40mg - Horrible Side Effects

I'm new to this website just hoping it can keep me more positive while I get through this. I've had generalised anxiety disorder for years now but I've only recently tried medication. I was on 20mg fluoxetine for nearly 8 weeks, the first week and a half was awful with side effects then I just felt the same as I did before taking medication which obviously wasn't as bad as the side effects. I agreed with my doctor to up the dose to 40mg last week after just under 8 weeks because it wasn't really doing much. Since I upped the dose 3 days ago I've been feeling spaced out/drowsy not quite with it nearly all the time which is something I experienced when I first started taking the 20mg and I'm not happy about it I hate feeling like this I'm scared of feeling as bad as before. I was wondering if people could please tell me how long they had side effects after increasing their dose if they had them? And whether 20mg didn't work for you but when 40mg did?

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Lipitor Side Effects - Horrible Muscle Tiredness And Aches

I know that it's known that lipitor has the side-effect of muscle tiredness and aches. Has anyone else have to deal with this? Man it's off the hook. I almost am paralyzed fro, lipitor. This horrible and I would like to talk to someone who's been through it. This is a very under-rated affliction IMO. I've been tested and it doesn't look like I have the Rabadolosis<sp? That spelling isn't even close. I was very scared before I realized what was causing this severe problem.. Now I know that lipitor has helped a lot of people, it brought my cholesterol down a bunch very quickly. Frankly i would rather have high cholesterol. I did have a stroke at the end of November, small, deep in the cerebellum. Hence the lipitor.

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Gabapentin With Morphine - Side Effects?

I've been having lower back pain for over a year nearly after a rear end shunt. I was told I had a slipped disc only for the MRI to show it's clear. I don't trust MRI scans though as it was clear when they scanned my knee but upon operation, the cartilage was shredded! 

Anyway, i've been on morphine for pain relief for 2 1/2 months now. The GP has now put me on Gabapentin on top of the morphine. Will there be any side effects which are common I should watch out for?

the GP has basically given up solving my back pain. Kind of sucks really as I'm only 28 and he told me to live with it! I'm hoping when my solicitor gets me seen by a consultant he will forward me to a specialist to solve it!

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Gabapentin :: Side Effects - Fluttering In My Chest

For over a year now I have been suffering with severe back pain, some days worse than others, recently it has been hard to get through the day, I am on tramadol and an anti inflammatory tablet - recently my Doctor put me on gabapentin, within minutes I had a headache and cough - within hours I started to suffer from "fluttering" in my chest - having only taken a few tablets I decided I would rather put up with the back pain than the side effects - has anyone else had any of the same problems.

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Gabapentin :: Side Effects To Sudden Stopping?

Are there any side-effects to sudden stopping of Gabapentin?  I thought I had a months supply left but took the last one last night.  My GP doesn't work Wednesdays.  I take 300mg nightly for neuropathic neck pain & have noticed they no longer work very well now.  Any ideas?  

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Fibromyalgia :: Gabapentin - Anyone Experience? Side Effects?

Has anyone of you used this drug for symptoms of fibro? If so did it help? I read weight gain can be a side effect.

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Disc Prolapse :: Gabapentin Side Effects?

Just read your reply on the Gabapentin, how long did the side effects take to come out. Was the operation you had very painful and how long in all did you have to wait, I find trying to get up in the morning the worst , takes about 35 mins to be able to get out of bed then about 2 hours to be able to walk properly without the spasms.

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Lupus :: Gabapentin - Weird Side Effects

Right now I'm being treated with gabapentin during this process(not diagnosed yet), but I'm having weird side effects. I was told it would make me sleepier, sleep better (although I already slept like a rock for 10-18hrs day), and help with pain.

I can say, it did help with fatigue - too much so. I went from sleeping a minimum of 10 hrs + naps to sleeping 4-5hrs. I wasn't sleepy during the day but my body would crash and get emotionally/physically exhausted, but unable to fall asleep. When Id finally sleep, I think I slept OK but it wasn't as deep as I'm used to.

It did not help with pain at all, in fact my pain has been slowly increasing since starting it.

My rheum's only suggestion was to increase to 800 mg, which worsened the sleep issue more. I started flaring again Jan 1, may be partially due to lack of sleep. But it was like a bus hit me again. Actually, the flare might have started before as I was having hair loss christmas week - scalps getting pretty thin from temples to the nape of my neck.

I am so frustrated by this med, I stopped taking it for a couple days. Now I'm immediately back to being tired a lot and wanting to sleep (and able to sleep) 10+ hours. Is there no middle ground? Would anyone have any suggestions here of what to ask rheumatologist?

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Migraine :: Gabapentin - Side Effects Long Term?

My husband has been suffering with unbearable headaches for 15 years. Over the last few months they have become so much worse to the point that he is in a ball, crying in pain, he can't see, can't walk, he was ranting during one attack that he was going to take all of the tablets he could find. He has no memory of saying these things when the headache has eased. He tells me the headache is there constantly but gets worse really quickly. He usually wakes up with the headache although they sometimes come on during the day. They are usually at the sides of his head above his eyes but swaps sides and sometimes goes down his neck. He gets them everyday for a week then has a few days to a week then they start again. He has had a number of GPs all of which have said he doesn't need to be referred to a specialist it is migraines as if it was anything 'serious' we'd have known by now ie nOt a brain tumour. He has had many preventative medicines but none have helped. His latest GP has prescribed gabapentin which was prior to his last and worst attack so far. When we explained what happened she merely raised the dosage and gave imigran for pain relief. I just wondered if anyone has been prescribed gabapentin long term for migraines and if there are any long term side effects as I've heard there are a number namely vitamin B 12 deficiency, pulmonary problems, long and short term memory loss.

