Benzodiazepines :: From Xanax To Diazepam

Mar 12, 2016

I have switched from xanax 1 mg to diazepam 10 mg in the hopes of getting off benzos I have tried a lower dose I use this for sleep only,Ihave been on the diazepam since 1/26/16. First at a lower dose 5 mg but was awake so I switched to 10 and am trying to stabilize on that dose and then plan to reduce at 5%. My problem is while I sleep well my days are bad, off balance sometimes dizzy.I also get sort of a buzzy zappy feeling in my head like when you come off of psych meds.Anyone else had this? Is it the d or wd from the x?   

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Benzodiazepines :: Diazepam Alternatives

I have had to start taking Citalopram again after being off it for 6 months. I am taking around 2 to 3 5mg diazepam a week for anxiety while waiting for it to kick in.

I have been taking Citalopram for 18 days. Are there any natural or less addictive meds I can take instead of diazepam? Read some where people say there are alternatives but not sure what they are.

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Benzodiazepines :: ZzzQuil Safe To Take After Quitting Xanax?

I quit taking Xanax after a 3 week long use. I decided to quit cold turkey and doctor said it was safe since it was only 0.50 mg once a night.

I decided since I realized I was becoming dependent on it. this will be my 7th night without it and I can't sleep!

I took two zzzQuil capsules last night (total of 50 mg)

The ingredient is diphenhydramine (which is Benadryl)

ZzzQuil is a sleep aid

Is it safe for me to take this to help with my insomnia from not taking Xanax?

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Vertigo / Off Balance :: Switching From Xanax To Diazepam

I switched from xanax 1 mg at night to the equivalent dose of diazepam sleep  has been for the most part ok but during the day i am off  balance somewhat and just have a heavy feeling. Feel worse than the dr would not give me 2 mg tabs said they don't come that way.New doctor see what happens I really need to start reducing but hard on 10 mg.also I have some vertigo.

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Benzodiazepines :: Alcohol The Following Day?

I take zopiclone as and when I need it - it usually ends up being once or twice a week (for about 6 weeks now.) A week ago I was going to a wedding, wanted to be well rested for it so I took 1 7.5 mg at around midnight and woke up at 7ish ready for the day. The ceremony was in the afternoon so I didn't start drinking until around 3pm (15 hrs after taking) however as soon as I had had a few mouthfuls of wine I came over a bit strange. Dizzy and felt like I'd drank more than a few sips. Started to feel a bit panicky and left my friends to go for a walk in the grounds. (I suffer from anxiety anyway so this isn't that unusual.) Whilst out there I felt unstable on my feet and had a fall, grazing my knees and spilling wine on my lovely new dress! I didn't trip... I don't really know what happened but my boyfriend saw me and says I just fell over nothing!! I had only had a few sips at this point so I couldn't blame it on the drink alone! During the wedding breakfast a few hours later I thought I was going to fall asleep in my food. But thinking it was just me being a massive weirdo and not at all putting the two together I continued to drink. I got very drunk much quicker than usual and was a general mild embarrassment to myself but fortunately no other injuries or major incidents! Anyway I know they say don't drink while taking zopiclone but I always assumed it meant that night! As in don't take it with alcohol or take it when you get in from a night out. But now I'm thinking was 15 hours enough time to leave AFTER taking?!!! It might just have been a bad day for me but I'm not normally that clumsy that I go falling about all over the place after a few sips of wine. Any comments or experiences would be welcome! I might just be looking for an excuse for being such an embarrassment but either way I think I will avoid taking the night before an event like that again

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Benzodiazepines :: Zopiclone Withdrawal

Very interesting to read the discussions on this forum. And especially helpful for me since I am on day one of stopping zopiclone and feeling a bit wobbly after just one night of no sleep (well, actually about two hours in fact), nightmares, sleep paralysis episode and sweating. I've been on Zopiclone since 2001, having been given it as a last resort after several years of chronic insomnia. I started with 3.75 and have increased roughly every four years. Now I've been taking 11mg, supplementing the 3.75 dose still prescribed for me with internet orders every few months. Somehow I couldn't admit to my GP's that I was doing that. I'm now retired and living a stress free life, so all the presenting circumstances for insomnia A&E way in the past. When I moved to a new life in a peaceful island environment at the end of 2012 I decided to come clean with my doctor about using internet 7.5 doses. But I've continued to take the 11 mg dosage until now. I haven't slept naturally for at least 14 years so I'm very scared of stopping. But the effects of the drug have got worse and now I want to stop. For a long time, my brain has felt foggy, I have a horrible hangover for half the day, really fatigues, forgetful and speech stammer. I've been reading up since last week and this is the most informative and supportive forum I've found. I looked at the CITA site and the advice seemed to be not to go cold turkey but to do a crossover to an equivalent dose of diazepam first and then reduce from there.

