Pain Management :: Given Up Methadone

Aug 10, 2013

I went to my Pm yesterday and let him know that I wanted off the methadone. So since I had to see the NP because it was considered an emergency visit they decided they were going to put me on the patch where you wear it for three day then take it off. So I asked about the side effect and after hearing them something in me panic and snapped and I said forget I want off of everything. So as off right now I am coming off of the methadone. I decided that with the scare of my heart and the new neurological problems they only way to know is if I come off of the meds. I am still on the Topamax he did not want to take me off of that because I have been on it for over a year and never had a problem. SO I am hoping in with 2 months we will know if it was the meds causing the neurological problems or the something else.

What made me snap was I was telling him that I wanted something for the muscle because I was having a lot of spasms and tightness and off of the methadone and he totally ignored me and said well we are going to give you something a lot strong and this should work since the methadone has not been working. It was as if he was not listening to me. He said to me you are going to Cleveland clinic (CCF) to be treated for the muscle so the will figure it out soon, I said yes but I do not get medicine from them because I have a contract with you. I don't know why he would not give me a muscle relaxer but I feel better knowing that I am coming off of the medicine for a while I just hope I can handle the pain long enough to see of it is neurological or a side effect from the methadone....

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Pain Management :: Oxy Vs. Methadone?

.I had a C5-C7 disc fusion done 5 years ago that alleviated all of the pain in my neck and shoulders. What I am left with is a severe case of peripheral neuropathy. My feet and legs are numb to the touch but hypersensitive when I walk so I cannot go very long distances without the tingling burning throbbing pain. This pain is heightened at night when I go to sleep thanks mostly to the 300mg of Lyrica twice daily. I had an EMG nerve conductivity test performed which of course indicated severe neuropathy.

Now I am going to a neurologist who says I have to put up with the pain. I am going back on Monday to my neurosurgeon to ask for a lower MRI (never done) and I wanted a referral to PM because the pain is out of hand on 600mg of Lyrica daily. I have been on Oxycodone before and hated it and I do not like the stigma attached to these drugs so I thought I would ask my doctors to consider Methadone. What does everyone think? I know Methadone has its own stigma but is long acting and something I NEED right now and probably for good as I have had this neuropathy for 5 years.

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Back Pain Management :: Methadone 5 Mg 2 Tablets Will Help?

I was wondering if 2 5mg methadone a day will help back pain-,i was taking 3 a day but now my appt has been moved because i wait on my check and i will only be able to take 2 of the 5 mg pills a day

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Pain Management :: Methadone With Emotional And Stress Issues

I had my long-anticipated consult with a Pain Management doctor yesterday (Monday 1/27) It went reasonably well, though as expected we both have HEAVY accents, with his being Egyptian and my being SOUTHERN=) We had some issues understanding each other, but nothing we can't work through. I was "happy" to find that I had nothing to prove to him because my pain is well documented (partly due to my OCD) through my medical records and subsequent reports on various treatments. He had no interest in repeating any of the modalities that I have already tried with no success. That, too was well documented, including but not limited to Injections, PT, TENS, Biofeedback, Cognitive Therapy, Psychotherapy (counseling). He seemed "baffled" that I am "still standing" with the extensive problems that I have. He said it was most helpful that I have seen specialists in all fields of expertise pertaining to my pain, to rule out the need for further surgeries and treatments.

Now, we go forward with pain management. There is an IRONY here. I have finally found a doctor who will help me to "manage" my pain through medication. However, as of January 2014 my insurance will not cover medication. Believe me, I'm not complaining, as I realize I am fortunate to have insurance period, in today's environment. It just horrifies me to know that I cannot afford most of the medications that a PMD would prescribe for me.

He has no problem prescribing the Fentanyl patch for me, with my gastric/absorption issues. However, without further research into a generic option (which will still be expensive) I don't feel that I can afford that. I used the patch successfully in 2005-2006, but I had excellent insurance with $25 script co-pay. We discussed that Morphine has helped me, but he says that, too is extremely expensive. He suggests Methadone for not only its similarities to Morphine, but also its steady release once established. I must confess I freaked out (just a teeny bit) because I asked him if that was like the drug on "Breaking Bad". Yea...He thought I was silly, too. He chuckled and said "Funny you think I prescribe that".

