STD Or Yeast Infection? Burning Itching Vagina

Sep 8, 2013

I've been with my bf for a while and I've been getting yeast infections. It burns off on and on when I pee and itches inside my vagina. I looked and I notice whitish bumps. I don't have much discharge but it's white. The last time we had sex we had a lot a few times a day and sometimes it was dry we didn't take showers. Could it be a yeast infection or std?

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Yeast Infection? Itching, Burning During / After Sex And Urinating

I am an 18 year old girl who has had multiple yeast infections in the past year. At first not realizing what was going on because I had never had one before, I tried to ignore the symptoms. From last summer to October I experienced itching, burning during and after sex, and burning when urinating after sex. After doing some research I went to the doctor where I was prescribed fluconazole. My yeast infection was gone in a day. I started to have symptoms again in February and took the same medication and again it disappeared within a day.

A couple of weeks ago I began experiencing the same symptoms. I called in my prescription for fluconazole and took the dosage properly, it did not go away. I took another new dose the next week and noticed my itching went away but I still had burning during and after sex. I went to the doctor and tested negative for a yeast infection.

I have only slept with one person and he has only slept with me, so I know STDs are not a factor here. Was I misdiagnosed possibly due to the medication I had taken? It isn't a dryness factor in the vagina either.

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(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: Yeast Infection To Relieve The Itching And Burning?

I can't get to a doctor for another week what should I do if I have a yeast infection to relieve the itching and burning?

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Burning / Swelling Outer Lips Of Vagina - Yeast Infection?

About 2 weeks ago I hooked up with my ex... A couple days later I started having an itching and burning on the outside of my vagina on the outer lips. It was very red and my labia got very swollen... The swelling went down but i've still been dealing with the itching and burning. The skin on my vagina is very wet and it get hard and peels off every couple days. I went into my docs and they said it was vaginitis and a yeast infection on the outside. They gave me the 1 time yeast infection pill (don't remember the name) and i've been drowning my body in probiotics. Nothing is making it to away. It's still itchy and peeling and now it's moved up to my anus. Does anyone know what this is? Is it just a horrible yeast infection?

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Pregnancy :: 15 Weeks - Like Yeast Infection - Itching

Im 15 weeks pregnant and i have a yeast infection or something i know it's like itching and irritating me what should i do

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Yeast Infection :: Vaginal Itching For A Few Days

Never had a yeast infection before. I'm 24, never been pregnant. I have been having vaginal itching for a few days. Not sure if it's a yeast infection because there isn't any abnormal discharge. It started A few days ago when I got off my period. My husband and I (who are both monogamous!!) had gone 2 weeks w/o sex due to my period and the week before we were crazy busy. At first I was a little sore after the first time we had sex so I attributed it to the "dry spell" for two weeks. But several days later I'm still having some itching. Nothing too intense, just bothersome. Should I seek treatment or wait it out?

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Vaginal Health :: Yeast Infection Or HPV? Discharge And Itching

I female, 29 years old. For the past three years I’ve been only sexually active with my boyfriend, we are living together and are probably going to get married next year. So, it’s a pretty serious relationship. I’ve stopped using birth control about a month ago because the new doctor prescribed me generic which had horrible effects on my mood. For the last week I’ve been experiencing extreme itching in my vaginal area, and it’s accompanied with the white discharge. Over the last three days I’ve noticed 3 small pimples appear and that’s when I started to worry this might be HPV infection. I’ve taken a pregnancy test and it was negative, but we’re a bit low on money now so I can’t get to ob-gyn for at least 3 weeks. Do the symptoms I’m experiencing sound more like I have yeast infection or HPV?

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Yeast Infection? Vaginal, Clitoris Itching With Swollen Lips

I'm 19, 2/3 months ago I was diagnosed with a Yeast Infec. so the doctor prescribed me a pill and it cleared up but around the end of January I had unprotected sex with someone and couple weeks after that I've been experiencing vaginal itching, my clitoris is swollen, my lips are swollen and my vagina opening. Also my vagina opening was white. I told my mom and she told me it's just another yeast infection & gave me Monistat I took it around February 4 and it did help with alittle my itching and my vagina opening wasn't as white as it was but my other symptoms are still present. I did start my period today and will go to doctor after I'm done but I just wanted some insight beforehand if you guys think I might have an STD?

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Yeast Infection - Small Burning When I Pee

I Masturbate with an object, and it cut me inside. Well it heal and since that day i been getting this small burning when i pee. I thought maybe it was a yeast infection but i didn't feel or see and other signs. all i know is that i drink a lot of water like three bottles a day or more. and when i do i pee and it doesn't burn.

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STD :: Itching And Burning On My Vagina

On tuesday night I used vagisil for sensitive skin and the next day I noticed that down there it was irritated and itchy and had small bumps then thursday it was no better it was,itching and burning and white stiff started to form on the bumps now. I have not used vagisil since that night but now its just bad I have white bumps really bad near my vagina opening and a little inside to and it itches and burns constantly and I just want it to go away its friday and I wont be able to go to the doctors till monday what should I do to relieve my pain any home remedies or,how long will,it,take to go away I know its possible irritated from the vagisil wash or is it something more.

