Migraine :: Headache With Numbness Of Right Hand?

May 9, 2013

She has this awful headache all of a suddenly, pain from head to neck.

She also occasionally has numbness on right hand and complains that her head is blue. This lasts about 15 to 20 mins until she massages it back to normal. Not sure if the headaches and hand numbness are linked or two totally different health problems? Can anyone help?

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Headache And Cheek Numbness On Right Side - Migraine?

I am 27 years old. For a few days I have had a headache on my right side which goes with a numb feeling in my cheek. I have pain down my right neck shoulder and arm which goes to my hand. I went to my GP today and he gave me painkillers Naproxen I think they are. I have took 2 already and due to take my third one. He told me I have a migraine.

I have left for 15 hours last night and another 3 today after coming back from my GP. I still feel tired. I have never had a migraine before but I am scared to death that this is not just a migraine.

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Migraine Along With Tension Headache

I am someone who suffers from tension headache as well as occasional migraine and I have found that any antihistamine with a combination of paracetamol induces sleep and controls pain.

Medications that control pain the best are:

Codeine 30mg (prescription only)

Solpadeine Max - contains paracetamol

Nurofen Plus - contains ibuprofen

Syndol - contains paracetamol

Those medications that cause sedation but don't necessarily control pain as well are:

Covonia 'Night time' cough mixture - contains diphenhydramine

Allergy relief (Chlorpheniramine Maleate)

The medicine that works best in my experience is Syndol, although it has less codeine than Solpadeine Max it is effective and non addictive.

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Tension Headache Or Possible Migraine

Has anyone ever experienced a burning sensation in your head from a tension headache or a Migraine? Or any kind of burning sensations from any kind of headaches?

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Cardiovascular :: Shortness Of Breath And Numbness In Left Hand

First of all, i'm 22, and have never had any heart problems in my life. But recently, i have been having shortness of breath when going to bed at night. It does my head in, it takes me slightly longer to sleep because i can't stop tossing and turning. And just yesterday, i experienced a numbness in my left hand.

I had similar symptoms a few months back, and the doctor said there was nothing wrong with my heart, and that it was anxiety. I mean i work out 3 times a week, and never have any problems, so why can't i sleep?

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Tension Headache Or An Ocular Migraine?

In my jaw, it can sometimes be painful which seems to trigger neck pain and a headache that covers specifically the right side of my neck, the upper right-middle part of my head, and pressure on the right side of my face behind and under my right eye. My vision then goes blurry/hazy. On a side note, sometimes my jaw on the ride side makes a crackling noise when I open it slowly and focus on the area.

My symptoms started about 4 years ago when I woke up one morning to find that the vision in my right eye was blurred. The symptom would occur at random, day and night. I've seen multiple optometrists, an ophthalmologist, a general physician and a neurologist and no would has found anything wrong as of yet. I have found a few things though. (posting more below as i've run out of characters)

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Headache / Migraine Starts With Lights In Right Eye

Does anyone else have migraines which start with lights in right eye then go confused I went doctors and my speech went funny I couldn't think what tablets I was on so I ended up in hospital thinking I was having a stroke had mri scan that was ok so they said it's just a migraine but I'm still feeling terrible days later anyone else have these please help so worried oh and my right side of cheek goes numb.

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Migraine :: Charcoal Helps But Constant Headache 5 Months

I'm a 25-year-old female that lives at altitude. I am mildly overweight, have low end of normal blood pressure.  I exercise approximately 5 days a week and walk about 1.5-3 miles a day during work hours --otherwise I have a desk job. I eat primarily whole grains and foods, whole goats milk, and only drink 1-2 times a week and typically not heavily.

I've had a constant headache since September 20, 2015. It started in the middle of the night and increased in severity throughout that month. The pain is at the front of my head varies from a 2-9 typically getting worse throughout the day and into the evening.  Other symptoms include dizziness and nausea, lightheadedness-- sometimes extreme and debilitating.

After 1 month, I went to the doctor who had a MRI done, several blood tests, a nerve block, a hospital DHE treatment, every painkiller and triptan/migraine drug in the book. I went on a course of Phenergan and diclofenac, and also had IV antibiotic in the hospital. I started taking magnesium supplements. I assessed the stressful elements of my life (at home and at work), began meditating, and lowered my overall stress. I did yoga and stretched did neck exercises which both reduced some of the pain. Nothing helped, and they recommended Topamax, but as nothing made a dent before, I decided to question their diagnosis of intractable migraine. Since then, I had my Nexplanon implant removed (received it July 11th, 2015, removed it November 22, 2015). And started acupuncture. The acupuncture achieved some considerable relief, but after a month of treatment twice a week, I went on a business trip and took charcoal several times during the trip to help with a hangover (I don't drink much). During the end of the trip and the 5 days following it, I didn't have a headache. At the time, I concluded that the acupuncture had worked.