I met with my GP yesterday and he is supportive and has given me 2 mg pills of diazepam to make the tapering easier. He's also going to monitor me and see me once a week to check progress.

i feel really scared about this, for all the same reasons I've read here. Zopiclone has given me the security of going to bed and knowing I will lose consciousness. That's been huge and I've traded that off against the feeling of being dulled, impaired and drugged in my daily life. I've done lots of amazi things over these last 13 years, lots of achievements, but all against a background of feeling crap. 

Last night was my first night without Zopiclone.  I took 9 mg Diazepam at bed time (probably too late I think) and set up relaxation cd I've been using, a radio, a corner of my spare room to curl up in with my book instead of lying in bed sleepless. I was awake until around 3.30, when I think I slipped into a two hour dose. But had mini hallucination about the radio playing ( it wasn't) and me ripping the batteries out (I didn't) I also had a nightmare, which I've never had before, and some sleep paralysis on waking from it. My temperature went up and down too, with some sweating.

i  will go on with this but would so appreciate any support or ideas. Many of you know too well how savage the effects are of acute insomnia and I know I'm in for a rough ride. I've bought some Phenergan but didn't take it yet. I'm also sending off for 5 HTP. 

So that is night one over. Any words of encouragement welcome. I'm not at all sure I can do this, with a supply of Zopiclone still in my bedside drawer. But being sleepless and not on the drug feels better than sleeping badly with it.

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Benzodiazepines :: Zopiclone Withdrawal

Want to taper off zopiclone can the gp just stop my zopiclone or do they have to allow me to taper off the right way.

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Benzodiazepines :: Zopiclone Not Working - Insomnia

Why is not working? taken 2 x 7,5 mg of zopiclone ...i so awake and it's 6 am ...

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Benzodiazepines :: Stilnoct 10mg For A Week

I am currently going through a stage of not sleeping, it's been about 3.5 weeks since I have slept. Doctor's prescribed me stilnoct 10mg for a week as I did not sleep a wink for a full week. I am sleeping 4-5 hours on these sleeping tablets is that normal for 10mg? What to do after I've taken the course of tablets and I still can't sleep?

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Z Drugs And Benzodiazepines Are Creating Addicts

I cannot believe that doctors and psychiatrists have not learnt. One of the biggest mistakes of the twenty century is Zopiclone and Valium and any other benzodiazepine! They are are causing so many people then labeling them addicts. The withdrawal from these drugs are unacceptable. The next thing they do is introduce antipsychotics, then on to the psychiatrist who finds other labels such as bipolar or depersonalisation. Why don't they ban new prescribing of these poisons. The poor people on them need to withdraw slowly at their own pace and not sectioned and left in psychiatric hospitals on an abrupt withdrawal. I am so angry writing this as I've just answered somebody's post! Let's all stand together and do something about it.

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Benzodiazepines :: Takes So Long To Withdraw

it has been several weeks now, although I did have 2.5mg 3 weeks ago as I had a severe panic attack and 1.25mg last Friday for the same reason. However, I only took diazepam for 8 weeks and no more than 2.5 mg per day. Apart from above 2 small,doses far apart, I have been off them for  7 weeks.

I have sinking feelings, cannot get anything together, weepy, and also have been diagnosed with Hemiplegic migraine. I am usually very together and was only,put on the pills due to TGA. I hope someone can just reassure me I am not going mad and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. So many of you have had worse than me. 

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Why Doctors Prescribe Mix And Match Benzodiazepines?

Why don't doctors understand the hell they're putting human beings through. It's either falling on deaf ears or 'all in your mind' is a good one when referred to a psychiatrist when you're in withdrawal. The next thing is you are diagnosed with a mental illness and given a label. The best one is probably schizophrenia or they'll change it to maybe schizoaffective disorder then add more to the mix of antipsychotics. Unfortunately antipsychotics also lower the seizure threshold. So how can you taper of any benzo when you're at risk of seizure from the antipsychotics? Can any doctor answer please? All benzos and Z drugs work in the same way to give their posh name anxiolytics or hypnotics. All are additive, cumulative and have a different half life! So how and why do they keep on prescribing them? Why give diazepam and zopiclone combined with risperidone, or diazepam with Olanzapine? Does this make any sense? They knew in the 1970s these drugs were causing devastation, breaking up families, driving people to suicide. YET there are people even on this forum who are new to benzos. WHY new accidental addicts. Is it money from drug companies or sheer ignorance? 