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Bleeding Vagina With Itching And Burning

For the past week or so, my vagina walls, close to my rectum have been very raw, itchy, and bleed when I wipe, I also have a clear mucus type discharge every time I go to the bathroom. Like it it being produced to "protect" the walls. It burns when urine gets on it. I have been putting baby diaper rash cream at night after my bath. Also, about 3 weeks ago, I had a fungal infection in my groin, that ended a few days before this started. I had prescription cream my mom gave me to put on it-that's what cleared it up. I'm 17, virgin and on no medication.

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Itchy Vagina :: Yeast Infection Or?

In December I came back positive for chlamydia and was negative for everything else, I was treated and after about the third week I noticed that that right inside of my vagina was white. not like patches or anything like a white film that was seeping a white discharge. it kinda smelled bad but I thought maybe this is just side effects of the medicine prescribed for me for chlamydia.

In January I became sexually active with my partner who is clean as he was tested for any STI's/STD's since he was enlisting to the navy. the discharge went away and then reappeared last week. I should be starting my period soon.

During last week I had unprotected sex in which I did shave down there, for days I had no symptoms of anything I was perfectly fine.

I went to go use the bathroom one morning and I went to wipe and I plucked a hair out I believe in doing so, later that day I got this bump that's about the size of a pimple and then there are two smaller ones next to it the size of pins on my left labia and it's kinda irritated on the vulva.

they itch every now and then but nothing serious, no pain or burning.

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Vagina :: Itching, Tingling And Burning After I Got Off My Periods

After I got off my period like a week ago I noticed a small itch well It would tingle itch so I would scratch it, then it got so itchy that I couldn't bare it so I would scratch scratch scratch and now it's so irritated I'm sore on my vagina hole the inside of my lips and my clit itches too...idk wats going on?

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Atrophic Vaginitis :: Postmenopausal Burning And Itching In Vagina

Burning vagina constantly like sensitive burning bit itchy in vagina. No thrush no infection. One test bit blood under microscope. Pressure to pee and good flow each time. Doc referred to specialist. Very worried. Postmenopause. 

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Urinary Tract Infection :: Burning In Vagina When I Pee

My vagina has been burning every day sometimes and sometimes when I pee too. Sometimes it's not so bad and other times like now I feel like my vagina is on fire and I have bad odor coming from down there too and I am virgin it gets worst when I am pleasuring myself I need ....

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Yeast Infection :: Recurring Yeast Beast - Folic Acid And Acidophilus

On and off (nope still on) yeast infections for 5 years? I have no clue what is going on! Ive done almost everything and it just keeps being the yeast beast i hate so much. Has anyone done anything really random that has helped?! Today i woke up took a folic acid and acidophilus. Then i crushed a acidophilus and made a paste rubbed it all over the naughty parts and boom no symptoms within 10 minutes! But i don't want to have to do this everyday and docs.

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Do I Have An Std Or Yeast Infection?

I've been tested for: chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis. And the results came back negative. But I only did a urine test and blood test, no swab. I don't have any green or yellow or smelly discharge but I recently have been getting thicker whiter discharge, it could be a yeast infection? If it helps, I am on the contraceptive pill Diane 35, have been on it a year and a half, I recently used it to skip a period to go on a holiday, I have also recently started seeing someone new and been having more sex than used to but it has been protected. Do you think I have an std that wasn't picked up in the urine tests? A yeast infection? Or could it be due to hormones skipping a period (I am now almost due for my period again next week too) or from having more frequent sex lately?

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Yeast Infection :: Can A Man Have It?

I am 43 years old. I am on medications for high blood pressure and migraines headaches. I have horrible itching on the tip of my penis. It’s starting to get painful, red and burning. I haven’t had any sexual relationship in over 7 months. Can a man have yeast infections? If so, how can I get it treated?

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The Yeast Infection That Won't Go Away!

I have had a yeast infection for three weeks which was confirmed through a culture. I have been on monistat 3, terazol 7 (prescription), gynolotrim, and diflucan. I have also tried garlic, yogurt, and have eliminated all sugar and simple carbs. I am losing my mind as I have severe internal itching, throbbing and external irritation. Infections and STDs have been ruled out. My gynecologist is at a loss and tells me they've done everything. Though I tested positive for candida albicans I wonder if I also have a less common strain that is resistant to the azoles. I can't take it anymore. I am so uncomfortable. By the way, this is the first time in 20 years I've had a yeast infection and I'm 44.

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Yeast Infection Without Having Sex?

Can u get an yeast infection without ever having sex?

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Vulva :: Dry And Burning, But No Itching?

Seriously, it hurts so bad I can't even touch it. No redness, no discharge, no odor, no itching, no pain urinating, just dryness and burning. Similar to a rash or rug burn.

I've treated it for yeast infections, but it still keeps burning off and on. Maybe it's sensitive skin? I use natural and PH-balanced soaps because I can't stand using only water down there.

Please help! It REALLY makes it difficult to enjoy my sex life.

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