Women :: Bleeding After Intercourse And Started Bleeding Again Today

Sep 24, 2013

Sunday night me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex and he came inside me. It gave me a weird feeling like tingling then most of his sperm just came out my vagina. but the next morning when I woke up I was bleeding, then stopped. And started bleeding again today. I don't understand why in bleeding because I just got off my period September 18th. That was the first time he ever came in me.

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Sexual Health - Women :: Bleeding After Intercourse

okay so I am 20 and i lost my virginity a few years ago, but it's been about 9 months since I had sex, Well i've been seeing this guy and the other day we decided to do the deed and I realized he was bigger than anyone I had been with,and we went slow at first but when he pulled out i started bleeding. when he first inserted it it hurt but then well it felt good. its happened both times we have done it. can there be something wrong with me.

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Sexual Health - Women :: Bleeding During Intercourse

I have been with the same person for a year. For the first 6-7 months I never bled then all of a sudden I started bleeding every time, even when it isn't rough. Instead of getting wet it's bloody now. I've never had a regular period but always have bad cramps around the time I should start my period. I took birth control pills before to help but it never helped. It's really embarrassing to bleed every time and completely ruins the mood.

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Sexual Health - Women :: No Pain But Bleeding During Intercourse

For the past year I have had bleeding during intercourse but never any pain. I have been told I could have endometriosis and or pcos. I have had bacterial diagnosis and uti off and on for years but I think now I'm having a constant infection that won't go away. I've seen different doctors and they don't seem to be concerned about the bleeding and can tell me what's causing it. It's alarming to me because I know it's not normal and shouldn't be happening all the time during intercourse. I have no pain with it and always plenty of lube. Also I just recently had a saline sonogram that showed nothing. Please what else can they do to figure out what's causing this and should I just let it go untreated?

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Sexual Health - Women :: Bleeding And Pain After Intercourse

On a Friday night, I had intercourse with my boyfriend. I noticed pain starting on the right side of my vagina. The next day, the right side was very sore. I went to work, and started having symptoms such as shivering, weakness, nausea, kidney pain, and ovarian pain. I was also suffering from constipation. I went home and felt better besides the vaginal pain on my right side. There was no bleeding. On sunday, I tried to pass stools along when I noticed a little bit of blood from my vagina. It was not coming out on it's own, only when I wiped. The blood wasn't serious. On Monday, the pain from my vagina started to go down, but when I stood up, brown blood/liquid basically squirted out from me. The whole day I had weird liquid just coming out of me. Today(Tuesday), there was more blood when I wiped. Could I have a ruptured cyst or could something have torn inside of me?

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Sexual Health - Women :: Bleeding During Rough Intercourse

I met my boyfriend after 13 days and we made out, actually tried to in a jungle. While we were at it, we saw blood coming out of me and stopped immediately. It could've been rough and I don't get wet easily. I am 30 years old. We have had sex before. Anyhow the same thing happened the second time on the same day, this time we were indoors. However, the third we did it, it was all fine. The next day as well there was no bleeding. I took an emergency contraceptive pill on the third day as we aren't planning for a baby, at least not anytime soon. I am worried and stressed out. I am in love with him, and I know he was a bit scared, if I may say so and it's but natural... Let me know if you need more information.

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Finished Bleeding Today, After Sex Was Bleeding Again

I finished bleeding today and me and my partner had sex and after I went to toilet and was bleeding eney help of what it could be ???

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Am I Pregnant? :: Unprotected Intercourse - Light Bleeding Followed By Heavy Bleeding

So for the last year or so i've been on the depo provera birth control. I have not gotten my last injection due on the 16th of march. And was very lightly bleeding for about a week during that time for the next shot then it stopped for a few days and then started bleeding heavy for the next five days. Finally stopped on april 3. Keep in mind My periods have never been normal. I had unprotected sex on the 8th and 12th and now am lightly spotting. Can i be pregnant?

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Implantation Bleeding? Mild Bleeding After Unprotected Intercourse

i am 21, lost my virginity 2 days a go, unprotected sex, but i am bleeding now, very less though. is this implantation bleeding or is this normal? what do i do?

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Contraception :: Bleeding For 3 Weeks Since Started The Pill

I just started BC 3 weeks ago when i started my period but i still am bleeding. Can i take 2 to finally stop bleeding or should i go back to my doctor to change to a stronger hormone?

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Bleeding While Having Intercourse

I need an answer as to why i've been bleeding during intercourse.... First time i bled was on Valentine's day me and my bf was having intercouse and i noticed that there was dark red blood on the bed and we had intercourse yesterday on our anniversary and i started to bleed agin but it was not as dark as it was the first time

Me and my bf are concerned about it, why would i be bleeding while having intercourse?