After the headache returned, I started to go through possibilities and took myself off of gluten. After a week, no change in headache. Then I started taking charcoal again after a eureka moment and then went 2 weeks without a headache. Yesterday I forgot to take my charcoal for 28 hours and my headache returned. I'm back on the stuff, and now feel like I'm narrowing in on finding the culprit!

I was hoping for medical advice on the appropriates steps to take to find out what is causing these, given that Charcoal seems to alleviate the symptoms. I'd like to be able to alter my lifestyle to improve the situation.

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Migraine :: Throbbing Headache? Tingling On Face And Nose?

I'm a 32 year old woman I've been diagnosed with chronic migraine I've suffered from this horrible illness since I was 18 from 18 till 28 my headaches were throbbing one Sided and intense the last few years my headaches have changed to a chronic daily headache which is mild to moderate sometimes intense pain I do take painkillers daily which help cut the daily pain from what would be a 8 down to a 2 also my pain isn't always throbbing it's one Sided but not throbbing sometimes it can throb if I move my head I've told the neurologist that it's not throbbing yet he diagnosed it as transformed migraine . Since my headaches have changed I've gotten different symptoms such as a tingling sensation on my face under my eye near my nose on my cheeks etc , sometimes I'll get a dragging sensation on one side of my face like my eye is getting pulled Down , and the most frightening symptom I sometimes feel completely detached from my self or my surroundings it's very scary also I get Alice in wonderland syndrome when I get all these symptoms I don't always get a headache or if I do it will be very mild I'm waiting to see a neurologist again plus I'm booked in for a mri on my brain I'm curious if anyone gets any of these bizarre symptoms I'm very nervous I should mention I've had these odd symptoms for about four years but the detached feeling has gotten more frequently.

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Migraine Or Fibromyalgia ? Primary Stabbing / Ice Pick Headache

I've been suffering from this type of headache for some time and they've recently become worse.  I also had migraine headaches in my youth and now occasionally have silent migraines - aura, but no headache.  I've recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and I understand that this type of headache is common with fibro.  I wondered if others have suffered from this and what, if any, medication has been tried.

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Migraine :: Nortriptyline Mild Side Effects - Numbness In My Legs, Feet And Hands

I've started taking 25MG of nortriptyline for migraines- my dosage goes up to 50 MG at the end of the week. The first few days of taking it, I experienced physical exhaustion and grogginess, as well as numbness in my legs, feet, and hands, but nothing too bad that impaired me. I also have felt more mentally focused. Any thoughts?

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Metronidazole :: Prior To Tooth Extraction - Side Effects - Headache/migraine, Itching/sore Skin

I was prescribed a 3 day course for a possible dental infection I have, prior to having the tooth extracted. The side effects I am experiencing are tremendous, I have headache/migraine, itching/sore skin, vomiting, diarrhoea... Stopped taking them but only have 1 in the course left. How long do they last?

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Migraine :: Migraine Attacks Are Back / Menopause

I never suffered from migraine attacks until I was in my mid-40's.

They seemed to be linked to the beginning of hormonal changes related to the start of menopause. I would get a pain over my left eye (usually, though right occasionally), with a feeling of nausea and sometimes slight numb feeling on the side of my face. I would turn quite a pale white colour, and also feel very tired, yawning a lot. I would take medication, migraleve tablets and lay down in a darkened room. Usually, I would recover within 24 hours, though I would feel 'worn out' for a few days after the attack.

Since I have discovered by self analysis, that citrus fruits, especially orange juice (which I no longer drink), chocolate and strong coffee all seem to be triggers, which I try to avoid.

For the last five years, I have been clear of migraines, but have now started to get them again. I have passed the menopause but have had a lot of stress in my life recently, so I wonder if this is the cause of the recurrence? My last attack was quite different from the others I have experienced, in that I was feeling fine (though had been really tired the day before for no apparent reason) when I suddenly developed black zigzag lines across my left eye (very frightening at first). These went on for about 10 minutes and then slowly I developed a severe migraine, though this was not over one particular eye, but both. I had feelings of nausea and also felt cold at times. I took Migraleve pink and yellow but the headache is still persisting the next day. I wonder why I developed these other symptoms of visual disturbance. Can stress really do this to your body?!

PS I know there is a family history of migraine.