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Anxiety :: Benzodiazepines Help Physical Panic Symptoms?

I have had a panic disorder for 15 years. During that time I have been on several benzos to treat my episodes. I seem to remember back at the beginning being able to take a pill and feel completely relaxed and calm. Now when I have an attack, my medicine only seems to calm my mental state but it has absolutely no effect on my physical symptoms (tingling, rapid pulse, the jitters, sweating, etc.). Do I need to try a higher dose of my benzo (Xanax) or is there another benzo that might work better for me? Has anyone else had this happen?

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Benzodiazepines :: Protracted Nitrazepam Widthdrawal After 40 Years

I was prescribed nitrazepam 40 years ago for myoclonic epilepsy.  I tapered off it over three months.  I then had a six month delayed reaction before becoming severely ill.  I was bedridden for two years.  I am gradually recovering but don't know if I will make a full recovery.  I hope I do.  I am finally free from depression after four decades.  I had no idea nitrazepam was making me so ill.  Has anyone else been so badly affected by benzodiazepines or by the withdrawal process?

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How To Come Off The Diazepam?

I have been on diazepam 8 - 10 mg per day for over 10 years. I have been told that I have sleep apnea and I have to gradually stop the diazepam as it could have caused sleep apnea or be contributing to it. I am also on 40 mg per day of citalopram. I have a long history with social anxiety.

I work in a school and am supposed to be going back tomorrow but I just do not feel as though I could cope without my medication. I told my boss and have not received any support at all!

Is there anyone out there that knows how hard this will be to come off the Diazepam? Is there anyone that has been on it for as long as I have?

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Benzodiazepines :: Coming Off 50mg Valium - Cold Turkey?

I'm currently a student and got valium off the internet to help me get to sleep. Because in halls as it's ridiculously loud, I ended up taking 50mg a night about 5 days a week..

Been doing this for the past 2 months and I've been reading stuff online about coming off it and it's frightened so much!

Should I just go cold turkey, how bad will it be and how long will it last? I really have the urge to go the doctors ASAP as I'm worried for my health but will this also go down on my health record and will it jeopardise being employed in the future if they ask to view my medical records? I can't believe I've gotten myself in this situation I feel so stupid and ashamed.

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Will It Be Hard To Come Off Diazepam - 2mg Five Day Course

Just started taking this yesterday got 15 2mg tablets only for anxiety and nerve pain caused by neck arthritis, concerned it will be hard to come off them even after this short time.

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Diazepam - Coming Off

After suffering 2 prolapsed discs I was prescribed maximum daily dosage of tramadol and pregabalin plus 30 mg amitriptyline 30mg diazepam and 15mg zopiclone, I'm surprised I could walk but I thought I was just fine! It was only when my son gave me a few home truths telling me I looked stoned, 100 years old and like a zombie (harsh but true!!) did I realise what a mess I was. Normally I am a bubbly person but all I wanted to do was lay and watch telly, so I decided to ct everything apart from the diazepam! Ouch!! After the first week, of physical symptoms of which the restless leg was the worst, came the awful depression. I have had 4 weeks off work because the anxiety has been bad and that's with me still taking the diazepam. Anyway I have dropped from 40 mg diazepam to 20 mg in 2 weeks. Way too fast I know but I just want off. I am slowing down now with the taper as I'm started to get scared as the last ct was hell on earth. However I don't want to follow the Ashton manual and still be on this in another 6 months.

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Anxiety :: Diazepam

Anyone else taking this?  I find it helps so much but am afraid of becoming dependent on it, I try to take as little as possible but as I am going through AD withdrawal my anxiety is very high at the moment, anyone else take it daily?

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Diazepam Is A Nightmare

does anyone else find that family and/or friends get fed up and walk away when you keep telling them how Ill you feel or are? People really don't know what they're getting themselves into with what seems an innocent looking magic pill. Then it reality hits you. It can take decades for the penny to drop! Yes! it's the pills. I don't know of one doctor or psychiatrist that understands.

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Diazepam Withdrawal

Withdrawing from diazepam is not as easy as some site may make out. I was taken off diazepam in 20 days. after being on it for four months. The senario was horrendous. After two months I was still experiencing withdrawal symptoms particularly anxiety and tremor. I contacted CITA and was told that I would have to reinstate and withdraw more slowly. THIS WAS TOTALLY INCORRECT ADVICE! I was not taking the drug and would eventually have ceased the symptoms. I am now back where I started. It is absolutely essential that anyone wishing to withdraw from diazepam should seek professional medical advice and ensure all senarios are discussed with the doctor or consultant. Diazepam is an evil drug and must be treated as such.

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