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Gabapentin :: Depression / Suicidal Thoughts - Side Effects?

My doctor wants me to take Gabapentin for some disc fragments giving me pain in my back. I'm worried because the side effects say that the side effects are depression or suicidal thoughts. Has anyone ever had these type of side effects or problems in general with this drug? Did it help them with their back pain!

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Gabapentin :: For Sleep Disorder - Withdrawal And Side Effects?

My doctor just put me on this today, to help me sleep...I haven't taken it yet, as I get scared with taking new meds. Should I take this medicine? Is there major withdrawals, if I forget? And does it actually work? What symptoms r most common? Sorry for so many questions...I'm just a worry wart. I already went through withdrawal symptoms a few months back, b/c I quit Effexor slowly, and switch chef over to Wellbutrin. I had shocks, shakiness, panic, was scary...and I don't want to start a new med that's going to do the same can someone please help me? Thanks.

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Omeprazole :: Side Effects - Dizziness And Nausea

My husband has been taking omeprazole for the last few months. He has complained about dizziness and nausea and a heavy feeling in his chest for about 6 weeks. Last week he became very anxious about a 2 hour drive. He is usually a very confident person. Then last night he broke down when I said that he was slurring his words and becoming very forgetful.We read the side effects of the drug and he has stopped taking them. It may be psychological but he says he feels better already.

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Gabapentin :: For Sinus Headaches - Moody And Anxious - Side Effects?

I was prescribed gabapentin by my ent specialist for sinus headaches which i still suffer from after three operations. I have been taking 300mg six times a day for about 18 months and have found that i have become moody, anxious, and find it very difficult to unwind or hold a decent conversation with anyone as my concentration level seems to be next to nothing. Does anyone think this could be the tablets?

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Vertigo / Dizziness :: Unbalanced Feet - Dizziness While Walking And Standing

I have dizziness everyday while walking, standing as well as feeling off balance, unsteady on my feet like I am gonna fall over. I have had my ears checked by an ENT doctor in 2014 and he said I had meniere's disease so he treated it as that but medicine didn't help so went to another ENT doctor in 2015 who said I don't have meniere's disease but have hearing loss in both ears and did a test on my vestibular function which he said was normal so he referred me to a neurologist and I went and had an MRI done which was normal as well. I have had blood work done in November last year and my white blood count was a little high but not concerning and everything else was diabetes. Also had a stress test done on heart and was normal. I am at my wits end with this cause I don't know what's going on. I plan to see an eye doctor soon. Oh and I was diagnosed with anxiety 4 months ago but this dizziness and off balance feeling has been going on for 2 years now. I am on blood pressure medicine too. don't know what else to do. Does anyone have these same symptoms ?

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Vertigo / Dizziness With Amitriptyline?

So I'm 8 months into my latest debilitating 24/7 dizziness. After a clear MRI, a neurologist suggested my imbalance might have a migrainous element to it. There is such a thing as vestibular migraine.

At this point, I'm willing to try anything, so the Dr has out me on Amitriptyline as a migraine preventative. I've been taking 10mg per night for the last 5 days (I can go up as high as 60mg by gradually dosing up).

I know it can have side effects that take a while to wear off and that it might not become effective for several weeks. But honestly, it's making me feel much worse already. I wake up every morning with a pounding head as if I'd drank a bottle of vodka, which is worse than the cannonball-head feeling I had already. Plus, I think it's making me woozier and dizzier than before (which was already so bad I've been off work for 3 months).

Has anyone tried it? Does it get better? I'm finding it really hard to cope with the side effects on top of how I'm already feeling. Many thanks.

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Vertigo / Dizziness :: Migraine?

I'll start at the beginning last December I woke to go to the toilet and the next thing I new was my husband asking me if I was ok ( I had fainted) . Passed no remarks thought I had stood up to quickly, went to work the next day and felt lightheaded and even though my colleagues were talking to me I couldn't process what the were saying. I went to the doctor and explained what happened and she said it was vertigo. At this stage it was xmas week and I started taking serc but the didn't seem to be working. Went back to work in the new year and after 1 hour I was totally disoriented so I went back to the doctor and she sent me to a neurologists who said I had migraine. He prescribed me with amitriptyline starting at 10mg and I have slowly worked up to 40 mg but still not feeling right in the last few months I have facial numbness. My neuro is sending me to see a a neurophysiologist but my appointment isn't until February of next year and that's going private.


Lightheaded /dizzy
Stiff neck
Blurred vision
Extremely tired
Stiff ankles and hip joints in the morning
Facial numbness

Pain in my head sometimes like ice cream headache but only a few times a day. Have had mri which was clear and all my bloods are normal

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Is My Dizziness / Vertigo Due To Anxiety?

About three months ago, I woke up with vertigo. I visited a doctor who told me there was nothing wrong with me and that the vertigo was probably due to labyrinthitis. That same night, I went to the ER due to a vertigo attack. Once again, I was told that there was nothing wrong and that I was having anxiety attacks. 

In the next three months, the vertigo (spinning) stopped, but I was left with an off-balance sensation, like I was going to fall to one side. I also had a rocking/swaying feeling. 

Those symptoms almost went away completely for a week. However, the vertigo suddenly came back a few days ago. I am feeling off-balance again. I have not visited the doctor, but I am extremely on edge because I am worried that there is something seriously wrong with me. I keep waking up with jaw pain and tense muscles.

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