He suggests that if I can't afford the patch (I can't ) then let's try the Methadone, starting with 5 mg twice daily with the option to increase if necessary. He wants to try one medication at a time (I agree) so that he can determine it's effectiveness vs. multiple meds causing multiple side effects. He explained that he will work with me until I can achieve an acceptable level of pain relief, by seeing me once per month. WHEN, not IF...say hallelujah...we reach success, he will start seeing me every 3 months. I can certainly do THAT.

I have concerns before filling the Methadone script and starting to take it. I'm hopeful that some of you may be able to share your experience. Is it effective for pain relief? Is it sedating or is it mood-elevating? I cannot cope with sedative effects because my career is demanding that I am alert and on my game at all times. I could benefit from my "mood" being elevated, as these past months of "fighting" for help have really dragged me through the depths of Hell. I take medication for anxiety and depression, but they're not magic pills...I guess I will always battle those demons. I just want to be very selective and careful to avoid any pain medication that may exacerbate my emotional issues.

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Pain Management :: Nucynta To Opana - No Effects, No Pain Relief

I was switched from Nucynta 50mg to to Opana 5mg (OxyMorphone) by my Pain Mgt doctor and I have a total different experience. I don't know if they messed up or what, but here's the issue.

While I was on Nucynta, I would take it, and eventually feel the effects, i.e. the lightheadedness, the "high" feeling, and also the pain relief. The reason I was switched was that Nucynta gave me migraines. Bad enough where I got ill and had to run to bed with all lights off.

Onced I was switched to Opana 5mg, things were different. I took 3 last night, my very first dosage, and took the first. No effects, no pain relief, no "high" feeling, nothing. So, about a hour and fifteen minutes later, I took another one. Still nothing. So I wait again, same amount of time, took a third pill...... Nothing.

So, when I saw the doctor originally and was switched, I was told that Opana was an equivalent to the nucynta. So, if it's an equivalent, why did I go from 50mg to 5mg? I'm just curious. I know they are different drugs and probably manufacturers. Can anyone shed some light on this bizarre issue?

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Pain Management :: Pain In Bruised Ribs After Accident

I was in a car accident about a week ago and 4 days after the accident I started having pain on the left side of my ribs right under my breast when I take deep breathes, yawn, sneeze, ect.  It a little swollen but doesn't hurt to touch. what could this be?

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Pain Management :: Extreme Calf Muscle Pain?

Couple days ago I stepped out of bed and almost hit the floor as the excruciating pain shot through my calves. I have not exercised or done anything extreme. I have tried stretching and over-the-counter pain meds ..

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Neuropathy :: Methadone For Nerve Pain?

Has anyone tried methadone for nerve pain? I've just started a low dose and wondered if you had any side effects and how long they lasted? Most important, any relief?

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Pain Management :: Xanax And Right Side Pain

I have excruciating pain on my right side almost constantly and when I take a 1mg xanax, my pain goes away. Why is this? A Lot of people question this when I tell it but in all honesty it works. I wouldn't be telling it on here as telling it on here doesn't benefit me at all. I would just like to know why a xanax will stop my pain on my right side. Any ideas?

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Chronic Pain :: Ms-contin Vs Methadone And Edema

I am on methadone 5 mg X 3/day and increased one dose to 10 but the edema I had got worse. My PM wants to switch me back to MS-Contin 15mgX3 but I am afraid of edema too. and constipation.

Which would be better?

I have lots of problems:

1. small fiber peripheral polyneuropathy
2. failed back syndrome.
3. r-hip derangement

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Pain Management :: After ALIF

I have asked to be removed from all pain medications as they were not helping at all and did not want to just keep increasing dosage. So my PM Dr. suggested i try Ativan or Diazepam before bed and also a muscle relaxant  called Baclofen for spasms during the day (which i had been on in 2013) it did not work, but he insists on trying it over the Soma 350mg i had been on before the surgery.... any input

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Pain Management :: Getting Off Norco

I have been on 3 pills a day of norco 10/325, I want to slowly taper off. I need a plan that would be with no W/D's. I thought about starting a reduction of 1/2 a pill every week until I am free of the pills.

I also need to stop taking celexa, I am going to cut back 1/4 a week to iam off.

Will this work?

Or do I need to get suboxone and is that addicting.

Once off the pills, I don't know what I will do about my chronic pain.

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Pain Management Of Sciatica?

My dr. did a CT scan on my left side to see if I had sciatica as I had a lot of symptoms of it.  It showed minimum damage to the nerve. I was not told what to do next? Should I get a follow up with what kind of specialist? Would a MRI show more information then the CT scan?