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Classic Migraine Changed To Silent Migraine In 30's

I had classic migraines through my teenage years which stopped for a couple of years before continuing at on average one every couple of months with the odd instance of a back to back cluster of 3-10 at once. They were always the same 20 minute aura then axe in the head pain and repeated vomiting for 6 hours followed by a 24hr hangover.  Over the years I have tried all preventers with only Epilim and Topiramate working for 18 months. I built up tolerance to Epilim and Topiramate gave me side effects that ended in a blood disorder so cannot take either any more. Beta blockers and antidepressants never worked and Lisinopril was also a short lived waste of time. The only triptan that ever worked was Maxalt rizatriptan but again it lost its effect after 6 months. Something weird has now happened and I wonder if others have had this? I am now 36 and in the last 6 months my migraines have totally changed. I still get the aura but if I take Express Nurofen and an anti sickness tablet straight away or use a heat pack on the back of the neck no pain or sickness comes just 6 hours of extreme tiredness. I always used to throw up any tablets so this is a miracle however the frequency has stepped up to between 5 and 20 a month so it is really impacting on my life. I have had an MRI and all is normal. I have also tried supplements and alternative therapies with no success. Botox and nerve blockers are the next suggestion but will they treat this scenario if there is no pain? Will it stop the aura too and prevent the whole episode? Help!

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Headache :: Tension Headache/prednisolone

I'm 27y,male,weight 44kg. I've started to have headache after having a very tough semester at college 2 months back and it become worse 2 weeks back when i visited a neurologist who diagnosed me with "tension headache".

He prescribed me a cortisone injection in addition to 9 days of prednisolone (3 days 60mg, 3 days 40mg, 3 days 20mg).

The tension headache has gone, however, I still have headache on the sides of my head and behind my eyes, some pressure in my ears sometimes.

During my prednisolone course,I had severe depression, mood changes, anxiety (i couldn't sleep), sweating & lose of appetite. (I didn't have any history with these weird side effects)

Now, it's day 6 after stopping the prednisolone and i still have some depression/worried but i think i'm getting better day after the other.

My questions:

1. How long does it take for Prednisolone to clear out from my system?

2. Since tension headache has gone, why am I'm still having headache (sides of head,behind eyes & sometimes pressure in ears).

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HIV Prevention :: Hand Job With Fresh Cut On Penis And Fresh Cut In Hand

Hi recently I had massage and handjob where masseuse was clearly bleeding in her finger, it was a fresh cut and I had a very fresh cut on my penis mucous membrane. After finishing the hand job I saw little blood on my penis which had come in contact from the who gave massage. There was a clear blood fresh blood that had gotten into contact with the open wound I had in my penis. Now I'm terrified because she had a fresh blood from her hand and which clearly came in contact with my very fresh open wound which can give direct access to my bloodstream. I'm worried now because of this because it was a fresh blood, fresh cut and I did see some blood in my penis which was exactly on top of my wound. Did I put myself in to risk. I'm trying to contact her but she has switched off her mobile. No sex no kiss was involved.

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HIV Risk :: Hand Job From A Stripper

I live in US. 6 weeks back on(August 24, 2013) I went to strip club. There the dancer gave me a unprotected hand job , I have also put my finger inside her vagina for 2-3 minutes. I was not having any open cut on the fingers(But I had a wound which was one week old on the other hand, which I didn't inserted).

No other activity were involved(no oral to genital contact, no vaginal penetration)

Now can you tell me what is my risk of getting infected by HIV ?

I am so anxious as usual and I took a combo test(HIV DNA by PCR & antibody test)on 28th Day post the incident.

The test result came "negative" & "non-reactive".

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Masturbation :: Disadvantages Of Hand Job?

what are the disadvantages of hand job

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Cancer :: Lump In Palm Of Hand

I am 26 years old. Some months ago a soft long lump is formed in the palm of my hands, both left and right hand. It's bigger on my right hand and it's about 1 inch long. It doesn't hurt except for some slight cramps that happens very rarely, sometimes I even feel some slight cramp or tension that goes to my forearm (don't know if that's related). I had made X-ray tests and it all seems normal. Is this a tumor or anything I should be too worried about?

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Arthritis :: Hand/finger Cramp

I have hand and finger cramping whenever I try to bend my left middle finger. The knuckle at the base of that finger is very red. I do have ulnar compression at the left elbow and weakness of the left little finger as a result. But I have not had this problem before. Any ideas on relieving the cramping until I can see a doctor? Is neurontin likely to help? Yesterday I had no problem with this finger.

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Penis Won't Erect With Hand Giving Rub And Tug

I never use to have this problem, But I can't seem to get erect with my hand giving it a few minutes of rub and tug, could this be a sign of ED? Or blood flow is not routing properly? I could have a hot women about to have sex with me and I would have to play with myself a minute before I can?

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