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Menstrual Cycle :: Started Bleeding 3 Days After My Period

I started bleeding 3 days after my period it started light but continued to get very heavy using 3-4 pads a day then a few days ago it started to slow down and showed signs of stopping when the red turned to brown but restarted again, My period is due in 9 days and this definitely doesn't feel like a period too me.

I'm not on the pill as i was having issues and came off it last year since i stopped using the combined pill my period has sorted itself out a lot.

I don't think i am pregnant as even if i was bleeding for this long would mean a issue?

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Menstruation :: Copper IUD For 3 Years And Just Started Bleeding For A Month

Just curious if anyone has had this problem. I have had my paragaurd IUD for 3 years. Prior to this one I had one for 6 years with no problems whatsoever. Almost a month ago I started my period. It started strange with a clear pinkish watery discharge followed by thick brownish discharge. About 2 weeks later I passed something that was flesh colored and about the size of a dime. I thought it might be a miscarriage so i took a pregnancy test with a negative result. I have been continuously bleeding since then. This has been a total of a month now. I am very scared but unfortunately I can't be seen for another week. Up until now my periods have been every 21 days and lasted for 5-7 like clockwork. Has anyone experienced anything like this? FYI I have been in a monogamous relationship for 2 1/2 years and had STD testing with my last annual a year ago.

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Intercourse :: Bleeding After First Time

I had sex wid my fiance. It was mine first time, I did not bleed while having sex. But later in the evening I started bleeding, early morning it was stopped then for the whole day I didn't bleed, the next day morning when I went to lavatory i again got bleeding.

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Intercourse :: Bleeding For The First Time

So me any my boyfriend had sex for the first time 2 nights ago where we both lost out virginity. We then also had sex the following night. The first night I had some bleeding after but not much but the second night there was a lot of blood. I'm still bleeding and it's been 2 days. He went very slow and it was quite painful but I'm not sure if this is normal? The blood is bright red if that helps? Is this normal? Or should I go see a doctor..? I'm scared and don't know what to do

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Intercourse :: Bleeding After Second Time

My boyfriend and i are 16. it was my first time having sex so when i bleed the first time i was not scared.a few weeks later we had sex and while in the middle he came and i started bleeding. We are starting to worry. 

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Bleeding During Intercourse Without Pain

I had sex for the first time not to long ago and during it I noticed I was bleeding. I wasn't to concerned with it, because I thought the hymen just broke. The second time I had sex, I bled again, but it was worse. There was no pain, but I was starting to get concerned with the amount of blood. I stopped having sex, but my partner did finger me. Afterwards, I got up to go to the bathroom and noticed blood in my underwear. I'm starting to get concerned with it because it doesn't seem normal for me to bleed during every sexual activity. I'm not on birth control, but I'm using condoms. Any other time I've been fingered I haven't bled. My last resort is going to the doctor to figure out the problem. Is this normal to happen and will it stop? or Is there an actual problem?

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Bleeding During Intercourse And In Between Periods?

Most of the time I bleed during the intercourse and I am trying to understand why. I also bleed in between my periods and on both occasions when I had my smear test done I also bled. It seems like any touch or pressure on my cervical wall causes a bleed. This has been ongoing on and off since I started being sexually active but the last two years have been worse. In the last two years (being with the same partner) I had a STD and smear test done and it came back negative. I had ultrasound of pelvis that was clear and I also had a blood test done- thyroid, kidney, liver function and Hb level were within the normal range and my clotting ratio was fine too. Does anybody have a little explanation about this constant bleeding?Sometimes my partner worries that he is hurting me, so it spoils the moment. But I am not experiencing any pain and sex is pleasant not rough.I have never had children and my partner and I are planning to conceive next year. I stopped taking hormonal pills about 10 months and we are protected when having sex.

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Bleeding During Intercourse - Often Pain

My boyfriend lives in a different stste then me whe he comes back home every once in a while we have sexual intercouse but i experience pain when we first start and out of nowhere i bleed the pain don't happen often but the bleeding does what does it mean ? And how can i stop it !!?

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Rough Sex - Bleeding During Intercourse

My girlfriend is 21 yrs old and have been bleeding during our sex (the bleed is not too much) this happened twice. We had rough and deep penetration on may 6 and she bled, we then had our next intercouse on may 27 and i think this time its more gentle but still bled but not too much. What could be the possible reason.

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Miscarriage? Bleeding After Having An Intercourse

I bled after having an intercourse around my period time for 3 days then it stopped after feeling that i passed a small clot.Next day there was no blood or even spot.Before it i felt all symptoms of being pregnant , so iam not sure whether i miscarried or its my period or bleeding after having sex.I keep thinking about it , but i feel its not my period coz i didnt smell it.

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