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Pain Management :: Suboxone Vs. Oxy

will i have withdraws after taking suboxone 3 weeks? they put me back on pain meds because i having surgery soon

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Chronic Pain :: Methadone Switching To Opana After 11 Years

Hi im new to the site..heres my story. 05 was in a car accident head on collision by a drunk. Injuries..fractured acetebulum and broken left pelvis plus 3 fractured ribs and puctured lung. Now 11yrs later im 34yr old mother of of 1, 6yr old son a wife... On ssi since 09... I have been on 10mg methadone bid for about 2months and much higher doses in the my pm is switching me to opana er 7.5 bid. At my request. Just needed a change...methadone was making me feel exhausted and not helping my pain as it usrd to. So i tried the butrans patch a few months ago and it went horrible...after 7days without methadone and 3days with butrans patch on i had major withdraw symptom and i started to have major difficulties breathing. So to no prevail i went back to the beast (methadone)up till now... Now im on my second day of opana er7,5 bid with vicoden 5mg tid for break thru. Im not sure what to very confident in my decision in swithing meds but...i just started feeling slight withdraw effects n having long will this last...has anyone been on methadone for 10+yrs and swithed to a pain med that significantly helped...thank you for reading. I appreciate all of your posts and i hope to be of help to someone with my many years of experience of living in pain with a smile. Thank you...

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Pain Management :: Amitriptyline Vs Nortriptyline

I have suspected Piriformis Syndrome & SI Joint Dysfunction also causing sciatica, have also had some nerve pain in the back of my thigh, occasional calf cramps, foot cramps, and foot pain. Since my last Cortisol injection into my SI joint it has made everything horribly worse, I cannot sit now for very long without severe left foot pain that makes me feel nauseous it's so horrible. I have informed the consultant of this and am on a waiting list to go back and see him, this is the 2nd time the injections have caused me extra pain so have now lost faith in these and want to try alternatives.

My consultant previously wanted to put me on Amitriptyline but I have been on this before and was taken off it due to serious sedative side effects (even fell asleep eating in a restaurant) was on a small dose and still didn't improve with time. So I've read that Nortriptyline is an alternative with less side effects, can anyone advise if they have had less sedative side effects with this than Amitriptyline please?

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Pain Management :: Going From Norco To Percocet

So I'm on 10 mg norco 4 x daily. I keep telling the doctor if I can take 5 a day because 4 isn't enough and I'm in a lot of pain. he doesn't even respond I'm frustrated. Should I ask for percocet 4 x daily.

Wouldn't I have to take 10mg percocet for it to be stronger then 10 mg norco since percocet 7.5 mg is equivalent to 1o mg norco

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Pain Management :: Norco Withdrawl

I have a few questions about withdrawal I have been taking between 2-4 Norco 5/325 for the last year for pain and i'm ready to get off but im so scared to go through the withdrawls so i'm wondering ow bad it would be I have read so many stories on the internet but they are taking way more then me any advice would be great I want my life back......

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Pain Management :: Norco And Percocet?

So told doctor about fentanyl issue and he said we could give Percocet a try again. Ni was getting nausea from it before. So I said ok, now have a script for 90 Percocet 7.5mg. Just had 60 Norco filled last Saturday hoping this won't be an issue at pharmacy. He said the Percocet will be more effective for pain. Also I have a box of unopened fentanyl patches. Can I return them to the pharmacy? I don't want to have pharmacy and my insurance think I'm stocking up on meds.

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Pain Management :: Norco Vs Vicadin

i took norco for first time it made me feel jittery doesn't have the same ingredients as vicodin. maybe it was just my nerves?

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Pain Management :: Oxycodone Dosage?

Long story short, I have two autoimmune diseases and I have death with chronic pain for about two years now. My doctor has me on 20MG oxycodone one every 6 hours. For the last month or so i have been taking two pills three times a day. So 2/20mg 3 times a day.

So when my doctor gives me 120 for a month it doesn't last and he know that I Have been using more for the unbearable pain. How do i Go about telling him that I can't keep staying at the dose he has prescribed because I am not getting any relief. I don't drink or do drugs and I have a bright future if I can keep my pain manageable. I am just concerned about what to say to my doctor without him thinking I am an abuser or him just prescribing the dose he has been prescribing that isn't working unless I double up.

How would you go about this?

Also, what is the maximum amount of oxycodone one can take in a day I find that a lot of my nasty pain comes from breakthrough pain.

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